Women are insane!


New Member
She's going to start a fight about you bleeding on her floor

Welcome to being a woman

No. Your silly. It was a funny, you see she said "men never listen" and then I said "thank's I just got it cut" proving that I wasnt listening. Ha! I crack myself up!


No. Your silly. It was a funny, you see she said "men never listen" and then I said "thank's I just got it cut" proving that I wasnt listening. Ha! I crack myself up!

I think I just now got your joke. :lol:


New Member
Dumbazz. Women are nice. Especially the ones that have those curves in all the right places. :banana:

P.S. And there are some that are intelligent and can actually carry on a conversation. I don't believe I just said that. :doh:

Your wifes in the room isnt she?:buttkiss:


New Member
I have never seen the point of yelling at someone, It never does fix anything, it just shows a weakness of somekind. You can make the other person mad and could create a new problem.


I have never seen the point of yelling at someone, It never does fix anything.

True that, and the "silent treatment" accomplishes little as well.

I think all women should be lesbians and all men homo's.

We women can talk and you guys can grunt and gesture at each other.

Just a momentary thought. Time for bed. Good night :howdy:


I just don't think men and women are a good match. Know what I mean?


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
I just don't think men and women are a good match. Know what I mean?

Hmmm... I like very few of the women I meet or have worked with. The old cats, the young sluts, the gigglers, the uninformed bimbos, the "I'm prettier than you" or "you're prettier than me" mentality. I much prefer the company of men with very few exceptions. That being said, those few exceptions are my best friends and confidants. I rarely trust men with secrets, they gossip like old ladies!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...being physically superior, has, over the years, dealt with the women problem in various ways. Notice I said physically. To wit;

Man reached a point where he started feeling bad about clubbing his woman over the head and making her do as he wished. Before this time arrived, to become known in books as the 'Bad Time', he would club her over the head and make her do as he wished, which wasn't much. Cave writings often refer to 'FSCC' and are typically seen next to a smiley face. That earlier period was known as the 'Good Time'.

Then, man started to notice that she sometimes made some awesome rubs for the Pterodactyl wings and it really wasn't all that bad a deal when he found that his clubs were kept clean, numbered and ready for use. It was then that it was first thought better for her to not be in a relatively constant state of concussion.

As he was putting the finishing touches on a new activity that took advantage of this new found order in his life, man paused on the 18th tee and decided that he must find a better way to get her to do as he wished or he'd have to go back to eating boring food and, worse yet, not knowing which club to hit.

Man also noticed that the old school business of men 'clubbing' in random pairings just wouldn't do any longer from the standpoint that if you had to go to extra holes, some other duffer would get the good cooks and you'd be stuck with one who, invariably, used too much salt. These were also, invariably, the ones you needed to work a bit harder to communicate with and, well, constantly having to re-shaft did get old.

So, he designed to call on a higher power to create order. Man order.

"I'm not telling you to shut up...uhhh...err...a higher power is, yeah God is telling you to shut up! Says so right here in this book..."Jack Nicklaus says for you to shut up! I just wrote that chapter and verse...or rather He, yeah, He just told me to write that part. Yeah! So, in the name of our Lord and Father, shut your pie hole. And, by the way, you belong to me. What's for dinner?"

This worked for a really long time until women got their own higher power, Betty Friedan, a deity who could not cook, could not clean and really wasn't much worth knocking out anyway. But, damn, she could talk and write and it dawned on man allowing them to learn to read was not going to work out long term.

Man had gone down a dangerous path. Now, all his motives were in question, in writing no less. No longer was he simply hungry or wanting to go 'clubbing' or simply tired. He now had 'issues' which no longer involved the trees down the right side of #6, that damn short par 5 at Paleolithic Hills.

So, to make a long story short, some tribes of men never minded bland food and never heard of St. Jack. They don't have these modern problems with their woman and have been trying to get the rest of us to see things their way of late.

While they may have a point or two, they simply underestimate the true value of good wings and the feel of a well struck 7 iron. In time, they will learn and they will join our foursome.

Such is the power of Woman.