seriously tho...why would they even want to get into "heaven"? Most people I know aren't much interested in "heaven"

The thing about GOD and his son Jesus is he can touch them and they don't have to know about him they can feel his spirt within their sole. That's Real Power from the holy ghost!
that doesn't even make sense.
It's not like they'll wake up one day and say "Jesus! That's what my life has been missing!"
'Uncontacted tribe' sighted in Amazon - CNN.com
Researchers have produced aerial photos of jungle dwellers who they say are among the few remaining peoples on Earth who have had no contact with the outside world.
So have at it, theists - these folks have never heard of Jesus. How will they get into heaven?
The bible isn't crucial to basic moral behavior. I believe that every man is born with certain morals in their heart, either via the soul or what have you. Even ancient civilizations had some form of morals with rules/laws and experienced love and beauty.
Tx - IMO, if a jungle man is ignorant of Christ to no fault of his own, and lives a life as dictated by the morals written in his heart, then he may obtain heaven. Perhaps not easily but it is possible. Jesus opened the gates of heaven, so even if a man didn't know of Jesus it is still by the merits of Jesus that he obtains it. So why preach Jesus? Because it makes living a moral life easier and allows a man to liver closer to human perfection, and therefore heaven more readily obtainable. It has been supposed by some theologians that there are layers (if you will) of heaven, and perhaps the jungle man won't obtain the highest realm of heaven whereas the good Christian man would.
Just some thoughts to further discussion.![]()
What is that black thing in the pic? Person? Monkey?
I just find it hilarious that actual people think that before jesus, one of the ways to salvation was killing animals for god. So was it volume? I mean, could 100 squirrels = a cow? Or how about just ten as they would be harder to catch?
Yeah, it happens,(or does happen much like that), because He reached out to me, kind of like the same way, one day - 10 years ago in my church - and I have not stopped attending every Sunday that I can make it.![]()
These types of discussions actually require discussion and CONTEXT of bible verses. Not the bumper sticker stuff that people use to try to make points.
No. It WOULD have been easy, according to your fellow Christians, because (according to them) if I hadn't been exposed to God's standards in life, there would be nothing wrong with "effing anything that moved", or doing anything else for that matter, that I felt was OK in my heart.
Wrong. I believe there is most likely some Overseeing Being. I will call him a God based on societies standards. I also have my own standards for living and will not follow religious standards unless they happen to coincide with my own.
woah hey
I wasn't the one that said the bible said that. In fact I thought the idea was crazy myself. Talk to the other christians (you know, the ones who know the bible (well .... except in this instance. but I'm sure they have everything else right.))
Woah Hey.....
So basically, what you are saying is, you basing your opinions/understanding on what people tell you instead of reading and searching it out yourself....
Woah Hey.....
So basically, what you are saying is, you basing your opinions/understanding on what people tell you instead of reading and searching it out yourself....
not at all ....
I was mostly just (sarcastically) pointing out that your christian views and other christian views on this differ.
Also I'm inwardly chortling at how many 'one' truths there seem to be.
I have no idea what you said. By what are you basing your opinion?
I have no idea what you said. By what are you basing your opinion?
if a jungle man is ignorant of Christ to no fault of his own, and lives a life as dictated by the morals written in his heart, then he may obtain heaven. Perhaps not easily but it is possible. Jesus opened the gates of heaven, so even if a man didn't know of Jesus it is still by the merits of Jesus that he obtains it.
Living as He wishes is spiritual exercise, just like someone who does physical exercise. Practicing your karate everyday means it's going to kick in when you need it, it becomes part of you. Same with prayer, and practicing the Will of God. If you can do His Will in small things, if you pray each day, it'll make it much more likely that you can remain close to Him and "store up your treasures in Heaven".So why preach Jesus? Because it makes living a moral life easier
R1 pointed out that this is speculation on the part of some theologians.It has been supposed by some theologians that there are layers (if you will) of heaven, and perhaps the jungle man won't obtain the highest realm of heaven whereas the good Christian man would.