Your kid asks you......

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Hey, MM - instead of answering the question yourself, why not just sit him down and make him read this tread?

Like a Clockwork Orange type of thing!


...fastforward a few years;

MM; "Shorty, how come you don't ask me questions no more?"


Go G-Men

New Member
mainman said:
On the way to school this morning... Shorty asks me..

"So dad, why are we at war anyways?"

Oddly enough.. I don't know how to answer the question....:confused: A straight, concise, diffinitive answer that he will understand..

Well if "Shorty" would have said why are we at war in Iraq, I could almost see your problem. But seeing as it was a generalized question as to why we are at war.. I don't know maybe something along the lines of: "BECAUSE THE ENEMY CAME HERE ON A NICE DAY SIMILAR TO TODAY AND KILLED OVER 3000 OF OUR COUNTRY MEN AND WOMEN.

BTW... I support this war and solely because if we keep the fanatics engaged over there then it is less likely they will have the time to come here and attack us and our families again.


Set Trippin
Go G-Men said:
Well if "Shorty" would have said why are we at war in Iraq, I could almost see your problem. But seeing as it was a generalized question as to why we are at war.. I don't know maybe something along the lines of: "BECAUSE THE ENEMY CAME HERE ON A NICE DAY SIMILAR TO TODAY AND KILLED OVER 3000 OF OUR COUNTRY MEN AND WOMEN.
Not that it is uber important, but he asked the question immediately following the words "war in iraq" were uttered on the radio...

And Vrai, I am gonna print this out before I go home...:lmao: :yay: