WOW! Commercial blasts Kerry


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by otter
Are you high? What rumors were true?? You sure seem to be deeply mired in the sheeptank, Spoiled.
You're forgetting the DNC motto: If you repeat anything often enough and long enough, people will believe it.


Active Member
Originally posted by Kyle
You're forgetting the DNC motto: If you repeat anything often enough and long enough, people will believe it.
As opposed to "We repeat stuff so people will believe it, then when its proven wrong we ignore it and forget we were wrong?"


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
As opposed to "We repeat stuff so people will believe it, then when its proven wrong we ignore it and forget we were wrong?"
I'm sorry, your right. The Demmies do that too. :yay: :yay:


Active Member
Originally posted by Kyle
I'm sorry, your right. The Demmies do that too. :yay: :yay:
Welcome to the world of politics, most do it, but not everyone does it to endanger american lives


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Spoiled
He didnt show up for duty several times IIRC

Really??? So its okay to question that, but we can't question Kerry's war record?? Which way do you want it?? A private citizen makes a documentary..Dems "yay"....A private group questions a soldiers story...Dems "boo"..

As for your IIRC, if I wrote over there that Kerry plotted with Imelda Marcus to smuggle shoes into Tibet, would that make it true???


Originally posted by Spoiled
Welcome to the world of politics, most do it, but not everyone does it to endanger american lives
This is the infuriating part about arguing with trolls.

Mr. Spoiled, I contend to you that wussy pasifistic appeaser foriegn policy cost us 3,000 + innicent civillian lives in one swift action and thousands more over the course of time, Pan-am, Stark, Cole, Kobar Towers, Beruit Marine barracks, African embasies, WTC 1.

SO what you are saying is that pre-emptive action to prevent barbaric and merciless attacks on our civillian population is wrong when soldiers get killed........But.......sticking out head in the sand and "hoping" the bad terrorists won't do it again is not when civillians get killed.

You are pathetic. It is people like you who are enslaved and live under the boot of terror. :howdy: be happy with your new master.

Lost Soul

New Member
Originally posted by Pete
This is the infuriating part about arguing with trolls.

Mr. Spoiled, I contend to you that wussy pasifistic appeaser foriegn policy cost us 3,000 + innicent civillian lives in one swift action and thousands more over the course of time, Pan-am, Stark, Cole, Kobar Towers, Beruit Marine barracks, African embasies, WTC 1.

SO what you are saying is that pre-emptive action to prevent barbaric and merciless attacks on our civillian population is wrong when soldiers get killed........But.......sticking out head in the sand and "hoping" the bad terrorists won't do it again is not when civillians get killed.

You are pathetic. It is people like you who are enslaved and live under the boot of terror. :howdy: be happy with your new master.



Active Member
Originally posted by otter
Really??? So its okay to question that, but we can't question Kerry's war record?? Which way do you want it?? A private citizen makes a documentary..Dems "yay"....A private group questions a soldiers story...Dems "boo"..

As for your IIRC, if I wrote over there that Kerry plotted with Imelda Marcus to smuggle shoes into Tibet, would that make it true???
Do you know what IIRC means?

Im just saying, Kerrys duty has been investigated before... He won the awards... If someone had a reason for him not to they should have spoken up, they are his awards.... and i personaly dont give a damn if bush did or didnt show up to work one day...


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Spoiled
and i personaly dont give a damn if bush did or didnt show up to work one day...

Then why did you bring it up??

So what you are saying is that guys that served with him, observed his leadership abilities, have no right to say what they think of him??


Active Member
Originally posted by Pete
This is the infuriating part about arguing with trolls.

Mr. Spoiled, I contend to you that wussy pasifistic appeaser foriegn policy cost us 3,000 + innicent civillian lives in one swift action and thousands more over the course of time, Pan-am, Stark, Cole, Kobar Towers, Beruit Marine barracks, African embasies, WTC 1.

SO what you are saying is that pre-emptive action to prevent barbaric and merciless attacks on our civillian population is wrong when soldiers get killed........But.......sticking out head in the sand and "hoping" the bad terrorists won't do it again is not when civillians get killed.

You are pathetic. It is people like you who are enslaved and live under the boot of terror. :howdy: be happy with your new master.
Im not living under the boot of terror... Im not against going into afghanistan... Iraq did not have WMDs when we went in, they did not have the capability of hitting the US... Bush had a hard on for iraq.... and if he didnt the people behind him did and where telling him he should...

Originally posted by otter
Then why did you bring it up??

So what you are saying is that guys that served with him, observed his leadership abilities, have no right to say what they think of him??
I didnt bring it up, vrai did....

Im saying they have the right to, i just think its moronic (that they sat there not saying anything until now) and obviously very pertizan... They should have spoken up when they where looking into giving him a medal, but i guess they didnt give a damn then because he wasnt running for office....and they wouldnt have gained publicity? :confused:
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Super Genius
Originally posted by Spoiled
Im just saying, Kerrys duty has been investigated before... He won the awards... If someone had a reason for him not to they should have spoken up, they are his awards

We regret the need to do this. Most Swift boat veterans would like nothing better than to support one of our own for America's highest office, regardless of whether he was running as a Democrat or a Republican. However, Kerry's phony war crimes charges, his exaggerated claims about his own service in Vietnam, and his deliberate misrepresentation of the nature and effectiveness of Swift boat operations compels us to step forward.

For more than thirty years, most Vietnam veterans kept silent as we were maligned as misfits, addicts, and baby killers. Now that a key creator of that poisonous image is seeking the Presidency we have resolved to end our silence.

The time has come to set the record straight.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
i guess they didnt give a damn then because he wasnt running for office....
Well...yeah. :confused: It's one thing to have random liars and criminals running around in public. It's another thing entirely when we're in danger of having one for our President.

What part of that don't you understand?


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Spoiled
Im not living under the boot of terror... Im not against going into afghanistan... Iraq did not have WMDs when we went in, they did not have the capability of hitting the US... Bush had a hard on for iraq.... and if he didnt the people behind him did and where telling him he should...

I didnt bring it up, vrai did....

Im saying they have the right to, i just think its moronic and obviously very pertizan... They should have spoken up when they where looking into giving him a medal, but i guess they didnt give a damn then because he wasnt running for office....and they wouldnt have gained publicity? :confused:

:lmao: Oh yeah, do you really think the swifties weren't aware that they would get death threats, hate mail and labeled as nutcases before they went public??? Very cool publicity..dur...Ya ever think that they may have known that him being in the senate wouldn't harm anything so they didn't speak out(btw, I think they were right, 20 yrs - nada)...but as commander-in-chief, they figured they better speak up?? You have your opinion but in mine, someone trotting out 4 months of curious service from 30 yrs ago is weird. Why can't he run on his Senate record?? :lmao::rolleyes:


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by Spoiled
, they are his awards....

which he wait..he tossed somebody wait..they were ribbons..back in those days ribbons and medals were interchangeable....:rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cattitude
which he wait..he tossed somebody wait..they were ribbons..back in those days ribbons and medals were interchangeable....:rolleyes:
For real. Kerry didn't want them anyway - why would he care if someone disparages them or even takes them away from him?


Super Genius
also from

Vietnam was a long time ago. Why does it matter today?

Senator John Kerry himself made his Vietnam service a centerpiece for his campaign for the Presidency, so questions about his service are germane. Senator Kerry’s biographer described Kerry’s total Vietnam experience as a “three-decade-long tour of duty,” so questions about his entire “tour of duty” are germane. And in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry stated that his fellow Vietnam veterans were guilty of widespread atrocities, so questions about the veracity of those charges are germane.


Originally posted by Spoiled
Im not living under the boot of terror... Im not against going into afghanistan... Iraq did not have WMDs when we went in, they did not have the capability of hitting the US... Bush had a hard on for iraq.... and if he didnt the people behind him did and where telling him he should...

You and your WMD's. Let me ask you a few questions you juvenile pillar of wisdom.

1. Did Iraq ever have WMD's?

2. Did Iraq ever use WMD's?

3. Did Iraq ever manufacture WMD's?

4. Did Iraq allow UN inspectors in to inspect unabaited?

5. Did Iraq fully comply with the UN resolutions imposed on them as part of the cease fire?

6. Did Iraq in fact expell UN weapons inspectors on several occasions?

7. Did Iraq not have a relationship with and sponsor terrorists organizations?

8. Why did Egypt, Jordan and numerous intelligence organizations tell Gen Franks he has Chem weapons and he would use them?

and lastly a rhetorical question for you.

What would you be saying if we had not gone into Iraq and today a improvised chemical weapon provided by Iraq to terrorists went off in a mall in Toledo and gassed 750 innocent women and kids?


Active Member
1. Did Iraq ever have WMD's?

2. Did Iraq ever use WMD's?

3. Did Iraq ever manufacture WMD's?
unless if they where able to import them from somewhere?

4. Did Iraq allow UN inspectors in to inspect unabaited?
When they felt like it

5. Did Iraq fully comply with the UN resolutions imposed on them as part of the cease fire?
nope... Then again arent you one of the people who think the UN is a buncha liberal pussies? and thats why the US doesnt need to listen to them?

6. Did Iraq in fact expell UN weapons inspectors on several occasions?

7. Did Iraq not have a relationship with and sponsor terrorists organizations?
Not al queda... But im sure there where some,,, mostly going to israel though, who also goes against the UN, infact they go against it more so than any other nation

8. Why did Egypt, Jordan and numerous intelligence organizations tell Gen Franks he has Chem weapons and he would use them?
Why did Chilabi say the same thing? They didnt like Saddam and wanted a piece of the pie? Who knows...

Here is a question for you there are many nations with dictators that came to rule by similar means to saddam's... they also torture people, and have terrorist groups in their nation... should we go to these nations and fight the terrorists there... what if these organizations have had clear direct ties to al queda? Would you be OK with giving the leaders if these nations money in order to keep them 'loyal' to us?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
should we go to these nations and fight the terrorists there...

what if these organizations have had clear direct ties to al queda?
Nuke them.

Would you be OK with giving the leaders if these nations money in order to keep them 'loyal' to us?
no - kick their asses instead. That's the only permanent solution.