Your kid asks you......


mv = margaritaville
mv_princess said:
Just say a lot of big words..and talk really fast..

that should keep him happy for a few minutes
Your kid asks you...... 09-27-2007 10:47 AM i hope you never reproduce.

That made me giggle

Larry Gude

Strung Out

desertrat said:
I don't think we let him go. We are still over there patrolling. I just don't think we are capable of finding him. Or maybe we did...

...the administration decided getting him was no longer a primary goal. Fine. They decided that based on opinions about his martyrdom and concerns over Pakistan internal politics and how the Saudi's would feel about it and how effective it would actually be to let him go and/or keep his death under wraps.

Either or any way, I think it was a huge mistake not getting the #1 bogeyman. Good lord, OBL himself told us all we need to know about how the bad guys feel about him being alive; it's critical to them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
That's great. It's also not true.
It is indeed true. Simply put:

OBL Bully attacked us with his gang, so now we are fighting back against that gang.

In a separate incident, Saddam Bully attacked his citizens and other countries, so now we are fighting back against that gang.

Both bullies have mutual friends, and that's how they are tied together.

If MM wants to explain the politics of oil to his 7 year old, more power to him. He can let us know how that works out. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

mainman said:
On the way to school this morning... Shorty asks me..

"So dad, why are we at war anyways?"

Oddly enough.. I don't know how to answer the question....:confused: A straight, concise, diffinitive answer that he will understand.. getting a good answer together? :lmao:

I'm sure 'we're getting the bad guys' would work for now because you're dad and dad tells me what I need to know. Vrail has a point about short and sweet. It's just not, to me, accurate.

Any kid in 1941 could be told "We're getting the bad guys" and that's all that was needed to say. It's what we were doing.

Now, we're being given a 1941 answer and Orwellian actions.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
It's just not, to me, accurate.
I think you should offer to take Shorty for an ice cream and explain to him the several-thousand years history of Islam and the Middle East and how it relates to what's going on today.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
I think you should offer to take Shorty for an ice cream and explain to him the several-thousand years history of Islam and the Middle East and how it relates to what's going on today.


...I can work with Shorty. He's gonna be a SEAL someday and have to put up with some BS half azz orders so he may as well be able to sort of the geopolitical mush so he can do what he's gotta do and not worry about making sense.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

mainman said:

uhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah....

...shorty is a baller. He knows that if the guard don't pull, that if the WR don't crack back, if the center can't get on the weakside backer and the TE doesn't double down with the tackle, the RB goes NO WHERE.

We're trying to get the bad guy but our plays need some practice. In the mean time, we take out bumps and bruises, huddle up and do it again.

While we're waiting for a new coach.

Then we gotta learn a whole new O.



Set Trippin
Larry Gude said:
...shorty is a baller. He knows that if the guard don't pull, that if the WR don't crack back, if the center can't get on the weakside backer and the TE doesn't double down with the tackle, the RB goes NO WHERE.

We're trying to get the bad guy but our plays need some practice. In the mean time, we take out bumps and bruises, huddle up and do it again.

While we're waiting for a new coach.

Then we gotta learn a whole new O.

I can relate to this...

Thank you sir! :yay: :yay:


In My Opinion
Larry Gude said:
...I used to think we are at war with those who state that our, the United States of America's, existence is the root of all evil and should be destroyed and we're simply trying to kill our enemy before he kills us.

The way W has gone about this doesn't jive with that, so, it's a good question. A damn good one.
I have to agree with Larry.
when the first strikes on Iraq where launched, I was all for this and I understood the full reason behind it.

then, it was more to the fact that Bush stated that he would hunt the terrorists no matter where they went and that those countries caught harboring them would also be considered a terrorists nation.

though I still think that is why the U.S went into Iraq in the first place, to go after the terrorist cells that were found there, and I think that there could be more to flush out, I also have a very strong feeling that somewhere along the line the reasons, and the goals have changed and we are no longer fighting a war brought on by 9/11

so I suppose that when asked why we are fighiting, you could just explain that the current administration, and the majority of those in congress, have not been taking their medications on a regualr basis.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

bcp said:
though I still think that is why the U.S went into Iraq in the first place, to go after the terrorist cells that were found there, and I think that there could be more to flush out, I also have a very strong feeling that somewhere along the line the reasons, and the goals have changed and we are no longer fighting a war brought on by 9/11

...and all the while instead of leveling with us and saying 'things have changed, now we're trying to do this'...good old W keeps the 'skeer' up, to borrow a line from Bedford Forest, constantly telling us how we just gotta win and just gotta go get those bad guys.

In the mean time US troops get killed at the hands of Iran. A different dictator is our pal in another country and Mr. 9/11 does video grams.


In My Opinion
Larry Gude said:
...and all the while instead of leveling with us and saying 'things have changed, now we're trying to do this'...good old W keeps the 'skeer' up, to borrow a line from Bedford Forest, constantly telling us how we just gotta win and just gotta go get those bad guys.

In the mean time US troops get killed at the hands of Iran. A different dictator is our pal in another country and Mr. 9/11 does video grams.

I dont for a minute doubt that letting down our guard will result in additional terrorist attacks in this country. do you?
and, I fully support the hunting down and killing those that would wish to do that to this country. dont you?

Im only saying that the way it was done turned into a bit more than expected. I honestly dont think that W ever expected so many to confront our troops at once.
personally, we should have pulled out the troops completely and just resumed bombing a long long time ago.

then those troops could have been used to track down Osama and or secure our southern borders from our next attack.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You must be kidding?

bcp said:
I dont for a minute doubt that letting down our guard will result in additional terrorist attacks in this country. do you? absolutely must be kidding?

Standing Americans in lines and searching the bags of teenagers and taking away tooth paste, water bottles and sewing needles serves ONE purpose;

To keep 'terror' in a TOM state, top of mind. That's it.

I have NO doubt that some, maybe even many plots have been stopped cold and lead to further intel gathering and further plots busted. That's all well and good but were they discovered by disarming Americans or in spite of it?

In the mean time, do you think that folks willing to die in an attack have not done so because they are afraid of...what?

Think of all the endless possibilites, easy, easy hits that could be going on right now.

For crying out loud; we had the 9/11 killers stone cold and let them go because of one small tiny rule, the wall between CIA and FBI.

So, now that we agree terrorists are NOT conducting attacks because they simply haven't chosen to do so, how about we discuss why they've chosen to stand down?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hey, MM - instead of answering the question yourself, why not just sit him down and make him read this tread?

Like a Clockwork Orange type of thing!

bcp said:
I dont for a minute doubt that letting down our guard will result in additional terrorist attacks in this country. do you?
and, I fully support the hunting down and killing those that would wish to do that to this country. dont you?

Im only saying that the way it was done turned into a bit more than expected. I honestly dont think that W ever expected so many to confront our troops at once.
personally, we should have pulled out the troops completely and just resumed bombing a long long time ago.

then those troops could have been used to track down Osama and or secure our southern borders from our next attack.
I think the additional security precautions coupled with the fact that we are keeping them very busy over there is why we haven't had any more attacks.


New Member
Tell him we are fighting so his mother wont have to wear a burka ,and so he wont have to kneel to pray to Mecca 5 times a day.

When it all gets down to it this has turned into a religious war with people who intend to destroy us. meanwhile we are pussyfooting around and ,some are in denial ,but the fact is we are in a religious war. We win or we will be fighting it forever. Thsi one aint going away folks. We can run ,but they will follow. Europe will go down first ,but we will go soon after.