Women are insane!


Soul Probe
I, on the other hand, am a very low maintenance guy, am financially doing very well and am not bad looking for my age but most gals I meet aren't interested in those things. I've never had trouble getting dates but now it seems tougher. Am I off base here on what women want today?:confused:

Most women don't want to be beat over the head with a bible. Just sayin'. :huggy:


That is all. Carry on.

Yeah - they are insane, but consider the following:

1) Pretty eyes
2) Pretty lips
3) Legs
4) Boobs
5) Butt
6) Curves
7) Silk lingerie

Also... without women you're left with..... what?


Sorry... men do not look good in silk lingerie. Lace is simply not meant to have hair poking through it.


Ok, I will agree that women are more about drama than men but I was commenting on the "happiness part."

:nono: Happiness and drama are different. I've seen fairly happy people who are encroached in everyone else's drama and those unhappy people who you don't dare ask "how are you today?" You just know the response is going to leave you standing there as a dumping ground for their issues, some legit, some dramatic self-induced crap they brought on themselves.

And I don't watch soaps, only read informative type magazines and already know my butt looks big in my jeans because it is big. I just might have a set of balls around here somewhere. :jet:

How can happiness and drama be different if drama is what makes um happy?
I still say it's an insecurity issue. Bad attention is better than no attention.
If one goes through life, same old ,same old, everyday with little change. Men are more apt to like and except things just the way they are.
Where as a woman wants to change things, like the color of her hair, the furniture and so on. Whats the point of going through the trouble of looking good if no ones going to pay attention to you. So she :elaine: up the :drama: which cause the fight between her and her man that likes things the way they are.
BTW: Yes you work with b!tch men..What other type of man would be a professional baby sitter.:whistle:


New Member
How can happiness and drama be different if drama is what makes um happy?
I still say it's an insecurity issue. Bad attention is better than no attention.
If one goes through life, same old ,same old, everyday with little change. Men are more apt to like and except things just the way they are.
Where as a woman wants to change things, like the color of her hair, the furniture and so on. Whats the point of going through the trouble of looking good if no ones going to pay attention to you. So she :elaine: up the :drama: which cause the fight between her and her man that likes things the way they are.
BTW: Yes you work with b!tch men..What other type of man would be a professional baby sitter.:whistle:

Well, if the drama is what they need to make them happy then they would be insane, therefore this thread rightfully titled. :crazy: Do you really think women only attempt to look good for the attention of others? How about just as a representation that they feel good about themselves? Men will wear nice clothes, no holes; until they get themselves a girlfriend or wife then they are dressing like the town bum and eating that extra gallon of ice cream. Before too long, the woman has this bum looking guy with a pot belly that sticks out further than his dickie do. :jet:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
More or less. It's men going insane talking about how women are insane. :pete:

Actually, this thread has gone rather well for it's type. A few decent stories... advice on how to stop nagging... and the few back and forths are actually civil and half-humorous. I'm waiting on the phone call from satan asking to borrow a coat. :lol:


Harley Rider
Men will wear nice clothes, no holes; until they get themselves a girlfriend or wife then they are dressing like the town bum and eating that extra gallon of ice cream. Before too long, the woman has this bum looking guy with a pot belly that sticks out further than his dickie do. :jet:
WAIT A MINUTE! Some of you get that way too after you get "comfy" in a relationship. AATTSS RIGHT!:yahoo:


Harley Rider
We've been married for 25+ years. You know what I want? I want someone to take care of me. That's what I've got. Do I biatch about stuff? You bet your azz. I know, after a hard day, or something or someone has hurt me, I have him to come home to. He might not want to listen to my whining, he may not even listen, but you know what? He gives me hugs, he puts up with my emotions, he tells me he loves me. And he worries about me. That is what a woman wants. Someone who listens (or maybe doesn't), but surrounds his life around "our" needs. And that, my friend, is what is it all about. I am lucky I have that.
I do EXACTLY that but my problem is meeting gals to 'TAKE CARE OF". I always get compliments on my ability to listen & communicate very well. What attracted you to him in the first place? It wasn't his concern for you then because you didn't know him yet, right?