Women Haters


New Member
That was harsh.... Don't go hating on women like your date sugar!

why did he ask me if I had children? Do women that have children sleep with men quickly? I didn't appreciate him asking and then not clarifying. ? I'm not hating on women that have children. That's wonderful but I'm not at that point yet. I don't want to have children until I know I can give them the life that they deserve. I don't want them to need anything ....especially a man to take care of them or to look for a sugar momma. I see a lot of that going on around here too. Well........I'd better go. have a good day.


Sure it does, but she stated it at the expense of others... which is never good. :huggy:

to be honest I dont see her doing anything different than 98% of the other forumites here...almost everyone here generalizes in one form or another


New Member

You need to get laid.

No one NEEDS to get laid. Part of the reason we have kids running around without parents is because people thought they NEEDED to get 'laid' when they should have been educating themselves on how to CONTROL themselves.


to be honest I dont see her doing anything different than 98% of the other forumites here...almost everyone here generalizes in one form or another

I agree, but I am here to change the world so step aside echo! :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That was harsh.... Don't go hating on women like your date sugar!

This is the sort of thing I'm talking about - keeping your sisters in check. this means you, Kain.

If women deserve disdain, I think it's appropriate to give it to them. If they didn't act like lazy morons, they'd attract a different class of men, and there would be less men who get a bad impression of women because a sista doesn't know how to act.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No one NEEDS to get laid. Part of the reason we have kids running around without parents is because people thought they NEEDED to get 'laid' when they should have been educating themselves on how to CONTROL themselves.

You might be the smartest woman on these forums. (Next to me :biggrin:)

Larry Gude

Strung Out

No one NEEDS to get laid.

...woman haters? By that statement alone, you either don't know very much about men or, perhaps, you hate what you know???

In purely technical terms, no one NEEDS to get laid. By that standard, no one needs a TV or a hug, or to hold hands or to go to the movies or read a book or to talk.

Sex is a profoundly deep part of human relationships for men. So is attention and holding hands and, believe it or not, talking. We may have a tough time talking about everything you like, but, just ask us about the Redskins draft and you'll see, when our eyes light up, that talking is simply a matter of topic, for either sex.

So, you as a woman, speak for yourself as to what matters to you, but, if you want a man who doesn't highly value a good sex life with his woman, good luck. My wife says there's someone for everyone out there.

Just asking; do you hate men?


But wait, there's more...
This is what we get for not keeping our sisters in check when they act like nutbags.

Hard to argue with you there! :yay: I've never had a problem telling someone they're acting like/an azzhole. It's getting 'em to listen and change their behavior/attitude that is the challenge. :ohwell:

Then again, maybe it's my approach and choice of words. :tap: I just hate to sugarcoat chit. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sex is a profoundly deep part of human relationships for men.

You're missing her point.

Yes, if you're in a relationship, sex is part of it and something both people typically want. But many people (men AND women) just go out to score butt and aren't looking for companionship outside of the sexual aspect. Or you get women (and it's mostly women) who entice a guy with sex, thinking he'll fall madly in love with them, and then get all depressed when he says, "Thanks for the boot!" and runs off.

So Tshow's statement is correct, and more people should think that way, in my opinion.


New Member
...woman haters? By that statement alone, you either don't know very much about men or, perhaps, you hate what you know???

In purely technical terms, no one NEEDS to get laid. By that standard, no one needs a TV or a hug, or to hold hands or to go to the movies or read a book or to talk.

Sex is a profoundly deep part of human relationships for men. So is attention and holding hands and, believe it or not, talking. We may have a tough time talking about everything you like, but, just ask us about the Redskins draft and you'll see, when our eyes light up, that talking is simply a matter of topic, for either sex.

So, you as a woman, speak for yourself as to what matters to you, but, if you want a man who doesn't highly value a good sex life with his woman, good luck. My wife says there's someone for everyone out there.

Just asking; do you hate men?

No! I don't hate men, well...a few~ but no, not in general. I guess my dad treated me like a queen and I want that from a man now and it's hard to find that. ....I want all those things, holding hands, cuddling, talking. ..and even talking over a Redskins game. I love sports! I guess I'm just frustrated because I'm not finding what I'm looking for. I'd love to settle down and get married and start a family. I tend to spoil my men, cooking and waiting on them and I expect the same in return. I'm meeting men my age but most of them have children and can't give the time it takes to cultivate a real relationship. While I wouldn't mind being a step mother, I'm not going to hop in bed within the first few months of dating. I'm just not. I ended up moving in with the last b-friend and it turned out being unhealthy for me. long story. but no, I'm not a man hater, I'm just a very smart women! LOL


But wait, there's more...
You're missing her point.

Yes, if you're in a relationship, sex is part of it and something both people typically want. But many people (men AND women) just go out to score butt and aren't looking for companionship outside of the sexual aspect. Or you get women (and it's mostly women) who entice a guy with sex, thinking he'll fall madly in love with them, and then get all depressed when he says, "Thanks for the boot!" and runs off.

So Tshow's statement is correct, and more people should think that way, in my opinion.

Who knew Forrest Gump was so profound ... "Stupid is as stupid does." :yay:


No! I don't hate men, well...a few~ but no, not in general. I guess my dad treated me like a queen and I want that from a man now and it's hard to find that. ....I want all those things, holding hands, cuddling, talking. ..and even talking over a Redskins game. I love sports! I guess I'm just frustrated because I'm not finding what I'm looking for. I'd love to settle down and get married and start a family. I tend to spoil my men, cooking and waiting on them and I expect the same in return. I'm meeting men my age but most of them have children and can't give the time it takes to cultivate a real relationship. While I wouldn't mind being a step mother, I'm not going to hop in bed within the first few months of dating. I'm just not. I ended up moving in with the last b-friend and it turned out being unhealthy for me. long story. but no, I'm not a man hater, I'm just a very smart women! LOL

The secret to finding a good man is to stop looking. Seriously darlin. :huggy:


No! I don't hate men, well...a few~ but no, not in general. I guess my dad treated me like a queen and I want that from a man now and it's hard to find that. ....I want all those things, holding hands, cuddling, talking. ..and even talking over a Redskins game. I love sports! I guess I'm just frustrated because I'm not finding what I'm looking for. I'd love to settle down and get married and start a family. I tend to spoil my men, cooking and waiting on them and I expect the same in return. I'm meeting men my age but most of them have children and can't give the time it takes to cultivate a real relationship. While I wouldn't mind being a step mother, I'm not going to hop in bed within the first few months of dating. I'm just not. I ended up moving in with the last b-friend and it turned out being unhealthy for me. long story. but no, I'm not a man hater, I'm just a very smart women! LOL

:lol: you had me till the redskins :coffee: i dont follow sports