Recent content by SayDLvr01

  1. SayDLvr01

    xc clinic with jimmy wofford

    that sound awesome!!! have fun! you're probably already in bed now...but let us know how it goes!
  2. SayDLvr01

    Dressage Doggie style

    So cute!!! That was adorable, I loved that.
  3. SayDLvr01

    horsie event calender

    I'm so excited to get started!!! If only I had a trailer of my own....:dead:
  4. SayDLvr01

    I am a true Floridian....

    Guess how cold it was the other day, Sadie...25 degrees!! I'll be spending my spring break in Destin this year, too bad that's 5 hours away from you..
  5. SayDLvr01

    Equine Colleges

    When I was looking for horsie schools, Virginia Intermont and Deleware Valley (which is in PA) were two that I liked a lot. I don't know if they have breeding but I remember their equine programs sounded very good when I was browsing colleges online.
  6. SayDLvr01

    Hurricane + Horse Show = Bad?

    Just called, the show is on! See you guys out there:)
  7. SayDLvr01

    Hurricane + Horse Show = Bad?

    Apparently with the wooden fence people couldn't see from the first two levels of seats... The chain link is going to be soo fantastic...:bigwhoop:
  8. SayDLvr01

    Olympic Show Jumping on NBC TV NOW!

    Excellent! Do you know if they will include everything, like it would have appeared live?
  9. SayDLvr01

    Olympic Show Jumping on NBC TV NOW!

    It does, thanks!! Maybe now I can catch up on everything I missed...:)
  10. SayDLvr01

    Olympic Show Jumping on NBC TV NOW!

    jeez! that is weird. i haven't been able to watch ANY of the equestrian stuff, I never know when it's on or which channel! is it going to come out on DVD or anything?? i want to watch allllllll of it! i'm so bummed i've missed so much
  11. SayDLvr01

    SMHA Sunday...

    Sunday. I think I was in your pleasure class, but maybe you were in the one before me...I can't remember, but I do recognize you!:)
  12. SayDLvr01

    i got a new video of me riding...

    Hey I think I was teaching in the parking lot during your lesson...I remember seeing Ms Susie on George..
  13. SayDLvr01

    Black Eyed Susan Trio Show

    AMIT's usually take about an hour I guess...depends on which level you sign up for and how fast you decide to go:)
  14. SayDLvr01

    Olympic Show Jumping on NBC TV NOW!

    what happened??
  15. SayDLvr01

    SMHA Sunday...

    Yes!!! We had just finished our first pleasure flat class in ring 2 and were waiting to start the second one and i was walking right by when it happend...I was so scared!! I had trouble paying attention to my class once it started...I was sooo glad to see he finally got up. It was so scary