How do...
SShewbert said:
Well I don't really think that there is a simple explanation to this question of his and I figure that in order to answer him there will probably be quite a discussion on it. As with any kid they are going to ask questions. All you can he can do for his kid really is tell him what he thinks of all of this. There is no straight answer as to why we are there, while some people support it and others don't. If he wants his kid to be open to forming his own opinions then he can give him arguments from all sides. But all in all I figure this one question of his would lead to some kind of a conversation. explain to a kid we live in mortal danger and we're doing this and this and this yet the one guy, OBL, most responsible, Mr. 9/11 himself, sends us updates from his Myspace every so often wanting to know if we give yet?
By letting OBL breathe after what he did, the argument to kill anyone else in the name of justice nad protecting ourselves goes out the window and I don't care if you are 10 or 50 or 100.
Then, the only proper answer is; "Look, kid, there is no right or wrong, only a whole bunch of gobblydeegook that world leaders play around with that makes no sense to me anyway, so, it ain't gonna make any sesne to you either, so, don't worry about it."