You Were All Such Great Help Before. . .


Well-Known Member
vegmom said:
vegmom is a moron.

According to her, the man is verbally abusive, an alcoholic, cheats on her, blames her for his shortcomings, screams at her, breaks things, and makes her feel unworthy of love or respect. That is what I said were red flags deary. Yes, it's possible she's just making this all up, but if she is being truthful this situation is potentially dangerous.
and how many of those things did she claim he was BEFORE she found out he was cheating on her?

besides, its funny how you ignore the numerous times she says he has never been violent to suit your argument, but readily accept and even expand on the few things that make him :bad:


Bookseller Lady
kwillia said:
No one said she was making anything up...:doh: Most everyone is saying YOU are making stuff up.

I'm not just trying to :elaine: but everyone seems to be jumping down my throat. For what? Saying that he could turn physical and she should take caution? It was the one post I quoted that set the alarm bells ringing with me.


Bookseller Lady
Midnightrider said:
and how many of those things did she claim he was BEFORE she found out he was cheating on her?

besides, its funny how you ignore the numerous times she says he has never been violent to suit your argument, but readily accept and even expand on the few things that make him :bad:

Yes, she could be making it up. She could be telling the truth. If the later, she needs to protect herself. If the former the courts will find out.

People who physically abuse their partners don't always do it from the get go. Things spiral. Certain behavioral patterns are forboding. What other things she has said are chilling.


Well-Known Member
vegmom said:
Yes, she could be making it up. She could be telling the truth. If the later, she needs to protect herself. If the former the courts will find out.

People who physically abuse their partners don't always do it from the get go. Things spiral. Certain behavioral patterns are forboding. What other things she has said are chilling.
if it was really all that she wouldn't be so adamant that he isn't a threat to her and that she is only worried about not seeing her kids again (way dramatic anyway, and based on nothing)

If you had your way, every X would have a restraining order against them becasue "things sprial" and what he "might do" could be very dangerous.....

vegmom said:
I'm not just trying to :elaine: but everyone seems to be jumping down my throat. For what? Saying that he could turn physical and she should take caution? It was the one post I quoted that set the alarm bells ringing with me.
The problem isn't with your recognition of flags that indicate an abusive relationship. It's your immediate assumption that it means he will suddenly turn to physical abuse. It's your assumption that she isn't taking the necessary steps to get out of that relationship. It's your assumption that now that she has read your link, it somehow offers some sort of protection.

The truth is, she chose this man to make a baby with and as a result, she cannot simply run away and never look back. She has no grounds to keep his child from him, thus her getting spun up and freaking out based on "what ifs" isn't doing anything to de-escalate the tension that's building between them. She should be focusing on defusing... not provoking.


Bookseller Lady
Midnightrider said:
if it was really all that she wouldn't be so adamant that he isn't a threat to her and that she is only worried about not seeing her kids again (way dramatic anyway, and based on nothing)

If you had your way, every X would have a restraining order against them becasue "things sprial" and what he "might do" could be very dangerous.....


His behavior, as she reports it, it very troubling. Would you take your chances with a woman who was acting like that?

No we can't predict if he will actually become violent (physically) but throwing/breaking things (among other things reported) is an idicator. How many sources would I need to quote to convince you it's not some pseudo-feminist agenda thing?


Set Trippin
kwillia said:
The problem isn't with your recognition of flags that indicate an abusive relationship. It's your immediate assumption that it means he will suddenly turn to physical abuse. It's your assumption that she isn't taking the necessary steps to get out of that relationship. It's your assumption that now that she has read your link, it somehow offers some sort of protection.

The truth is, she chose this man to make a baby with and as a result, she cannot simply run away and never look back. She has no grounds to keep his child from him, thus her getting spun up and freaking out based on "what ifs" isn't doing anything to de-escalate the tension that's building between them. She should be focusing on defusing... not provoking.
She might want to bury a 12" dagger in his chest..........................just in case, things may spiral...

oh and ----------> :sarcasm:


Bookseller Lady
kwillia said:
The problem isn't with your recognition of flags that indicate an abusive relationship. It's your immediate assumption that it means he will suddenly turn to physical abuse. It's your assumption that she isn't taking the necessary steps to get out of that relationship. It's your assumption that now that she has read your link, it somehow offers some sort of protection.

The truth is, she chose this man to make a baby with and as a result, she cannot simply run away and never look back. She has no grounds to keep his child from him, thus her getting spun up and freaking out based on "what ifs" isn't doing anything to de-escalate the tension that's building between them. She should be focusing on defusing... not provoking.

And I will state again: I am not saying with 100% certainty that he will turn physically abusive. What I am saying is that he's showing all the warning signs of someone who could. I am not trying to start some kind of panic, just waving a big caution flag. It does sound like she is trying to get away from this guy.


Well-Known Member
vegmom said:
And I will state again: I am not saying with 100% certainty that he will turn physically abusive. What I am saying is that he's showing all the warning signs of someone who could. And for that i am willing to villify him with out any of the facts, its just what i do. But that doesn't make me a man hater, it makes him a bad bad man!!!
vegmom said:
And I will state again: I am not saying with 100% certainty that he will turn physically abusive. What I am saying is that he's showing all the warning signs of someone who could. I am not trying to start some kind of panic, just waving a big caution flag. It does sound like she is trying to get away from this guy.
Correction... she is trying to end a marriage with this guy. She cannot "get away from him" because she has a child with him. No matter how many bad names he calls her, no matter how many evil eyes he cast her way... she has to see him on a regular basis because they share a child together.

No matter how many red flags get flown reading whatever lists, the laws are on his side unless he choses to break them... then and only then can she go get a court order of protection for herself (Note, he'll still be able to have visitation with the kid if he's not caused harm to the kid). BTW, that piece of paper isn't going to stop anyone from hurting her if they really want to... you know that though, huh?


kwillia said:
Correction... she is trying to end a marriage with this guy. She cannot "get away from him" because she has a child with him. No matter how many bad names he calls her, no matter how many evil eyes he cast her way... she has to see him on a regular basis because they share a child together.

No matter how many red flags get flown reading whatever lists, the laws are on his side unless he choses to break them... then and only then can she go get a court order of protection for herself (Note, he'll still be able to have visitation with the kid if he's not caused harm to the kid). BTW, that piece of paper isn't going to stop anyone from hurting her if they really want to... you know that though, huh?
You are being abusive to veggiemom you better stop :jameo:


Bookseller Lady
Midnightrider said:
try reading what i quoted, i know its hard, but try...... :yay:

I did.

Spend much time On The Bus did ya?

14 pages of arguing over what constitutes an abusive relationship.

I guess those researchers at Hopkins are not as smart as I thought :coffee: .
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Ubi bene ibi patria
LostAngel said:
I posted last week about a divorce lawyer and was given the name of someone who is obviously well liked - unfortunately, her next availability isn't until October 17 - and I just can't afford to wait that long. My STBX found out this weekend that I knew what was going on (not the full extent of it) and actually admitted the affair. On top of admitting it - he called me cursing me out the whole weekend for finding out! I'm very afraid of him right now and the possibility of him trying to pick my daughter up from school today and not giving her back (he's otherwise had no interest in this - but knows it's all he can do to hurt me further). I asked Sue Ann's office if they had a referral and they gave me Ann Emory. Anyone ever used her? I didn't see her mentioned here - so was wondering.

Thank you all so much for your help!

You may not find all the answers you need on this forum, especially if the circumstances change often. Here is a link to people who may be able to answer your questions.
