Wisdom Teeth Extraction



3 impacted wisdom teeth which I was knocked out to remove. Got home and :barf: :barf: :barf: Talk about painful!!! Holy #### was it horrible!! :bawl:

Yea that. The pain pills made me throw up which in turn gave me dry sockets.


Active Member
Biggest reasons for Dry Socket is Smoking, brushing too soon, spitting, Straws, hard Candy, and using Mouth Wash too soon, along with putting your Fingers, or Tongue in to the Sockets. Maximum swelling is 48 to 72 hours. During that time, try to open your mouth a little every day, kind of like an exercise. Ice Packs too! If you don't have them, use a bag of Frozen Peas. Make sure that you don't eat them when you are finished, just throw the peas out after you've used them a few days. Stay away from Aspirin for a few days too, because that can cause extra Bleeding. If you are on Aspirin per your Doctor's Orders, check with him/her before getting the teeth out. Have food with the Pain Medication. That helps to lessen the nausea.

Sweet 16

Pain, swelling and recovery depend on the person and the extent of the surgery. Got 4 wisdom teeth pulled when I was 20. They gave me a valium drip to relax and laughing gas to knock me out which was the best anesthetic combo ever! Practically got carried out to the car afterwards so make sure someone picks you up. They gave me Percodan for pain but I didn't take that many. Did not swell or have stitches because they were pulled, not cut out. Just make sure you rinse well and very gently after you eat.
Dr. Neal A Zabiegalski in Lex Park. Across the street from the Old Roost on South Shaingra-La. Will put you to sleep with a general (IV). The ONLY way to get a tooth pulled IMHO!


Active Member
Dr. Neal A Zabiegalski in Lex Park. Across the street from the Old Roost on South Shaingra-La. Will put you to sleep with a general (IV). The ONLY way to get a tooth pulled IMHO!
Same with the Doc I work for. I think all Oral Surgeons have that option.
My appointment is on the 17th in Dunkirk. :jameo:

I didnt realize how bad the hills were driving up there ... it was like a rollercoaster :cds: I was skeered. :baby:


Soul Probe
I didnt realize how bad the hills were driving up there ... it was like a rollercoaster :cds: I was skeered. :baby:

You'd have fun on skyline drive! :lol:


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Yae warsh wif' wutr
By the time I had mine out...well, cut out actually, I wanted it done. I was in pain everyday. Chewing food was painful and brushing my teeth back there was even more so, to the point where my eyes would be tearing up.

The most difficult aspect to deal with after the operation was pulling solids out of the holes (after 3 or 4 days) with tweezers. It was like playing the old game 'operation'. If I touched the edges of the holes - ZING!.....or the jaw bone where the food bits would get stuck - ZIIIINNNNNGGG!!! I got quite good at it actually.

It took about a solid month and a half for those holes close up. I'm glad I had it done and I'm glad it is over with.

edit: not to mention my wife would make me the BEST fruit smoothies......only time I've ever eaten them. I didn't get sick of them either. :smile:
By the time I had mine out...well, cut out actually, I wanted it done. I was in pain everyday. Chewing food was painful and brushing my teeth back there was even more so, to the point where my eyes would be tearing up.

The most difficult aspect to deal with after the operation was pulling solids out of the holes (after 3 or 4 days) with tweezers. It was like playing the old game 'operation'. If I touched the edges of the holes - ZING!.....or the jaw bone where the food bits would get stuck - ZIIIINNNNNGGG!!! I got quite good at it actually.
It took about a solid month and a half for those holes close up. I'm glad I had it done and I'm glad it is over with.

edit: not to mention my wife would make me the BEST fruit smoothies......only time I've ever eaten them. I didn't get sick of them either. :smile:

I am officially terrified. :yay:


Yae warsh wif' wutr
I would actually prefer to keep them because I dont like removing pieces of my body but it is absolutely necessary. :coffee:

Yeah, I actually had the same thoughts for years. However, as the teeth grew and the pain grew I realized it wasn't going to fix itself and I wasn't willing to put up with it for the rest of my life; my view shifted in this case.


New Member
I had my wisdom teeth pulled.. It was not a great experience but when is getting your teethed pulled a good experience? :( The worse part was having splinters for 6 months afterward. It wasn't so much painful it was awkward and they didn't want to come out! The worse was afterward and having pain from dry socket and food getting stuck in the whole :( If you do get it done do yourself a favor and DON'T SMOKE AFTER WARD!!! IT WILL CAUSE DRY SOCKET! I no longer smoke but I remember wanting to smoke afterward even though they said not to. I was like it won't hurt nothing Wrong! Horrible pain!