Why women don't like you "nice guys"


what is so insulting about this is that you know it wasn't just you he was off the deep end about - he would do that with any woman who gave him the time of day. Some guys will screw anything; these guys will fall in love with anything. So it's not even flattering.



Jus Chillin...
:dingding: :roflmao: I never thought of it that way exactly, but you know what? That's exactly what attracts me to #######s :killingme

Most #######s I date are genuine #######s, but of course have their sweet side saved just for me. I totally get bored with you if all you do is fawn over me, and obsess over us. I just want someone to hang out with, have fun with...not crawl up each others butts and lose all my friends over bc you get jealous every time I go with the girls.

Last year, I thought I'd found myself a "nice guy". I tried! He was actually super sweet, took me to nice places, and even sent me some flowers at work. All my friends thought he was so "awesome", and then he turned clingy, and whiny, and emotional, (and admitted he didn't know how to change his own oil) and I had to bounce. Heard a rumor he came to work the next day crying. umm, I dated him for 3 weeks.........NO THANK YOU. :crazy: :nono:

:roflmao: Manly man ya had there :lmao:
Well, if you bitches are done ragging on the guys, I have to go change the oil in the truck, then go get things to make mason jar cakes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My other theory is we don't want the guy who is nice to everyone because then we don't feel special. We want the guy who is nice to only us so that we feel special and like we've "changed" them.

I absolutely do not want that. My trying to change guys days are over because if they wanted to change they'd have done it long before I came on the scene. If he's a #### to everyone but me, it's only a matter of time before he's a #### to me, too.


Jus Chillin...
My other theory is we don't want the guy who is nice to everyone because then we don't feel special. We want the guy who is nice to only us so that we feel special and like we've "changed" them.

Damn, at least I was going to let you semi set the temperature on the thermostat... what more do you want out of a guy!!!!!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What's cool about these threads is that men get to eavesdrop on "girl talk" and, if they cared to (which they probably don't), could take away a few tips on how to freaking act in order to attract women.


I absolutely do not want that. My trying to change guys days are over because if they wanted to change they'd have done it long before I came on the scene. If he's a #### to everyone but me, it's only a matter of time before he's a #### to me, too.

You've realized that shiat doesn't work. The rest of us are still trying to get to that point. :lol:


Dream Stealer
Dating is awful.

You get two options.

A man who wants to screw you, and everyone else in a ten mile radius.

Or a man who wants to lock you down and be a clingy dip####.

So you get to have a ton of fun and then get your feelings hurt, or you get to have no fun but be devoid of any feeling but annoyance.

I am highly attracted to extremely cocky douchebags. I know this. But they are more fun :shrug: Maybe its me. Im not a romantic dinner in a hot air balloon kind of girl..or whatever stupid ass thing they saw in a romantic comedy that they think women want. My biggest annoyance with "nice" guys that cling is you feel like they do that for every girl who pays them a bit of attention..theres nothing special about YOU. They dont even see you they see a wedding and someone their mom would like.


Dating is awful.

You get two options.

A man who wants to screw you, and everyone else in a ten mile radius.

Or a man who wants to lock you down and be a clingy dip####.

So you get to have a ton of fun and then get your feelings hurt, or you get to have no fun but be devoid of any feeling but annoyance.

I am highly attracted to extremely cocky douchebags. I know this. But they are more fun :shrug: Maybe its me. Im not a romantic dinner in a hot air balloon kind of girl..or whatever stupid ass thing they saw in a romantic comedy that they think women want. My biggest annoyance with "nice" guys that cling is you feel like they do that for every girl who pays them a bit of attention..theres nothing special about YOU. They dont even see you they see a wedding and someone their mom would like.

So how do you tell the difference between this and a truly nice guy?


mv = margaritaville
Dating is awful.

You get two options.

A man who wants to screw you, and everyone else in a ten mile radius.

Or a man who wants to lock you down and be a clingy dip####.

So you get to have a ton of fun and then get your feelings hurt, or you get to have no fun but be devoid of any feeling but annoyance.

I am highly attracted to extremely cocky douchebags. I know this. But they are more fun :shrug: Maybe its me. Im not a romantic dinner in a hot air balloon kind of girl..or whatever stupid ass thing they saw in a romantic comedy that they think women want. My biggest annoyance with "nice" guys that cling is you feel like they do that for every girl who pays them a bit of attention..theres nothing special about YOU. They dont even see you they see a wedding and someone their mom would like.


RBF expert
What is so insulting about this is that you know it wasn't just you he was off the deep end about - he would do that with any woman who gave him the time of day. Some guys will screw anything; these guys will fall in love with anything. So it's not even flattering.

That is EXACTLY how I felt after it was all said and done. I just got this feeling that I was far from the only girl he obsessed over. That more than creeped me out. So yea..he was a nice guy...but he was also weird, clingy, overly emotional, obsessive.....that cancels out the nice restaurants and the trip to Cirque du Soleil. IDGAF what you say.


Dream Stealer
So how do you tell the difference between this and a truly nice guy?

Im not the one to ask. I was dating a guy for a couple months that I thought was a great combo..evryone loved him..thought he was soo nice blah blah blah..I was even starting to think he was a good dude..then boom..one day walked into the bar with another chick trailing behind him like a lost puppy. After telling him to go f**k himself, ive decided my nice guy meter is broked. I have no freaking clue.


Registered User
What's cool about these threads is that men get to eavesdrop on "girl talk" and, if they cared to (which they probably don't), could take away a few tips on how to freaking act in order to attract women.

lol Too True!

I met my hub's in a bar. Drop dead sexy in my eyes. But what REALLY attracted me to him...When I asked him to dance...he turned me down. God I love a challenge and the chase was great!

He was the first man that didn't flirt with me and the first ever to turn me down. I decided I was going to keep him.