Women are insane!


Harley Rider
I have to agree with most of you here on this topic. Now I'm talking about my own experiences here but I seem to find that the bigger "head case" the guy is, the more the gals are attracted to him. The more they can "mommy" him, the more they stay with him. Is this what women look for in a guy? If it is, they sure complain to high heaven about it, so I'm confused! Maybe the title of this post is right. I, on the other hand, am a very low maintenance guy, am financially doing very well and am not bad looking for my age but most gals I meet aren't interested in those things. I've never had trouble getting dates but now it seems tougher. Am I off base here on what women want today?:confused:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I have to agree with most of you here on this topic. Now I'm talking about my own experiences here but I seem to find that the bigger "head case" the guy is, the more the gals are attracted to him. The more they can "mommy" him, the more they stay with him. Is this what women look for in a guy? If it is, they sure complain to high heaven about it, so I'm confused! Maybe the title of this post is right. I, on the other hand, am a very low maintenance guy, am financially doing very well and am not bad looking for my age but most gals I meet aren't interested in those things. I've never had trouble getting dates but now it seems tougher. Am I off base here on what women want today?:confused:

We've been married for 25+ years. You know what I want? I want someone to take care of me. That's what I've got. Do I biatch about stuff? You bet your azz. I know, after a hard day, or something or someone has hurt me, I have him to come home to. He might not want to listen to my whining, he may not even listen, but you know what? He gives me hugs, he puts up with my emotions, he tells me he loves me. And he worries about me. That is what a woman wants. Someone who listens (or maybe doesn't), but surrounds his life around "our" needs. And that, my friend, is what is it all about. I am lucky I have that.


I'm Rick James #####!
There are just as many unhappy men out there as women, in the fact that no matter what you've done for them they will find fault.

Don't know about the finding fault part, but from casual observation, I know more happy men than I do happy women (married OR single either one!)


CageKicker Extraordinaire
I have to agree with most of you here on this topic. Now I'm talking about my own experiences here but I seem to find that the bigger "head case" the guy is, the more the gals are attracted to him. The more they can "mommy" him, the more they stay with him. Is this what women look for in a guy? If it is, they sure complain to high heaven about it, so I'm confused! Maybe the title of this post is right. I, on the other hand, am a very low maintenance guy, am financially doing very well and am not bad looking for my age but most gals I meet aren't interested in those things. I've never had trouble getting dates but now it seems tougher. Am I off base here on what women want today?:confused:

"I know what women want. They want lots and lots of attention. You might call it stalking, but they love it. They might try to fool you with a boyfriend or a restraining order, but they love it."

-Dave Attell

True, it's from a comic and was meant in jest, but there is some truth to that. I've found, as BS said, that they want someone there; not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. Someone that's there for them; not because they feel they have to be, but because they want to be. After that point, you just start getting into specifics.

.... or you could just find some materialistic woman and pay for everything. :lol:


New Member
Don't know about the finding fault part, but from casual observation, I know more happy men than I do happy women (married OR single either one!)

Maybe I just work with a bunch of biatchy men. :eyebrow: There is one guy that I say Good morning to and that is it. I learned NOT to ask, so how are you today? :doh: Never ever happy. Sometimes hanging out with the "girls" can be highly stressful if all they do is complain. Then again Lug, maybe the women feel comfortable confiding in you than your male friends. Could you imagine your male friend saying well Lily thinks I don't listen to her enough and I think :blahblah: You'd think he was gay.


I don't feel like reading all of the threads before this one, but yes. We are. The legitimate reason is hormones. Go bitch to Eve. It's her fault, not mine. :cheers:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Don't know about the finding fault part, but from casual observation, I know more happy men than I do happy women (married OR single either one!)

I'm a happy, happy gal. I don't biatch about hubby much. When I do, it's little crap, stuff that doesn't matter. You're hanging out with the wrong gals, Lug.


I'm Rick James #####!
Maybe I just work with a bunch of biatchy men. :eyebrow: There is one guy that I say Good morning to and that is it. I learned NOT to ask, so how are you today? :doh: Never ever happy. Sometimes hanging out with the "girls" can be highly stressful if all they do is complain. Then again Lug, maybe the women feel comfortable confiding in you than your male friends. Could you imagine your male friend saying well Lily thinks I don't listen to her enough and I think :blahblah: You'd think he was gay.

:lmao: That's how women communicate. Here's menfolk in the same situation...

Man 1: "Yo"

Man 2: :shakeshead:

Man 1: "rough weekend?"

Man 2: "Yep, being a ##### again"

Man 1: "Word. Ready for the meeting?"

Man 2: "Yeah let me grab a cup of coffee first"



I'm a happy, happy gal. I don't biatch about hubby much. When I do, it's little crap, stuff that doesn't matter. You're hanging out with the wrong gals, Lug.

YOu are the exception BS... I agree with Lug. Men are pretty much oblivious until shiat hits the fan.


off the shelf
We've been married for 25+ years. You know what I want? I want someone to take care of me. That's what I've got. Do I biatch about stuff? You bet your azz. I know, after a hard day, or something or someone has hurt me, I have him to come home to. He might not want to listen to my whining, he may not even listen, but you know what? He gives me hugs, he puts up with my emotions, he tells me he loves me. And he worries about me. That is what a woman wants. Someone who listens (or maybe doesn't), but surrounds his life around "our" needs. And that, my friend, is what is it all about. I am lucky I have that.

both of you are lucky to have each other...............and me :huggy:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
That's what my mother says too. :ohwell:

But they sure are a lot of fun!!! :lmao:

But isn't that the way it always goes? Just when you're having fun, some a**hole has to throw out some garbage about responsibility, or morals, or logic.... :lmao:


Luvin Life !!!
I'm a happy, happy gal. I don't biatch about hubby much. When I do, it's little crap, stuff that doesn't matter. You're hanging out with the wrong gals, Lug.

I agree !!!:clap: Most importantly you have to find a good fit (match) in life. I have had alot of fun, many an argument and have shed countless tears in my past. I look at them all as lessons in life that have taught me how to recognise and cherish what is important to me and my family.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I agree !!!:clap: Most importantly you have to find a good fit (match) in life. I have had alot of fun, many an argument and have shed countless tears in my past. I look at them all as lessons in life that have taught me how to recognise and cherish what is important to me and my family.

Most importantly, you have to be able to communicate and read each other. You can't expect the other person to know that they said something that hurt you or pissed you off. Eventually, you have to say what has hurt or upset you. DR tells me what pisses him off. If I choose to piss him off and do something he doesn't want me to do, I have to live with the consequences and give it up.


Luvin Life !!!
Most importantly, you have to be able to communicate and read each other. You can't expect the other person to know that they said something that hurt you or pissed you off. Eventually, you have to say what has hurt or upset you. DR tells me what pisses him off. If I choose to piss him off and do something he doesn't want me to do, I have to live with the consequences and give it up.

That is oh so true. We as people have a tendancy to take out our frustrations about others on the ones we love because we know (believe) they are more resiliant (understanding) to our point of view. We live in a world of tit for tat. Sometimes we just bite off a bit more than we are prepared to choose.:lol:. I am still learning myself and find that when I should bite my tongue I don't. Thank goodness I have a good sounding board of optimism and patience that works through this all with me.


off the shelf
That is oh so true. We as people have a tendancy to take out our frustrations about others on the ones we love because we know (believe) they are more resiliant (understanding) to our point of view. We live in a world of tit for tat. Sometimes we just bite off a bit more than we are prepared to choose.:lol:. I am still learning myself and find that when I should bite my tongue I don't. Thank goodness I have a good sounding board of optimism and patience that works through this all with me.

My mom always told me that if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all....needless to say, I have talk to a certain person in over a month....I feel very proud of myself for that one 'cause I am not one to "hold my tongue"

and since I am in a SERIOUS man bashing mood....I'm getting out of this tread before I get banned

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
That is oh so true. We as people have a tendancy to take out our frustrations about others on the ones we love because we know (believe) they are more resiliant (understanding) to our point of view. We live in a world of tit for tat. Sometimes we just bite off a bit more than we are prepared to choose.:lol:. I am still learning myself and find that when I should bite my tongue I don't. Thank goodness I have a good sounding board of optimism and patience that works through this all with me.

I never bite my tongue anymore. It works. I used to. After 27 years of being together, he pretty much doesn't even flinch at what I say.

A funny: Tonight he laughed out loud at a comment I made when cooking chicken on the grill. I got a beer. I never get a beer. He said, "you're having a beer and barbequing?" I said something like "Yep, I'm doing that. I've seen me do it before." Stupid comment, made him laugh. Made me giggle after I realized what I had said. HUMOR is important.


Luvin Life !!!
I never bite my tongue anymore. It works. I used to. After 27 years of being together, he pretty much doesn't even flinch at what I say.

A funny: Tonight he laughed out loud at a comment I made when cooking chicken on the grill. I got a beer. I never get a beer. He said, "you're having a beer and barbequing?" I said something like "Yep, I'm doing that. I've seen me do it before." Stupid comment, made him laugh. Made me giggle after I realized what I had said. HUMOR is important.

:lmao: Girl get with the program. Grilling is mens work!!! (at least that's what I tell my kids and my man!!) :diva:


In My Opinion

and maybe if women didnt feel the need to run their mouths 24 hours a day, men just might not have to tune them out so much.

you know, men can spend all day together and only speak a few words.
hand me the wrench, hand me a beer,, you gonna eat all that?
oh and ,, would you? when a female walks by.

unless they are gay, then they run their mouths all day.