Young Professionals Happy Hour


Yeah thats when I got home. I figured you guys were done so I didnt call you.

So.. When is the next one. I know its going to be at HOOTERS! SUPER PROFESSIONAL!!!

What day do you want to go? You said anyday but Wed. right?


:roflmao: There was a total of 2 other people there. I still want to know who the young professionals were :mad: It was either the table next to us or the people that were wearing pink at the bar. You don't have morning sickness today do you? I wasn't wearing gloves so you might be having triplets :lol:

So, did you figure out who the "young professionals" were? Or did they not even show up.


art imitating life
Thats cool with me. I only work 5 minutes from there.

You are talking about next Thursday, not today right?

haha Right.. If not that means you went out Mon, Wed and Thurs.. You will be dead by Friday! LOL