World Series


Dancing Up A Storm
Anybody got fingernails left?

I've bitten most of mine off! :popcorn:

Shaitt!!! Chase Utley is up at bat!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
27 titles in, what, 104 contests in the modern era? That's better than 1 in 4. Granted, it's been 9 years since the last one but, can a sport even said to be meaningful given the profound disparity in not only results but, more importantly, in resources?

It's div one vs. what, div II? III?



Well-Known Member
27 titles in, what, 104 contests in the modern era? That's better than 1 in 4. Granted, it's been 9 years since the last one but, can a sport even said to be meaningful given the profound disparity in not only results but, more importantly, in resources?

It's div one vs. what, div II? III?


Why is there always this almighty push for parity? First we level the playing field so EVERYBODY has a chance. Next we stop keeping score so the lesser team doesn't feel bad about themselves. If you can't afford it, don't get involved.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why is there always this almighty push for parity? First we level the playing field so EVERYBODY has a chance. Next we stop keeping score so the lesser team doesn't feel bad about themselves. If you can't afford it, don't get involved.

Well, Dear Yankee Fan, :lol: I am not pushing more parity nor much care. I long ago gave up on baseball. It was just a comment, an observation. Is there a level playing field in baseball? I don't think so.

So, does that matter?

So, congrats and enjoy! :buddies:


Well-Known Member
Well, Dear Yankee Fan, :lol: I am not pushing more parity nor much care. I long ago gave up on baseball. It was just a comment, an observation. Is there a level playing field in baseball? I don't think so.

So, does that matter?

So, congrats and enjoy! :buddies:

First, I will NEVER be a Yankee fan. Look to my av and know that he was my hero growing up. If the Yankees were to fall off the face of the earth I would die a happy man. I just hate what Pete Rozelle and his beloved parity did to football. I also hate that teams like the Yankees, Red Sox, Angels etc... who are trying to improve their teams have to pay a fine in order to improve. That fine is then split up amongst the "smaller market" teams. Now if those smaller market teams were forced to spend the money on developing their respective teams it would be such a bitter pill to swallow. But they get to spend the money how they see fit. And then they hold their respective cities hostage saying all will be better if we can get people to come to the new park you're going to build us so we don't move to Oklahoma City.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
First, I will NEVER be a Yankee fan. Look to my av and know that he was my hero growing up. If the Yankees were to fall off the face of the earth I would die a happy man. I just hate what Pete Rozelle and his beloved parity did to football. I also hate that teams like the Yankees, Red Sox, Angels etc... who are trying to improve their teams have to pay a fine in order to improve. That fine is then split up amongst the "smaller market" teams. Now if those smaller market teams were forced to spend the money on developing their respective teams it would be such a bitter pill to swallow. But they get to spend the money how they see fit. And then they hold their respective cities hostage saying all will be better if we can get people to come to the new park you're going to build us so we don't move to Oklahoma City.

So, you are survival of the fittest on this, tigers battling sheep, etc?