Your thoughts on this guy?

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Nothing really changed.. I respond to the way people talk to me.. If they are nice and civil, I am the same way back.

more :bs:

don't drop this "you aren't civil so neither am I" business. several of us tried -- in a civil manner -- to explain what we are saying. My daughter could read your post and say :loser: :rolleyes:


Football season!
Re: Consider this. . . .

Originally posted by penncam
:razz2: OMG, Yakky, I don't suppose the delay in Smalltowns departure has anything to do with a suitable location, that would accept such ineptitude, do you? Trying to re-create an environment like one is used to, say "back home 'yonder", would be quite a daunting task.

:eek: penn

Actually.. I wasn't going to say anything because I know you people would get one hell of a kick out of it.. But we have found a great place to live, and guess what? It is a lot like it is here! Small town feel, plenty of water, etc.. We like it more than here for a few reasons:
1) The landscape isn't littered with liquor stores on every block
2) No bingo halls on every street
3) No trailer parks.

Other than that, a lot like here! Closer to DC and shopping and restaurants..

But almost just like here.. There are I think 4 grocery stores, several parks, golf courses, etc.. Basically, it is as if you took the entire pax river area and moved it to say, hughesville or a little further north.. Few things there, but only a real short drive to the other things (5 mins for most, 10 max).. But its about 25 mins to the nearest pottery barn, i'll have to work on that :smile:

I think most of you guys would love it there (if you like it here, of course).


Football season!
Originally posted by yakky doodle
and I'm not buying it :bubble: like I said, if you hate it here as much as you say you do, you'd be long gone.

"Sell crazy someplace else; we're all stocked up here!" :rolleyes:

I wasn't selling anything, just answering your question.. Doesn't matter to me if you want to believe it or not.


Football season!
Re: Re: Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by Kyle
Might want to keep an eye open for an arm hanging out the window, with a seeing eye dog running along the left side of the car!

And how about those beepers at intersections for the blind.. If they can't read the signs or see the lights, shouldn't be walking on the road.


What?? We have more than 2 Bingo Halls now? where... where???


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by SmallTown
And how about those beepers at intersections for the blind.. If they can't read the signs or see the lights, shouldn't be walking on the road.

Like an Alabama wind chime, you're just making noise.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by SmallTown
And how about those beepers at intersections for the blind.. If they can't read the signs or see the lights, shouldn't be walking on the road.
What?! F... Y..


Football season!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by SeaRide
What?! F... Y..

Just joking along with the people laughing at brail on the ATM machine.. Sorry, not more jokes.


Deport the SOBs in a nanosecond. What are we waiting for? Another 9/11? Yes, close the borders, get the National Guard out there, and secure it.

I second that!

And Small you are mixing up the difference between speaking English and being handicapped. Many handicapped people are that way not by choice, whereas an individual fleeing from another country and not speaking English is a choice. If you come in this country, you should be prepared to speak the fluent tongue.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by SmallTown
Just joking along with the people laughing at brail on the ATM machine.. Sorry, not more jokes.
Joking along with people laughing at BRAILLE?
well, I still say .. "F.. Y.."
What's so funny about English language in Braille? What's so funny about English language in morse code?
What's so funny about English language in Semaphore (flag signaling)?
Last edited:


Dancing Up A Storm
Larry, fired up? you're kidding!

Originally posted by vraiblonde
Man, you all do get fired up. Today must be the day for it - Larry's all fired up too.
:biggrin: What the heck is there for Larry to get fired up for? Both the redskins and the Giants are history for the year. One for inept coaching and one for an inept referee decision. Other than Smallminds, what else is there to breathe fire about?
:biggrin: penn


Dancing Up A Storm
What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by SmallTown
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

This from the person who doesn't want to see spanish at the ATM (though latin is ok) bahahahahahahahaha

Smalltown; have you considered vaudville?:oops: The Latin you see on our U.S.currency, is largely symbolic wouldn't you agree? Hell, a large part of Americans probably cannot read Latin; I for one can't. Should have taken it, but instead elected to learn French. Alas, poor choice; should have gone with the Spanish.
I suppose you would have the Latinos learn Latin next, after English? Poor Sap!

:razz2: penn


Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by penncam
should have gone with the Spanish.

:razz2: penn

Don't feel bad Penn, I took Spanish and dropped it because I thought it was a crummy language.

Now, years later, I still think the same way about the language.


I took 3 YEARS of Latin and 2 YEARS of Spanish and a lot of good that did me. First, Latin is a tough language to learn and after C'ing my way thru it the third year, I decided I wasn't going to do another year. Now, Spanish is fairly easy, but if you don't speak it everyday, it becomes as useless as Latin.


Football season!
Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by justhangn
Don't feel bad Penn, I took Spanish and dropped it because I thought it was a crummy language.

Now, years later, I still think the same way about the language.

I took it for a few years and always thought it was a rather "harsh" language.. I know that is not the correct term, it just isn't very smooth sounding.. At least I thought that until I heard a couple talking spanish at the starbucks recently.. Maybe it was just because of the chick, but it sounded pretty sexy :biggrin:


Re: Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by SmallTown
I took it for a few years and always thought it was a rather "harsh" language.. I know that is not the correct term, it just isn't very smooth sounding.. At least I thought that until I heard a couple talking spanish at the starbucks recently.. Maybe it was just because of the chick, but it sounded pretty sexy :biggrin:

Maybe that's a better way to put it than crummy, but it does NOT flow well at all.

It sounds like the wrapper had a lot to do with your opinion.

According to what I have been told, if you actually go to SPAIN and talk to the populous, it's a beautiful language and Mexicans destroy it.

yakky doodle

New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by justhangn
According to what I have been told, if you actually go to SPAIN and talk to the populous, it's a beautiful language and Mexicans destroy it.
i've heard the same.


Re: Re: Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by justhangn
According to what I have been told, if you actually go to SPAIN and talk to the populous, it's a beautiful language and Mexicans destroy it.
Hmm.. I don't know about the language being destroyed. I would think the language somewhat has evolved. Historically, Native Mexican were there first before the Spaniard discovered Mexico. Just like Australian speak their own language. Look at Canadian English language. Look at our (American) English Language. They spell "colour" while we spell "color" .. go figure.


Chairman of the Board
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by SmallTown
And how about those beepers at intersections for the blind.. If they can't read the signs or see the lights, shouldn't be walking on the road.

You can't see why it seems weird to have braille on a *drive-thru* ATM machine? As in, driving a car while blind?


Football season!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What's the bottom line here?

Originally posted by Frank
You can't see why it seems weird to have braille on a *drive-thru* ATM machine? As in, driving a car while blind?

It was all a joke.

But.. You have never had someone in the back seat of your car who wanted to use the ATM? The blind guy could either give his PIN# and card to you (very bad) or do it himself. :smile: