I still can't get a picture of that in my mind. If the person in front of you has working brake lights, isn't that an indicator of their intent to either stop or keep going?
Here is what I'm picturing based on my own personal experience:
Approaching a just turned yellow light, the car in front of me brakes to stop. I see those brake lights and brake accordingly, which I'm going to do anyway because it's unlikely both of us will make it through the yellow. We both wait for the light. He proceeds. I proceed.
Alternately he blows the yellow light; I stop for the red which I'm already prepared for because I saw it turn yellow.
OR he blows the red light; I call him a bunch of bad names while I brake for the light. (I'm a multitasker like that - I can call someone bad names AND apply my brakes at the same time
Most often it's: we're a line of cars waiting for the light to turn; the person in front of me is doing something other than paying attention to their driving; the light turns green and they sit there; I blow my horn at them, call them a few choice names and wave my arms around; they go, "Oh yeah..." and go through just as the light is turning red again, too late for me to make it. I say a bunch of cusswords, then remember it's like 3 extra minutes out of my very important busy day, and I chill again.