You Were All Such Great Help Before. . .

JPC sr said:
:whistle: For the dad to get upset when you accuse him of all sorts of nasty stuff is no surprise.

And if you have your man living in another house because of your anger then his "affair" is partly your own fault (if he even had an affair).

I doubt he was angry about you "finding out" because that is ridiculous.

It is far more likely that your baby's dad was angry that you accuse him based on some Internet search and random words from a website.

You really need to get your values back in order.

Defend the marriage and get back with your husband and then if there is any cheating it will not be over the Internet.

Try protecting your family unit by getting your baby's dad back before you ruin it all. :flowers:
You totally missed the part where he admitted to the affair. Your post is useless.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Tinkerbell said:
:banghead: It is amazing to me how you can twist every little thing you see to be the woman's fault. I am endlessly amazed by you. Just when I think you can't possibly be anymore off your rocker - you prove me wrong.

Don't bother. He is BEYOND retarded.
vegmom said:
I understand about people making stuff up. My father's ex put him thru the ringer. Unfortunatly the newspapers are filled with stories of women who were not taken seriously. That is kind of why we have such sweeping overreactions in the other direction.
Exactly my point. She has yet to post that she fears he will do physical harm to her yet you are insisting on a restraining order. I'm just pointing out that based on the info we are all working with, this would be a sweeping overreaction in the wrong direction that could harm her in the courts if they find out she manipulated the facts in order to get her way.


New Member
JPC sr said:
:whistle: For the dad to get upset when you accuse him of all sorts of nasty stuff is no surprise.

And if you have your man living in another house because of your anger then his "affair" is partly your own fault (if he even had an affair).

I doubt he was angry about you "finding out" because that is ridiculous.

It is far more likely that your baby's dad was angry that you accuse him based on some Internet search and random words from a website.

You really need to get your values back in order.

Defend the marriage and get back with your husband and then if there is any cheating it will not be over the Internet.

Try protecting your family unit by getting your baby's dad back before you ruin it all. :flowers:
You need to learn when to speak when spoken to, most good husbands know when to shut up. Oh that's right you were not a good husband & your wife left you! :killingme

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Tinkerbell said:
:banghead: It is amazing to me how you can twist every little thing you see to be the woman's fault. I am endlessly amazed by you. Just when I think you can't possibly be anymore off your rocker - you prove me wrong.
:whistle: I really do not blame things on the women and I firmly believe it is ultimately the man's place and never the woman's.

But the man is not posting for me to tell him like it is.

Therefore I tell this poster what she can do to fix the problem, or at least to simmer it down.

When the woman trys to have such power over the man which she does not have then the family will be ruined.

It is a hard truth but marriage is not easy and the couple has to sacrifice to make it work. :flowers:


Baby blues
JPC sr said:
:whistle: I really do not blame things on the women and I firmly believe it is ultimately the man's place and never the woman's.

But the man is not posting for me to tell him like it is.

Therefore I tell this poster what she can do to fix the problem, or at least to simmer it down.

When the woman trys to have such power over the man which she does not have then the family will be ruined.

It is a hard truth but marriage is not easy and the couple has to sacrifice to make it work. :flowers:
Uh huh. sacrifice, huh? So...she should just let him sleep around -- for the sake of the marriage. mmmmkay. What, may I ask, would you know about sacrifice in a marraige? I mean, other than the sacrifice of your own child's welfare?


Well-Known Member
vegmom said:
BS at you being charged with kidnapping.

If you are in fear of physical harm to yourself or your child you have a perfectly valid reason to leave with her.

Go stay with a friend or relative and get a restraining order. You will at least have something in effect until you can get an actual court date to review the order. It's better than nothing at this point.
typical kneejerk reation.....
try saving a mooo cow, this lady isn't in any need.

she never said she was in fear of being attacked, and the fear that he might take the child from daycare is over blown. She has no reason to keep her child from its father, and no reason to expect he would try to keep the child from her.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

kwillia said:
You totally missed the part where he admitted to the affair. Your post is useless.
:whistle: I did not miss that - I just find it doubtful.

At first she accused the dad of "many affairs" and now it is one and the dad is not here to speak himself.

Plus she says he is living in rough conditions with two alcoholics (probably exagerated too) but that does mean the dad is free to play around on a woman that puts the dad out and makes unsound accusations against him.

She is probably just stressed out by the new baby and needs some relief.

The dad could be there for her if he knew how but many young parents have little or no guidance.

Pushing the young mom into a divorce Court is a remedy for family ruin and it will last their lifetime.


wandering aimlessly
JPC sr said:
Plus she says he is living in rough conditions with two alcoholics (probably exagerated too) but that does mean the dad is free to play around on a woman that puts the dad out and makes unsound accusations against him.

Are you PMing with the poster, because I don't recall this information being stated?


Well-Known Member
bresamil said:
Are you PMing with the poster, because I don't recall this information being stated?
He has a tendancy to create "facts" to fit his reality. I wouldn't bother with taking anything he says here to heart, or even responding directly to him.


Bookseller Lady
kwillia said:
Exactly my point. She has yet to post that she fears he will do physical harm to her yet you are insisting on a restraining order. I'm just pointing out that based on the info we are all working with, this would be a sweeping overreaction in the wrong direction that could harm her in the courts if they find out she manipulated the facts in order to get her way.

If he's acting like an idiot right now would be a good time to to visit her sister/mother/brother/etc. Not necessarily running off and hiding with the child, but if he's having anger issues it could get ugly. Things may be easier once they have both cooled off and decompressed a bit. If he tries anything like harrasing her at work or banging down her relative's door then hot damn let the police/court rip him a new one.
JPC sr said:
:whistle: I did not miss that - I just find it doubtful.

At first she accused the dad of "many affairs" and now it is one and the dad is not here to speak himself.

Plus she says he is living in rough conditions with two alcoholics (probably exagerated too) but that does mean the dad is free to play around on a woman that puts the dad out and makes unsound accusations against him.

She is probably just stressed out by the new baby and needs some relief.

The dad could be there for her if he knew how but many young parents have little or no guidance.

Pushing the young mom into a divorce Court is a remedy for family ruin and it will last their lifetime.
He chose to discredit and basically end his marriage when he chose to commit adultery. He broke his marriage vows/contract. Don't blame her for the end of her marriage.


Bookseller Lady
Midnightrider said:
typical kneejerk reation.....
try saving a mooo cow, this lady isn't in any need.

She said she was very afraid of him right now. I said if she was in fear of physcial harm then leave.


New Member
JPC sr said:
"Pushing the young mom into a divorce Court is a remedy for family ruin and it will last their lifetime."

Sounds like the husband pushed them both into divorce court when he chose to stick his johnson in another woman :shrug:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

bresamil said:
Are you PMing with the poster, because I don't recall this information being stated?
:whistle: No, I have no secret messaging with the poster,

she told that stuff in her first thread about this, link HERE. :howdy:


New Member
I am trying to hit on all the questions/comments left. . .

I am pretty sure he wouldn't physically harm me and positive he wouldn't physically harm our daughter. I think he loves her - just doesn't know how to be a father to her so that keeps him from interacting with her, playing with her, etc. He lives with his parents right now - his father is a raging alcoholic, a binge drinker who has some days when he can't even get out of bed, I never know when he'll be on a drunk; his sister is an addict/alcoholic and constantly in and out of rehab, when she's out she's there; he is an alcoholic with one year sobriety, but has stopped attending his AA meetings some time ago. His mother doesn't claim herself as alcoholic but likes her brandy in the evenings.

I've been told that I can't get a restraining order unless he physically harms me. . . .


New Member
JPC sr said:
:whistle: I did not miss that - I just find it doubtful.

At first she accused the dad of "many affairs" and now it is one and the dad is not here to speak himself.

Plus she says he is living in rough conditions with two alcoholics (probably exagerated too) but that does mean the dad is free to play around on a woman that puts the dad out and makes unsound accusations against him.

She is probably just stressed out by the new baby and needs some relief.

The dad could be there for her if he knew how but many young parents have little or no guidance.

Pushing the young mom into a divorce Court is a remedy for family ruin and it will last their lifetime.

There have been many affairs - I just have not approached him about all of them - I did not find out about them in the most honest way.

I actually set him up this weekend - I created a fake profile and he hit on me, invited me out for coffee. I sent a friend to the restaurant. . . . .he showed up and stayed even though my friend was there. After he got 'stood up' he went home and sent me, 'er' my fake me, an e-mail, really upset that I didn't show up!


Set Trippin
LostAngel said:
There have been many affairs - I just have not approached him about all of them - I did not find out about them in the most honest way.

I actually set him up this weekend - I created a fake profile and he hit on me, invited me out for coffee. I sent a friend to the restaurant. . . . .he showed up and stayed even though my friend was there. After he got 'stood up' he went home and sent me, 'er' my fake me, an e-mail, really upset that I didn't show up!
You should have went...:lol: