Zell Miller


My Sweetest Boy
penncam said:
:jet: :duel: Ho-o-l-l-y Sh-a-i-i-t!!!

MSNBC, at about 7:30 this morning replayed a portion of an interview Chris Matthews did with Zell Miller, from last night , I guess, and it was pure dynamite!
You all know Matthews is a staunch liberal, and thinks Kerry is the paradigm of the "next coming", so he tried to nail Miller on his speech at the RNC earlier in the evening.

He was up to his same old tricks, asking a question, and then interrupting the response after a few words from the person interviewed, and at one point during this process, Miller said "Wait a minute, do you want me to answer this question or not!?!"

He said "Too much more of this and I'm calling it quits to this interview!"

And: "You know, I'm not like that little girl you had on the other night(Michele Malkin) where I can't defend myself with you."

He said: "I wish we could go back to the time where we could challenge each other to a duel, because we'd sure have one!"

All I can say is WOW!! Somebody finally nailed Matthews and did it with class.

I saw it real time...it was hilarious. Matthews didn't know what to say.


I had a mental picture of Zell Miller driving a stake through the heart of a vampire with Kerry's face....and Zell was smiling.
FYI ..

If you have Comcast, you can catch all the key speeches on On-Demand. Just access your On-Demand from main menu & select news & info then select election 2004.


Dancing Up A Storm
Vince said:
Is this interview on line somewhere?
Vince, I went over to the MSN site and searched for "Chris Matthews/Zell Miller interview" and it did not come up. The latest interview was Aug 27th, that I saw.
As Cattitude says, it was live and in very vivid living color.

Matthews was sputtering, grinning, and trying to maintain as much composure as he could muster.

When Miller mentioned the duel issue, Matthews actually froze for a second.

It was awesome!


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
Here's Zell!

Fox has video of all the major speeches - Zell is at the top of the selection right now.
BTW - the RNC convention site has video of the speeches online as well if anyone has troubles with Fox.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I was right there with Ken...

..."Oh my ####ing God! lay it on 'em my man!" I was jumping up and down like an organ grinder monkey.

Zell Miller said one and only one thing: Do you want a man who will KILL our enemies in charge or a man who will think about it?

I stood a few feet from the major march in New York on Sunday and right next to an impromtu one that night. These people are overwelhmingly anti war and therefore anti Bush. They HATE the war against terror and they hate him.

I just stood there, Redskins cap on, fat stogie in my maw and just wanted to say to them all; "Do you realize you are the FIRST people a global Islamic theocracy will behead? Do you realize that simple, inconvenient fact?"


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
... These people are overwelhmingly anti war and therefore anti Bush. They HATE the war against terror and they hate him.
They're only "Anti-War" when a Republican is presiding over it.

Did we see this kind of anti-war flap when Bubba was sending troops to Kosovo, Bosnia, anywhere?


This was the first thing my hubby mentioned to me on the phone this morning. He asked if I watch it, but I'm sure everyone knows (I've complained enough), I don't have a TV up here.

My hubby said that he said (I think I got this right) "Kerry wants to be our Commander in Chief and our Millitary he wants to fight a sensitive war on terror, whats he gonna use SPITBALLS!"

I will say, Miller has some very big balls. :cheers:
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Dancing Up A Storm
IM4Change said:
This was the first thing my hubby mentioned to me on the phone this morning. He asked if I watch it, but I'm sure everyone knows (I've complained enough), I don't have a TV up here.

My hubby said that he said (I think I got this right) "Kerry wants to be our Commander in Chief and our Millitary he wants to fight a sensitive war on terror, whats he gonna use SPITBALLS!"

I will say, Miller has some very big balls. :cheers:
:duel: You know, the thing is the Dems are at this moment trying fiercefully to discredit Zell Miller now that he's spoken at the RNC, ripped John Kerry for the voting record he's had for the past 20 odd years, and I don't feel it will work to their advantage.
First, it's true what he said about Kerry; his voting record is available to anyone on the internet.

Second, the issue he was talking about was National Defense; to vote against an $87 Billion dollar measure to support our troops with the arms and protection they need is approaching criminality. Our troops would feel real secure with that knowledge about our Commander in Chief, wouldn't they?

Notice in the DNC, noone touted John Kerry's voting record, did they?
I did not recall hearing of it.

Now they're saying Zell Miller was aligned with Lester Maddox, intimating Miller was(?) a segragational racist.

Gee, I don't recall them mentioning that when he was a keynote speaker for Clinton in 1992! Anybody recall that fact being made public by the Dems before?
By and large, Zell Miller is angry about the course his chosen party has set it self on: Hate for President Bush, partisan politics, consulting, nay getting approval from the UN before the US enters any conflict , wherever it might be, etc., and etc.

I'm sorry, it's so much BS on their part as far as I can see.


Dancing Up A Storm
FromTexas said:
We want him to stay on our side, Catt. :popcorn:

Catt Pm'd me and said: rawhrra-a-irrh! I could imagine claws fully extended whooshing through the air....... :killingme :lmao:


New Member
penncam said:
He said: "I wish we could go back to the time where we could challenge each other to a duel, because we'd sure have one!"

All I can say is WOW!! Somebody finally nailed Matthews and did it with class.
Penn, you call this class? How is it classy to threaten bodily harm to someone for asking tough questions? Isn't the purpose of a political anchor to ask the tough questions and try to get the spin out of the dialogue? I thought that Zell Miller showed a negative, hateful side in that interview that was just a byproduct of a hateful, negative keynote address.

I am sorry to break from the consistent litany of "great's" on this thread, but when I watched the Miller speech last night, I could only think of one thing: Pat Buchanan's 1992 culture war speech. Zell Miller was not uplifting last night, he did not offer America with a positive case to reelect President Bush. The Bush people were bringing him to the convention to reach out to disaffected Democrats and independents, but that objective was thoroughly missed (NBC Nightly News just reported that some Bush aides are very worried that the Miller speech was over the top). While I watched the speech, I couldn't help but compare the Republicans' keynote speech with the Democrats' speech. Zell Miller trashed John Kerry because he's voted against weapons systems after the Cold War ended and the perceived threat to the United States downsized. He failed to mention that Kerry, since 9/11, has voted for the largest defense budgets in history at the request of President Bush. How does voting against a Cold War-era bomber have anything to do with efficiency when it comes to beating individual terrorists, who cannot be defeated by the conventional tools previously used? Furthermore, Zell Miller provided red meat to the convention delegates and all of the ardent Bush backers here on the forums; he did not reach out. He did not project optimism; he projected hatred. He did not project bipartisanship; he projected deep down division. He did not project hope; he projected fear. I couldn't help but remember Barack Obama at the DNC talking about bringing the blue and the red together, about our similarities, about our common dreams and how starkly Miller's words contrasted.

You can discredit this as the ramblings of a Kerry supporter, but let me just caution all of you about how great this speech was for undecideds. Undecided voters do not respond to negativity; they respond to a positive message about a candidate's plan for the future.