Women Haters


New Member
You're missing her point.

Yes, if you're in a relationship, sex is part of it and something both people typically want. But many people (men AND women) just go out to score butt and aren't looking for companionship outside of the sexual aspect. Or you get women (and it's mostly women) who entice a guy with sex, thinking he'll fall madly in love with them, and then get all depressed when he says, "Thanks for the boot!" and runs off.

So Tshow's statement is correct, and more people should think that way, in my opinion.

you're a sweety pie ~ how old are you if you don't mind me asking?


But wait, there's more...
I guess I'm just frustrated because I'm not finding what I'm looking for.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3huC-42N1Gs&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3huC-42N1Gs&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Wish I could've found Eddie Murphy's "Wookin' pa Nub" version. :lmao:


24/7 Single Dad
No one NEEDS to get laid. Part of the reason we have kids running around without parents is because people thought they NEEDED to get 'laid' when they should have been educating themselves on how to CONTROL themselves.

You sound like a fun person to be with


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The secret to finding a good man is to stop looking. Seriously darlin. :huggy:

See, and I think it's a numbers game. You date and get to know as many men as you have time for, and eventually you'll find the ass for your seat. Nobody ever found a soulmate by sitting in their house watching TV.


See, and I think it's a numbers game. You date and get to know as many men as you have time for, and eventually you'll find the ass for your seat. Nobody ever found a soulmate by sitting in their house watching TV.

You are absolutely correct but If you are out there searching, men smell desperation and jet!


<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3huC-42N1Gs&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3huC-42N1Gs&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Wish I could've found Eddie Murphy's "Wookin' pa Nub" version. :lmao:


good video. crabcake....:buddies:


If i had to wait 3 months
i would be lookin elsewhere
:shrug: but thats just me


New Member
See, and I think it's a numbers game. You date and get to know as many men as you have time for, and eventually you'll find the ass for your seat. Nobody ever found a soulmate by sitting in their house watching TV.

Don't think that's what she meant - it's just a saying because some people are just so hung up on looking for someone to date, etc.

Your no going to meet people sitting in the house watching TV or constantly sitting in front of computer either. Some people set their expectations too high in what they want and looking for. Nobody is perfect. Someone can let someone good pass them bye because they don't give them a chance or judge them without seeing what they are really like.
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But wait, there's more...
my first husband and I didn't sleep together before we got married. we met and married in 15 months.

It wasn't as much a dig at you as it was some of the men in that area. From talking to a lot of guys when I lived there, they felt it was a challenge to find a quality woman. They, too, had expectations/standards/etc. But in joking around, they also wanted a piece of ass ... thus my comment about your pool of potentials.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You're missing her point.

Yes, if you're in a relationship, sex is part of it and something both people typically want. But many people (men AND women) just go out to score butt and aren't looking for companionship outside of the sexual aspect. Or you get women (and it's mostly women) who entice a guy with sex, thinking he'll fall madly in love with them, and then get all depressed when he says, "Thanks for the boot!" and runs off.

So Tshow's statement is correct, and more people should think that way, in my opinion.

...I read her loud and clear. Her post after yours she say;

I'm not going to hop in bed within the first few months of dating. I'm just not.

Now, what if he says "Well, I'm just not talking about all sorts of personal stuff the first few months. I'm just not."

For her, and that's fine, sex is something you do after investing MONTHS in some new guy. I'm not suggesting people get down to it after the first 5 minutes or first date or any other predetermined time frame, but, months?

"Gee Herb, you're such a nice guy. You talk real nice and make a nice quiche and you're window treatments are just fabulous, but 2 minutes and missionary and that's all you like?"

How long is reasonable before one would like to know how deep compatibility goes?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'll spare...

my first husband and I didn't sleep together before we got married. we met and married in 15 months.

...the smart azz comments.

So, you have just excluded, by your own experience, abstinence as a strong indicator of long term compatibility, yes?


...woman haters? By that statement alone, you either don't know very much about men or, perhaps, you hate what you know???

In purely technical terms, no one NEEDS to get laid. By that standard, no one needs a TV or a hug, or to hold hands or to go to the movies or read a book or to talk.

Sex is a profoundly deep part of human relationships for men. So is attention and holding hands and, believe it or not, talking. We may have a tough time talking about everything you like, but, just ask us about the Redskins draft and you'll see, when our eyes light up, that talking is simply a matter of topic, for either sex.

So, you as a woman, speak for yourself as to what matters to you, but, if you want a man who doesn't highly value a good sex life with his woman, good luck. My wife says there's someone for everyone out there.

Just asking; do you hate men?

I love all that cuddly stuff..............:yay:


Well, first of all we had talked for a week or so over the phone and he actually had said some things that made me raise an eyebrow anyway, but..I decided to still meet him. He didn't even dress to impress me. He wore jeans and white athletic shoes and a shirt that looked like he just worked out in it. He was kinda cute but apparently I said something that his 'ex' had said and he let me know. He got all bent out of shape about it. Why would he even make reference to that comparison. not cool.

Then he wanted to know all about my first marriage and what went wrong. What happened to just enjoying the persons company and seeing where it leads to. He wanted to know EVERYTHING in two hours. and he kept asking me to come back to his house. My god~ it was the first date! and he's a Sercurity officer. He should know better than to ask a women home on the first date. And he says what all cheap men say, "women just want a man for their money". I'm so tired of that line. I make my own money and enjoy it !

I just don't understand men of today. No manners! Well....the ones in my single's group have them, but ......I'm not meeting anymore men online that's for sure.

Have you tried eharmony? Hubby & I should be on the commercials! :lmao:

I never dated online until my manager pushed me to do it. She was on match.com and met her husband but eharmony is more for serious relationships. After 2 long term relationships that I was unhappy with and ultimately broke off, I finally decided to give online dating a shot. I may have gotten lucky, but I was only on there for 3 weeks when I got matched up with my soul mate - he was only on there for 2 weeks. We've been married almost a year and all my friends/family say he's the male version of me.