Wooooooooohoooooooooo That'll hold em


New Member
dems4me said:
No, but I watched for head bobbing from either player during each replay, ... and no one flinched even :shrug: I don't think he spit :shrug: Don't be a sore sport... just be happy the skins won :dance:

Whya re you so convinced he didn't spit. The ref ejected Tayor. Taylor came to the sidelines, and was ostrisized (sp?) from the moment he got there. Gibbs never reacted negatively to the refs..and we ALL know how gibbs likes to blame the refs for everything. It happened...and didn't cost the Skins a win.

Everyone acting like the NFL refs have a "grudge" against the Skins...a team that has been irrelevant in the NFl before this year since 1999...just need to relax..and be happy the D gave them a win this week.

I spit on you.



Kerad said:
Because your view of the incident was better than the refs???

He spit. Everyone knows you can't spit into another guys face..or you're ejected.

That's not what Brian Mitchell just said on Comcast Sports. He said he has been spit on plenty of times, and if that is a rule, the NFL had better tell someone. He said it was a bogus call.


Barnacle said:
That's not what Brian Mitchell just said on Comcast Sports. He said he has been spit on plenty of times, and if that is a rule, the NFL had better tell someone. He said it was a bogus call.

oh for gosh sakes, it not like it was spit flying while he was eating or something :shrug: :roflmao:


New Member
Who the hell cares what Biran Mitchell says. Was he there..on the field? The ref who made the call was in between them. Brian Mitchell can **** off for all i care.

If he's such a great sportscaster, eh would not be on DC Comcast blah blah blah. He's a homer.


Kerad said:
Whya re you so convinced he didn't spit. The ref ejected Tayor. Taylor came to the sidelines, and was ostrisized (sp?) from the moment he got there. Gibbs never reacted negatively to the refs..and we ALL know how gibbs likes to blame the refs for everything. It happened...and didn't cost the Skins a win.

Everyone acting like the NFL refs have a "grudge" against the Skins...a team that has been irrelevant in the NFl before this year since 1999...just need to relax..and be happy the D gave them a win this week.

I spit on you.


That does it!!! CMC!!! Where are you!!! Stop spitting on me!! :mad:



Kerad said:
Who the hell cares what Biran Mitchell says. Was he there..on the field? The ref who made the call was in between them. Brian Mitchell can **** off for all i care.

If he's such a great sportscaster, eh would not be on DC Comcast blah blah blah. He's a homer.

Wow, that wasn't too angry......


Kerad said:
Who the hell cares what Biran Mitchell says. Was he there..on the field? The ref who made the call was in between them. Brian Mitchell can **** off for all i care.

If he's such a great sportscaster, eh would not be on DC Comcast blah blah blah. He's a homer.

Put it this way... they have all the time in the world to zoom in on replay, etc.... we'll know sooner or later if he did spit, and if he admits it then case closed :shrug:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Barnacle said:
That's not what Brian Mitchell just said on Comcast Sports. He said he has been spit on plenty of times, and if that is a rule, the NFL had better tell someone. He said it was a bogus call.
I think under the "unsporstsmanlike conduct" rule if an act is flagrant a player can be ejected.


New Member
To be honest..though...I DO admit to wanting to see a Bucs vs. Steelers SuperBowl. Battle of the Coach Faces, LOL!!!!! :lmao:

Gruden's Chuckie Vs. Cowher's Spit bath...


Nothing to see here
Ken King said:
They just explained that during the call when the Ref said "21 defense" the crowd noise drowned out the rest of his call where he stated that he spit in the player's face. Enough said, now I wonder if the league sets him out next week for doing it?

So you ignore the Bucc slapping Taylor?? The ref can see spit, but can't see a guy knock another upside the head? I have no problem with Taylor getting the call and ejected, but there should have been a call against Tampa too.


otter said:
So you ignore the Bucc slapping Taylor?? The ref can see spit, but can't see a guy knock another upside the head? I have no problem with Taylor getting the call and ejected, but there should have been a call against Tampa too.

:yeahthat: Very good point!! :clap:


New Member
Oh no!!!!

I've been hit with anonymous red karma by chickensihts who are too scared to sign it. However will i go on?

Really...your wives have more balls than you.




Typical Skin fans..I guess.


Set Trippin
otter said:
So you ignore the Bucc slapping Taylor?? The ref can see spit, but can't see a guy knock another upside the head? I have no problem with Taylor getting the call and ejected, but there should have been a call against Tampa too.
I agree, if Taylor did indeed spit he will more than likely be set out next week... Even if the league didn't set him out, Gibbs might...


Kerad said:
Oh no!!!!

I've been hit with anonymous red karma by chickensihts who are too scared to sign it. However will i go on?

Really...your wives have more balls than you.




Typical Skin fans..I guess.

:nono: I'm a skins fan and didn't hit ya' with a red spit ball in the krama. :nono:


Nothing to see here
Kerad said:
Oh no!!!!

I've been hit with anonymous red karma by chickensihts who are too scared to sign it. However will i go on?

Really...your wives have more balls than you.




Typical Skin fans..I guess.

Take your effing drama over stupid karma to the chit-chat thread.


Set Trippin
Kerad said:
Oh no!!!!

I've been hit with anonymous red karma by chickensihts who are too scared to sign it. However will i go on?

Really...your wives have more balls than you.




Typical Skin fans..I guess.
Typical that, biatch...


New Member
otter said:
So you ignore the Bucc slapping Taylor?? The ref can see spit, but can't see a guy knock another upside the head? I have no problem with Taylor getting the call and ejected, but there should have been a call against Tampa too.

Spitting is the initiating transgression. Honestly...if a Buc spit in a Skin face, you'd ba all applauding it. Be honest...not homers. If Gibbs didn't shine about it..it must be valid. eh shines about EVERYTHING!

:bawl: <----Gibbs.

Be happy the Skins won with that offense. God knows how you'd be if they lost.


:elaine: :yay:
It didn't take NBC4.COM long to get an article posted...

Taylor Ejected

Taylor was ejected for spitting in the face of Michael Pittman during the third quarter.

Taylor spit at Pittman as the two stood face-to-face after a 3-yard scramble by quarterback Chris Simms. Pittman hit Taylor in retaliation, but referee Mike Carey announced there would be no penalty on Pittman.

In the first half, Taylor scored on a 51-yard fumble return that gave the Redskins a 14-0 lead.

Taylor was investigated last season for spitting at Cincinnati receiver T.J. Houshmandzadeh. The NFL carefully reviewed tapes to determine whether Taylor should be fined, but they found no video evidence to support the allegation.

Wynn Breaks Arm

Redskins defensive end Renaldo Wynn broke his right forearm in the first quarter.

The ninth-year defensive end was injured when he came down awkwardly after being flipped while rushing the quarterback late in the first quarter.

Wynn has played in every game this season. He had 47 tackles, 1 1/2 sacks, a forced fumble and a fumble recovery in the regular season.
Last edited:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
otter said:
So you ignore the Bucc slapping Taylor?? The ref can see spit, but can't see a guy knock another upside the head? I have no problem with Taylor getting the call and ejected, but there should have been a call against Tampa too.
Instigation factor I believe, what would you do if someone spit in your face?