Why women don't like you "nice guys"


I bowl overhand
You know, that's something else.

The answer is no, you don't have to buy me dinner first. If I *** your *** it's because I like you, not because you fed me. I'm in the happy position that I don't have to trade sex for food or a couple of beers.

Men have weird ideas about chit, which is why I don't really like most of them.

What if I send you a picture of my chickens AND ducks, and bring a note from BG??
I'm seeing a couple of guys that I like pretty well. Obviously none of them are THE GUY or I wouldn't be seeing anyone else. One's a flake with commitment issues; another has a crazy ex-wife stalking him; another is a collector and I'm part of his collection; another has more than a bit of a drinking problem. But we have fun when we get together, no responsibility, no commitment, no harm, no foul.

It's the "nice guys" that I'm getting sick of, not the aholes.

A couple, several...who's keeping track anymore anyway? :lol:

By the way, I don't think you described 'nice guys' in your original post...needy, possessive, down right weird maybe...but nice? No way.

How do you know we haven't?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
THESE guys were the #######s. I dated women like these - I didn't think THEY were "nice" either.

But when you cooled out on them they almost certainly consoled themselves by saying that you just don't like nice women.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Holy #### AMEN.

I went out with this guy and told him that we'd be splitting the check, I don't like to have a guy buy me dinner on the first date. He said, "Well how am I supposed to make you feel like you owe me sex at the end of the evening??"


That line alone almost made me have a second date with him. Almost.


Do you like apples?
I went out with this guy and told him that we'd be splitting the check, I don't like to have a guy buy me dinner on the first date. He said, "Well how am I supposed to make you feel like you owe me sex at the end of the evening??"


That line alone almost made me have a second date with him. Almost.

So was he joking about it or was he completely serious?


New Member
I'm seeing a couple of guys that I like pretty well. Obviously none of them are THE GUY or I wouldn't be seeing anyone else. One's a flake with commitment issues; another has a crazy ex-wife stalking him; another is a collector and I'm part of his collection; another has more than a bit of a drinking problem. But we have fun when we get together, no responsibility, no commitment, no harm, no foul.

It's the "nice guys" that I'm getting sick of, not the aholes.

Phone #?


Registered User
omg..this thread is cracking me up! Just what I needed!

Best man on earth:
A nice guy that has an arsehole streak and the ability to switch back and forth as needed.

My husband is an amazingly nice man BUT he can switch into CPO-arsehole mode in the blink of an eye.


omg..this thread is cracking me up! Just what I needed!

Best man on earth:
A nice guy that has an arsehole streak and the ability to switch back and forth as needed.

My husband is an amazingly nice man BUT he can switch into CPO-arsehole mode in the blink of an eye.

But the arsehole streak to me is what keeps things interesting. Don't give me what I want all the time. I'll get bored. :lol: