Your thoughts on this guy?


Livin' Large
Here is one for you to report to the moderator Smalltown. You are just as foolish and ignorant as you were three weeks ago when i started laying off your butt. But your insistence on your political correct stance makes me want to puke.

You bring no valid argument to the table as others have. You just state a bunch of BS about making it some type of Racial/Ethnic discrimination issue. You loser. Nothing to do with it at all. This is your technique to try to make others back down.

If you want to see the effects of Multi-National Languages, just take a look around the world. Why would one invite this problem into our country? This country welcomes all legal immigrants. Your a damn idiot for trying to pull illegals into it. No one is calling for the beheading of all who speak other languages. This is America, and the language is English.

Of course you guys at the kennel probably speak Bow Wow and Woof.


Dancing Up A Storm
What are you refering to?

Originally posted by SmallTown
Funny.. penn complained about the ATM being dual language, yet didn't say a peep about the foreign language on his money he spends.. First he gets spanish off the ATM, then off to stand in line next to the freak who wants the word GOD taken off the money.. You can't have a foreign language on our money!!! :roflmao: :roflmao:

:shutup: :yeahthat: If you are talking about the Latin on our currency, Jesus!, you are totally out there! Latin is the root of ALL languages. Do I have a problem with that? NO! Dummy! I haven't entered in on the discussion about God on our money or in our schools or courts, or any wheres else for that matter, because I think it's a basic tenet of our founding father's intent. This country was founded on religious freedom, no?
So what's the big deal? To me it's when the Church or the State try to push things too far, and it becomes intrusive on us. I know that's a little vague, but I trust we will all recognize it when we see it. Get a grip, Smalltown: you haven't had an intelligent post on this thread all morning, but I know you'll keep trying!

:cheers: penn


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Man, you all do get fired up. Today must be the day for it - Larry's all fired up too.

Communication is what helps us to understand and get to know our fellow humans. If we can't communicate with them, we don't understand them and will therefore avoid them. When I get a receptionist that speaks broken English, I hang up on them. When I go into a business to buy something and neither the clerk nor I can understand each other, I leave. Why should I spend my money or time with someone I can't communicate with? Hell, I've had people in convenience stores that couldn't even count back change because they were unfamiliar with our currency system.

Small, if you moved to a foreign country, wouldn't you at some point attempt to learn the language so you could communicate with them? That's all I'm asking.

One more thing: it's racist and elitist to expect less of immigrants than we do of any other citizen. By making schools teach in two or more languages, we're telling Hispanics that they are too strange to assimilate into our culture and we are keeping them separate from the rest of us. And it's a slap in the face to immigrants who want to leave whatever hellhole they came from to pursue the American dream.

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
One more thing: it's racist and elitist to expect less of immigrants than we do of any other citizen. By making schools teach in two or more languages, we're telling Hispanics that they are too strange to assimilate into our culture and we are keeping them separate from the rest of us. And it's a slap in the face to immigrants who want to leave whatever hellhole they came from to pursue the American dream.

unless they are Jesse Jacksonites :lol:



Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by John Z
OK, I'll step forward with a wishy-washy response. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like some of his ideas. But I think his stance is too extreme and conservative for me.
:razz2: I have to echo your thinking. I'll buy the closing of the borders, deporting ALL Illegal Aliens, locking up Democrats until proven conservative, and muzzling Babs, Jesse Jackson, Sean Penn, George Clooney and that other twit, comedienne Garafalo.

Am I too hawkish?

:biggrin: penn


Football season!
You people really do crack me up..

As for Vrai's comment (since she seemed to be the only rational poster, even when our points are complete opposites). Yes. I would enjoy learning the language of the land if I moved. But if I were to go to madrid, I would be saying "hablas ingles?" a lot just because I feel more comfortable speaking English.
I'm not saying that people coming here should never learn English, but also showing things in other languages doesn't hurt us either.. I just can't see what the big fuss is all about.. No, I don't want people coming here and just getting on welfare.. No, I don't want terrorists coming over and taking down our buildings.. But I just can't see someone being upset that an ATM machine has both english and spanish.. Now, if it had just spanish...

Over the weekend we were house hunting, and I saw something I know you guys would flip over.. There was a row of newspaper stands, and in the middle there was one with some sort of japanese writing (I don't know the languages, so I don't know for sure what language it was)

I for one think having things in multiple languages just makes people who are not yet completely comfortable speaking english get by.. Lets face it, many of you have spoken english for 40 plus years and sometimes don't get it right, imagine a newbie trying to get by.. Especially with so many words that sound a like, they may need their own language interpretation to help figure out what it is.. Is is wright, or right? Did I tear the paper, or have a tear in my eye? Did I lie under oath, or wash my hands with lye. Too much coffee... two cups of coffee... coffee to stay awake.. I ate the last piece of pizza, I had eight pieces of pizza.

Sure, these are all common to us, but for someone learning the language, it can be pretty tough! We take English all through school, even through college.. And we expect people not familiar with it to learn it over night?


Dancing Up A Storm
What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by yakky doodle
good thinking biscuit; can't be banned for using somd smilies, right? :biggrin:
:loser: :biteme: :loser: :biteme:

ahh, now, only another hour of chain smoking and I'll be just fine! :cool:
:biggrin: Once again, Smalltown has exhibited his ineptitude to deal with controversial subjects in a rational manner.
I was tempted to say that it must be something to do with his childhood development, but I think it's pretty plain he's never fully escaped that environment. OOPs! I I did say that! My erase key isn't working, that's why!
I'm of the opinion Small and Dems are 'kin; I can't put my finger on it, but, it's just a gut feeling.
I'll reiterate what has been said earlier: Smalltown, you have to get out more. See what's out there beyond your backyard. See, you ideate in terms of local zones, ie., your personal property. Start thinking nationally or better yet, globally.

:razz2: penn


Originally posted by SmallTown
You people really do crack me up..

As for Vrai's comment (since she seemed to be the only rational poster, even when our points are complete opposites).

Boy that sucks..... and I tried so hard to be nice today. :bawl:


Football season!
Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by penncam
Start thinking nationally or better yet, globally.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

This from the person who doesn't want to see spanish at the ATM (though latin is ok) bahahahahahahahaha


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Yeah...what she said!!!!

Bi-lingual education was/is one of those touchy-feely-feel good liberal programs that was instituted by the Democrats thinking "oh my gosh...we wouldn't want to offend those immigrant folks by forcing them to learn english - we need the Hispanic vote!" Just another government program to dumb-down our schools and teach to the lowest common denominator (instead of aspiring students to reach up to a higher level). It needs to STOP!

BACK to the original reason for this thread:

A quick look at Michael Savage's 9-point program & why it's good:

1. Make tax cuts permanent: no reason needed here - just good plain sense.

2. Close the borders now: while we wait to debate legislation on HOW to control our borders, thousands of illegals flood across the border. CLOSE IT NOW, then decide how to control it. STOP THE ILLEGAL FLOW IMMEDIATELY!

3. Deport all illegal immigrants now: they are ILLEGAL - why keep them here? Send them back home. My tax money is being spent keeping them in "detention centers" when my tax dollars could be better spent elsewhere.

4. Eliminate bi-lingual education in all states: see my comments at the top of this post.

5. Require health tests for all recent foreign born immigrants: certain diseases in this country were almost eradicated...until immigrants arrive from countries where diseases like TB and AIDS are running unchecked due to little or no public health initiatives. These same immigrants now get low paying jobs in our restaurants and pass these diseases on to me & my family. BS!

6. Eliminate as many entitlement programs as possible: Where in our Constitution does it state that the federal government shall be the source of free handouts? It was the intent of our founding fathers that the federal government be small & unobtrusive - not a free-for-all money tree.

7. Reduce the number of federal employees: the federal government has become fat and bloated with employees. So much for our founding father's idea of a small federal government.

8. Oil drilling on US soil: it's there, why not use it? Why rely so much on foreign oil? Everytime a foreign country hiccups, our oil/gas prices shoot up. Oh...the tree-huggers cry - not here! It's OK for other countries to drill for oil, but not in your own backyard? Step out of your gas-hog SUV & tell me that! I dare ya!

9. Tort reform - "Stop Lawyers": Do I really need to go into why?
Millions of dollars awarded to a lady who spills coffee in her lap at McDonalds and then sues because she got burned - duh! Lawyers on TV giving each other high-5's after winning a civil suit - not because they won the suit - they are instant millionaires! Ambulance-chasing lawyers looking to file a suit in your behalf not because they care for you - it's because they want the cash that comes with winning the suit. Our country has become crippled by lawyers who mostly are in it for themselves & the cash they get. Why do you think you see those warnings on coffee cups now "WARNING- CONTENTS MAY BE HOT" - lawyers. What's America's favorite past time? Not baseball - lawsuits!

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
You people really do crack me up..
As for Vrai's comment (since she seemed to be the only rational poster, even when our points are complete opposites).

funny how your tune changed (and the substance -- though still not on target to the discussion) in your post when the board mommy came along. :rolleyes: you are failing to grasp what we are saying smalltown. open your eyes and just read this (I'll type it nice and slow for you!)

No one said foriegn languages should be banned (reread this line)

We said the PRIMARY language should be taught, used and understood by foriegners who make this their new home.

Originally posted by SmallTown
Over the weekend we were house hunting,

whassamatta? NoVa prices keeping you bunkered down here in the sticks? I know if I hated something as much as you hate this area, I'd have been a goner long ago. :bubble:


Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by SmallTown
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

This from the person who doesn't want to see spanish at the ATM

I'm curious about the brail at the ATM. :twitch:


Dancing Up A Storm
Consider this. . . .

Originally posted by yakky doodle

No one said foriegn languages should be banned (reread this line)

We said the PRIMARY language should be taught, used and understood by foriegners who make this their new home.

whassamatta? NoVa prices keeping you bunkered down here in the sticks? I know if I hated something as much as you hate this area, I'd have been a goner long ago. :bubble:

:razz2: OMG, Yakky, I don't suppose the delay in Smalltowns departure has anything to do with a suitable location, that would accept such ineptitude, do you? Trying to re-create an environment like one is used to, say "back home 'yonder", would be quite a daunting task.

:eek: penn


Football season!
Originally posted by yakky doodle

whassamatta? NoVa prices keeping you bunkered down here in the sticks? I know if I hated something as much as you hate this area, I'd have been a goner long ago. :bubble:

Funny, I keep explaining the situation to you and you keep saying I didn't see what you said before, and I don't care now.. So why keep asking the question?


Football season!
Originally posted by yakky doodle
funny how your tune changed (and the substance -- though still not on target to the discussion) in your post when the board mommy came along. :rolleyes: you are failing to grasp what we are saying smalltown. open your eyes and just read this (I'll type it nice and slow for you!)

Nothing really changed.. I respond to the way people talk to me.. If they are nice and civil, I am the same way back.

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Funny, I keep explaining the situation to you and you keep saying I didn't see what you said before, and I don't care now.. So why keep asking the question?

and I'm not buying it :bubble: like I said, if you hate it here as much as you say you do, you'd be long gone.

"Sell crazy someplace else; we're all stocked up here!" :rolleyes:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by justhangn
I'm curious about the brail at the ATM. :twitch:
Might want to keep an eye open for an arm hanging out the window, with a seeing eye dog running along the left side of the car!