Men will (SHOULD) be men..
Women will be women..
I love being BG's Mr Fix-it.. and we're trying to raise a mini Mr Fix-it. Just caught him last week out on the drive way with an old bike of his upside down showing our 5 year old neighbor how to put training wheels on so the young-un could ride it.
THAT is uber-cool.
BG can, and does fix things, I keep telling her things will get fixed, she doesn't have to keep reming me every 6 months, but after awhile she'll fix them herself if it's REAL important, but if it's something I NEED to do it gets done (tonight is the freezer) fairly quickly.
She definitely doesn't make me miserable, in fact she tries her best to keep my happy, and get me the toys and things I REALLY want. hell, she bought my first BMW for me (yeah, so that's HER fault!!)
She's not big on spending money and at times I have to argue with her that she CAN, that she deserves to have nice things, and to spend a little on herself.. she's cool like that yo!
#married bliss
#old people sex