You Were All Such Great Help Before. . .


New Member
I posted last week about a divorce lawyer and was given the name of someone who is obviously well liked - unfortunately, her next availability isn't until October 17 - and I just can't afford to wait that long. My STBX found out this weekend that I knew what was going on (not the full extent of it) and actually admitted the affair. On top of admitting it - he called me cursing me out the whole weekend for finding out! I'm very afraid of him right now and the possibility of him trying to pick my daughter up from school today and not giving her back (he's otherwise had no interest in this - but knows it's all he can do to hurt me further). I asked Sue Ann's office if they had a referral and they gave me Ann Emory. Anyone ever used her? I didn't see her mentioned here - so was wondering.

Thank you all so much for your help!


All Up In Your Grill
How ironic. I was going to post last week that he would turn it around and make it your fault. You were snooping, how dare you go behind his back :blahblah:

Is he out of the house or are you still cohabitating?


Bookseller Lady
Wait a minute...wait a minute...

He's having an affair and cursed YOU out for finding out about it? :eyebrow:

Sound's like he's a candidate for the Nobel Prize! :cussing:

If you are afraid of him then get out and take your child with you.
aps45819 said:
Call the school and tell them who is authorized to pick up your child from school
And by the same token, can't he call the school and tell them who is authorized to pick up the child...:confused:


Well-Known Member
LostAngel said:
I posted last week about a divorce lawyer and was given the name of someone who is obviously well liked - unfortunately, her next availability isn't until October 17 - and I just can't afford to wait that long. My STBX found out this weekend that I knew what was going on (not the full extent of it) and actually admitted the affair. On top of admitting it - he called me cursing me out the whole weekend for finding out! I'm very afraid of him right now and the possibility of him trying to pick my daughter up from school today and not giving her back (he's otherwise had no interest in this - but knows it's all he can do to hurt me further). I asked Sue Ann's office if they had a referral and they gave me Ann Emory. Anyone ever used her? I didn't see her mentioned here - so was wondering.

Thank you all so much for your help!
If you are physically afraid of him, or he's made threats against you or your child, get a protection order immediately. Contact the court commissioner.


New Member
Yes - he surely does have some nerve! I actually stood up to him this time - which is rare for me to do with him. He kept screaming that I need to stay out of his personal business - to which I replied that he's husband and IS my personal business. Yeah - it was bad - and lasted all weekend! I wanted to call the cops for some help, to make his stop calling, but knew realistically that they couldn't/wouldn't do anything.

And no, we are so longer living together.

When I say school, I mean daycare - they won't refuse him to pick her up without a court order, already tried that. I'm afraid if I take my daughter away I'll be accused of some sort of kidnapping. I'm just afraid to do anything anymore.


wandering aimlessly
SoMDGirl42 said:
If you are physically afraid of him, or he's made threats against you or your child, get a protection order immediately. Contact the court commissioner.
This is good advice.


Well-Known Member
LostAngel said:
Yes - he surely does have some nerve! I actually stood up to him this time - which is rare for me to do with him. He kept screaming that I need to stay out of his personal business - to which I replied that he's husband and IS my personal business. Yeah - it was bad - and lasted all weekend! I wanted to call the cops for some help, to make his stop calling, but knew realistically that they couldn't/wouldn't do anything.

And no, we are so longer living together.

When I say school, I mean daycare - they won't refuse him to pick her up without a court order, already tried that. I'm afraid if I take my daughter away I'll be accused of some sort of kidnapping. I'm just afraid to do anything anymore.
If you have no custody papers, you can take your daughter anytime you want (and so can he) and it is not considered kidnapping.


Bookseller Lady
BS at you being charged with kidnapping.

If you are in fear of physical harm to yourself or your child you have a perfectly valid reason to leave with her.

Go stay with a friend or relative and get a restraining order. You will at least have something in effect until you can get an actual court date to review the order. It's better than nothing at this point.
vegmom said:
BS at you being charged with kidnapping.

If you are in fear of physical harm to yourself or your child you have a perfectly valid reason to leave with her.

Go stay with a friend or relative and get a restraining order. You will at least have something in effect until you can get an actual court date to review the order. It's better than nothing at this point.
She has no legal right to keep his kid from him anymore than he has the right to take the kid and keep it from her.

As for her fearing physical harm... where'd you get that from her posts... I must have missed something because all I remember reading is that she didn't like him calling as often as he did over the weekend. :confused:


Watch it
LostAngel said:
Yes - he surely does have some nerve! I actually stood up to him this time - which is rare for me to do with him. He kept screaming that I need to stay out of his personal business - to which I replied that he's husband and IS my personal business. Yeah - it was bad - and lasted all weekend! I wanted to call the cops for some help, to make his stop calling, but knew realistically that they couldn't/wouldn't do anything.

And no, we are so longer living together.

When I say school, I mean daycare - they won't refuse him to pick her up without a court order, already tried that. I'm afraid if I take my daughter away I'll be accused of some sort of kidnapping. I'm just afraid to do anything anymore.

How would you be kidnapping your own kid? Unless you leave the state without his knowledge, you are simply going about your regular routine. Let him be the nutjob and you be the calm and rational one. That's the only way to keep this easy for yourself. Don't get involved with the screaming and stuff- especially with your kid around.


Bookseller Lady
"I'm very afraid of him right now "

If she has a legitimate fear for her safety she needs to get out and take the child with her. This has nothing to do with parental rights, it's everything to do with responsiblity to protect her child. I would say the same thing if it were the father living with a crazy woman.
vegmom said:
If she has a legitimate fear for her safety she needs to get out and take the child with her. This has nothing to do with parental rights, it's everything to do with responsiblity to protect her child. I would say the same thing if it were the father living with a crazy woman.
I'm not questioning your line of thinking... I'm questioning it's relevance to the current thread. She can't make up stuff in order to make him look bad or get her way. Lawyers and judges are pretty keen on picking up what is real and not real in these types of situations and it will most likely come back to bite her in the butt if she embellishes in order to get sympathy from the courts and force the courts to put an injuction agains him.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

LostAngel said:
I posted last week about a divorce lawyer and was given the name of someone who is obviously well liked - unfortunately, her next availability isn't until October 17 - and I just can't afford to wait that long. My STBX found out this weekend that I knew what was going on (not the full extent of it) and actually admitted the affair. On top of admitting it - he called me cursing me out the whole weekend for finding out! I'm very afraid of him right now and the possibility of him trying to pick my daughter up from school today and not giving her back (he's otherwise had no interest in this - but knows it's all he can do to hurt me further). I asked Sue Ann's office if they had a referral and they gave me Ann Emory. Anyone ever used her? I didn't see her mentioned here - so was wondering.

Thank you all so much for your help!
:whistle: For the dad to get upset when you accuse him of all sorts of nasty stuff is no surprise.

And if you have your man living in another house because of your anger then his "affair" is partly your own fault (if he even had an affair).

I doubt he was angry about you "finding out" because that is ridiculous.

It is far more likely that your baby's dad was angry that you accuse him based on some Internet search and random words from a website.

You really need to get your values back in order.

Defend the marriage and get back with your husband and then if there is any cheating it will not be over the Internet.

Try protecting your family unit by getting your baby's dad back before you ruin it all. :flowers:


Baby blues
JPC sr said:
:whistle: For the dad to get upset when you accuse him of all sorts of nasty stuff is no surprise.

And if you have your man living in another house because of your anger then his "affair" is partly your own fault (if he even had an affair).

I doubt he was angry about you "finding out" because that is ridiculous.

It is far more likely that your baby's dad was angry that you accuse him based on some Internet search and random words from a website.

You really need to get your values back in order.

Defend the marriage and get back with your husband and then if there is any cheating it will not be over the Internet.

Try protecting your family unit by getting your baby's dad back before you ruin it all. :flowers:
:banghead: It is amazing to me how you can twist every little thing you see to be the woman's fault. I am endlessly amazed by you. Just when I think you can't possibly be anymore off your rocker - you prove me wrong.
vegmom said:
"I'm very afraid of him right now "
She didn't use that in the context of fearing he will do harm to her or her child. She fears he may want to take the kid because she knows that is the one thing he can do that would hurt her... emotional hurt. But if I'm not mistaken, she can't just assume he is going to do this and keep the kid from him based on her "fear" that he might unless she can show probable cause. You have to be careful with the advice you throw out there. You wouldn't want to be responsible for her getting on the bad side of a judge.


Bookseller Lady
kwillia said:
I'm not questioning your line of thinking... I'm questioning it's relevance to the current thread. She can't make up stuff in order to make him look bad or get her way. Lawyers and judges are pretty keen on picking up what is real and not real in these types of situations and it will most likely come back to bite her in the butt if she embellishes in order to get sympathy from the courts and force the courts to put an injuction agains him.

I understand about people making stuff up. My father's ex put him thru the ringer. Unfortunatly the newspapers are filled with stories of women who were not taken seriously. That is kind of why we have such sweeping overreactions in the other direction.


Main Streeter
vegmom said:
"I'm very afraid of him right now "

If she has a legitimate fear for her safety she needs to get out and take the child with her. This has nothing to do with parental rights, it's everything to do with responsiblity to protect her child. I would say the same thing if it were the father living with a crazy woman.
She could probably get a peace order against him if she fears for her safety. She can't deny him access to the child unless she can prove that he will harm the child.