You Were All Such Great Help Before. . .


Well-Known Member
vegmom said:
I did.

Spend much time On The Bus did ya?

14 pages of arguing over what constitutes an abusive relationship.

I guess those researchers at Hopkins are not as smart as I thought :coffee: .
enough to know when i am speaking with a retarded, birkenstock and sock wearin, alfalfa eatin, patuli smellin idiot!

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

LostAngel said:
I never said I wanted a protection order! I even admitted that I was not physically afraid of him. He has never laid a hand on me - and I never claimed that he did. All I wanted was a good divorce lawyer who would not allow my daughter to have to stay in an unhealthy environment. I never claimed her father to be unhealthy, just that he didn't know how to be a father.
:whistle: The dad sounds like a decent man and the child would be better off away from this woman's twisted values.

She says the dad does not know how to be a father - like she does?

I still say she needs to talk to a Priest or Minister. :flowers:


Bookseller Lady
Midnightrider said:
enough to know when i am speaking with a retarded, birkenstock and sock wearin, alfalfa eatin, patuli smellin idiot!

Guess you aren't going to the next Rainbow Family Gathering. eh?

Actually that would describe my ex if you add a beat up VW and a Stealie tatoo.

I'm a LL Bean wearing, sabzi polo eating, Shalimar smelling professional.


New Member
Holy cow - I wasn't expecting 4 pages before I got home! Good news is - my daughter was still at school when I got there - so she's home and happily playing in her kitchen now.

I have an appointment with a lawyer for tomorrow so that is a good thing and I'm eager to get the ball rolling and get all of this settled as soon as possible. I do recognize that I cannot keep my daughter from her father - he's not mean to her, he is just selfish and has better things to do than sit and play with her for any extended period of time. I am not trying to keep her from him completely.

At this point I will just speak with the lawyer tomorrow and see what's best. I thank you all for your input - be it good, bad or indifferent. It has helped me to see the many sides of how things could turn out.

Vegmom - thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt. While the link you posted was freaky for, I am not freaking out and will make sure to keep an eye on myself in case the temper does escalate.

Thanks again!

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

LostAngel said:
I do recognize that I cannot keep my daughter from her father - he's not mean to her, he is just selfish and has better things to do than sit and play with her for any extended period of time. I am not trying to keep her from him completely.
:whistle: A father's job does not include playing games with the child.

It might be done at times, but no, it is not a requirement and that is not being selfish. :flowers:


24/7 Single Dad
JPC sr said:
:whistle: A father's job does not include playing games with the child.
It might be done at times, but no, it is not a requirement and that is not being selfish. :flowers:

There is an old saying that it's better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Thanks for once again proving you're an idiot :howdy:


New Member
LostAngel said:
Holy cow - I wasn't expecting 4 pages before I got home! Good news is - my daughter was still at school when I got there - so she's home and happily playing in her kitchen now.

I have an appointment with a lawyer for tomorrow so that is a good thing and I'm eager to get the ball rolling and get all of this settled as soon as possible. I do recognize that I cannot keep my daughter from her father - he's not mean to her, he is just selfish and has better things to do than sit and play with her for any extended period of time. I am not trying to keep her from him completely.

At this point I will just speak with the lawyer tomorrow and see what's best. I thank you all for your input - be it good, bad or indifferent. It has helped me to see the many sides of how things could turn out.

Vegmom - thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt. While the link you posted was freaky for, I am not freaking out and will make sure to keep an eye on myself in case the temper does escalate.

Thanks again!
:yay: Good for you! Take that step, it will be hard on you for a bit, but after that journey has started, start to work on your new life. Don't let all the info overload you that has been posted. Most would probably agree that he is an a-hole.


Lem Putt
JPC sr said:
A father's job does not include playing games with the child.
So, in your opinion, what is a fathers job besides travelling the country on a five year drunk, doing drugs, gambling, and getting women drunk then raping them?

You obviously don't feel it includes providing food, shelter, or clothing; now it also doesn't include spending any time with them.

What, besides donating sperm, do you think a father's job actually is? What, exactly, is it that you think separates you from a turkey baster?


Bookseller Lady
LostAngel said:
Holy cow - I wasn't expecting 4 pages before I got home! Good news is - my daughter was still at school when I got there - so she's home and happily playing in her kitchen now.

I have an appointment with a lawyer for tomorrow so that is a good thing and I'm eager to get the ball rolling and get all of this settled as soon as possible. I do recognize that I cannot keep my daughter from her father - he's not mean to her, he is just selfish and has better things to do than sit and play with her for any extended period of time. I am not trying to keep her from him completely.

At this point I will just speak with the lawyer tomorrow and see what's best. I thank you all for your input - be it good, bad or indifferent. It has helped me to see the many sides of how things could turn out.

Vegmom - thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt. While the link you posted was freaky for, I am not freaking out and will make sure to keep an eye on myself in case the temper does escalate.

Thanks again!

Good luck hon! If you could persuade your STBX into anger management or other counseling it would be great for everyone involved. I don't mean to be an alarmist, but I have seen situations like yours before and would hate for anyone to get hurt. Can't help it I'm a bleeding -heart-thinks -she's -supposed-to-save-the-world type. Still waving my caution flag, but it sounds like you are taking control of the situation. :yay: :yay: :yay:


But wait, there's more...
vegmom said:
Good luck hon! If you could persuade your STBX into anger management or other counseling it would be great for everyone involved. I don't mean to be an alarmist, but I have seen situations like yours before and would hate for anyone to get hurt. Can't help it I'm a bleeding -heart-thinks -she's -supposed-to-save-the-world type. Still waving my caution flag, but it sounds like you are taking control of the situation. :yay: :yay: :yay:

true dat! just read the link she posted! :yay:

:duh: :sarcasm:

If people applied that same "he/she might beat the crap out of you", "things might spiral downhill", "look at the warning signs" :bs: theorizing to the process of getting married, fewer probably would. :ohwell:

Angel -- best thing you can do is meet with your lawyer, who will tell you the L-A-W as it applies to your situation. Then do what they say. And realize now, that what is done (e.g., cheating) is done. This person is now (or soon will be) your ex-H and someone you have to interact with for the rest of your life. Divorce hurts kids; don't make it worse by setting an example for your daughter of yet another psycho-ex-wife who is hell-bent on seeking a life of revenge against him and being a first class biatch every time you have to interact (not saying you are/would ... just don't). Take the high road, get the divorce, take care of your daughter, ensure she is available to her father for visits however the courts prescribe, and just focus on being a good mom to her from here on out. Let time play out and his actions -- if warranted to label him an ass -- will speak for themselves. But don't let your own personal hate/distrust/hurt/anger/etc. cloud your judgement about what's right in the big picture.

Good luck! :yay:


Bookseller Lady
Seriously folks- this mans behavior is not very reassuring. I am not "male bashing" or trying to be alarmist. What I am saying is "be cautious". Somehow your own perceptual filters are causing you to read other things in to what I've posted.

There are common behavior patterns in partners who abuse, and he has already been verbally/emotionally abusive towards her. I'm not saying he will turn that way, just that its a possibility and he should get help/ she should be careful. The same list of behaviors applies to male and female partners, so this is NOT a gender thing.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
JPC sr said:
:whistle: A father's job does not include playing games with the child.
It might be done at times, but no, it is not a requirement and that is not being selfish. :flowers:

Job? It's not a job, it's a joy in raising a family. Being selfish is not paying support for your kids and playing games yourself :duh: