You Will Love This One ! It is way too close for comfort!


Power with Control
Such as...?
I'm not a traffic engineer. But I've seen things like rumble strips and stop signs that light up and flash around the edges. Do they work? Dunno.

And to go back to our previous point, you'll notice that the chief of police for Bowie when talking about these never mentioned accidents at all. Funny! If we're trying to prevent accidents, why wouldn't you tell me how many we had? " We are placing these cameras because we had 50 crashes due to people not stopping for these signs this year". But he didn't say anything like that did he? Odd.


Honorary SMIB
Rumble strips, and speed bumps/humps, are problematic in a residential area. Forget what the fire departments and plow drivers say about them (the latter just don't want to slow down when they're plowing) but for the noise factor.

No one wants to spend their night trying to sleep hearing bllllllllrb or whaaap every couple minutes when a vehicle goes over them.


Power with Control
Rumble strips, and speed bumps/humps, are problematic in a residential area. Forget what the fire departments and plow drivers say about them (the latter just don't want to slow down when they're plowing) but for the noise factor.

No one wants to spend their night trying to sleep hearing bllllllllrb or whaaap every couple minutes when a vehicle goes over them.
I was speaking to Vrai about other stops. Not residential ones.


Just sneakin' around....
speed bumps/humps
A waste of money unless they are made to throw you out of the seat. There is one right in front of my house. When it was first put in, everyone slowed for it, then sped right up again. Now it's a challenge to see how fast you can go over it without getting tossed. Hint: it's faster than the speed limit. No one slows for it anymore.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
Rumble strips, and speed bumps/humps, are problematic in a residential area. Forget what the fire departments and plow drivers say about them (the latter just don't want to slow down when they're plowing) but for the noise factor.

No one wants to spend their night trying to sleep hearing bllllllllrb or whaaap every couple minutes when a vehicle goes over them.
How about snipers with suppressed high power rifles to shoot out the engines of speeders, and red light & stop sign jumpers?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm not a traffic engineer. But I've seen things like rumble strips and stop signs that light up and flash around the edges. Do they work? Dunno.

So instead of a simple enforcement method, you'd rather they invent a technology that may or may not exist, and may or may not be effective?

Again, how do you not hear yourself?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And to go back to our previous point, you'll notice that the chief of police for Bowie when talking about these never mentioned accidents at all.

Delegate Todd Morgan's wife was killed some years back by a red light runner.

And as I already said, we get at least one bad one a week here during tourist season.


Well-Known Member
So the whole doing it solely for profit being the objection point keeps going right by you?

If the govt were to turn the profits back to citizens as a rebate, I would be fine. Assuming of course they placed adequate pathways to fight inaccurate citations. That's the other issue.

Since these are for profit ventures, they twist the law to make them civil infractions. So you lose any legal right to challenge them in court.

Machines are not infallible. Especially ones that one not calibrated and tested on a regular basis. Trust me on this. I've used and now field complex test equipment. Nothing this complex is allowed without a regular calibration/certification program.

But that stuff costs money. And quite a few places have been caught faking the test and cal logs. But legally, you as a citizen don't have standing in MD to even challenge that in court. Cuts into profit, you see.

I never object to paying a citation I received. I do object to enforcement for profit.
Would you be ok if we got rid of the fine and instead used points against license?


Power with Control
So instead of a simple enforcement method, you'd rather they invent a technology that may or may not exist, and may or may not be effective?

Again, how do you not hear yourself?

So why do you think I said "invent technologies" I mentioned two existing technologies I've seen. Do you not read what I wrote before making up the things I didn't type?

Delegate Todd Morgan's wife was killed some years back by a red light runner.

And as I already said, we get at least one bad one a week here during tourist season.

Yes she was, and even after that the SHA refused to let the county place RLCs on 235. Because they did the math. One fatality in who know how many years vs how many rear collisions that RLCs cause? Add in the fact that RLCs don't deter people who run the light "long" after it turns red. Those people are either gonna run it anyway or are checked out mentally and not even aware its red.

Would you be ok if we got rid of the fine and instead used points against license?

Sure. That would deter folks. But why not use the current system of money and points? Right now, it can range from $110 and no points to over $500 and three points for a stop sign. If an officer writes it.


Well-Known Member

I think you are all overlooking the obvious answer.

Sci-Fi Action GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre

He takes pictures, right?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
One fatality in who know how many years vs how many rear collisions that RLCs cause?
BTW, that was cold even for you. "Big deal, one fatality...."

And on that note I'm officially bored with this discussion. Feel free to try and convince others that you just can't help not running stop signs and red lights and it's totally beyond your control and enforcement is just a money making scheme.


Power with Control
How would a RLC cause a rear collision?
See. The runners that RLCs do deter are the last second "go/no-folks". Lights yellow, they don't know how long it will yellow, so they either hit the gas and pray, or they slam in the brakes. People behind them who might reasonably expect them to go through the yellow get caught out and rear end the panic breaker.

Yep, it shouldn't happen. But it does. An increase of between 20-30% of non camera intersections. There's a cost in injuries and property damage to that number. In fact, they produce far more rear end crashes than they reduce t-bine crashes.


the poor dad
I did. Explain to me how red light cameras cause rear collisions. Spell it out.
I can explain as a dump truck driver - when people know there is a RLC, they tend to stop as soon as the light turns yellow, even though they still have 4-5 seconds to proceed thru the intersection, but they don't want to risk that ticket. As I truck driver, I am trying to anticipate what the person in front of me is gonna do - RLCs make this behavior unpredictable. I can not stop as quickly with 55,000# as the 3000# car in front of me. People have it ingrained in them to continue moving thru a yellow light, not suddenly stop. If only 1 in 10 lights have an RLC, there is no more prediction of what drivers will do, especially those not familiar with the area. I've seen this in real time in my travels.