🔥 The Biden Raid roundup.


Well-Known Member
I've heard it said that the simplest explanation is sometimes the most preferred, but not always correct.

So I shouted her down, made wild accusations, and demanded proof, then ignored her.

Hey, it's what I do.:sshrug:


PREMO Member

Former Law Clerk for Justice Gorsuch Lays Out Why the Mar-a-Lago Raid Based on Today’s Affidavit Was “Unprecedented…Unnecessary, and…Unlawful”

Davis shared on FOX News today:

Yeah, so this affidavit, heavily redacted affidavit, it further evidences that this home raid on President Trump was unprecedented, it was unnecessary, and it was unlawful.
Again, what I have been saying since August 8th, the President has the absolute Constitutional authority to declassify anything he wants for any reason he wants and he doesn’t have to get permission from any bureaucrat at the National Archives to do that…so there goes the underlying potential charge for espionage that was in this warrant.

The second point, the President has the sole statutory authority to make the determination whether a record is a personal record that belongs to him or a Presidential record that goes to the bureaucrats at the National Archives and almost certainly gets sent back to the President…

Next, Davis shared:

So what is left? They’re looking at obstruction. Well it is legally impossible for a former President to obstruct investigations into non-crimes. But the Justice Department did not have the power to even look at these crimes because it doesn’t matter what the affidavit discloses in the affidavit, no matter what that shows, as a matter of law it is legally impossible for President Trump to have committed espionage or have violated some Presidential records act.
The Presidential records act actually contemplates that Presidents have classified records…There’s no allegations that any of these records got into the wrong hands unlike Hillary Clinton’s home server where she had foreign governments hack the most highly classified secrets in our government and she didn’t get an FBI raid so what was so urgent that caused the Biden Justice Department to go get these records?
And I think it’s because President Trump declassified and made personal his copy of the Crossfire Hurricane records, the Russian collusion records and the Biden Justice Department never made them public because they are so damning on Obama, Hillary, Clinton, the FBI and the Intel community…


PREMO Member

FBI warrant for Trump search relied on media reports, like earlier bungled Russia FISA warrants

For instance, the bureau relied on a local CBS report to establish that Trump had moved boxes suspected to contain documents from the White House to Mar-a-Lago in mid-January 2021, just before he left office, according to the partially redacted FBI affidavit made public by a court Friday.

"According to a CBS Miami article titled 'Moving Tucks Spotted At Mar-a-Lago,' published Monday, January 18, 2021, at least two moving trucks were observed at the PREMISES on January 18, 2021," the memo related.

Another citation referred to a Breitbart article from May in which former Trump adviser Kash Patel was quoted as saying he did not believe documents found at Mar-a-Lago and returned to the National Archives and Records Administration were classified. The citation refers to Trump as "FPOTUS," meaning former president.

"I am aware of an article published in Breitbart on May 5, 2022, available at https://www.breitbart.comvoliticsi2...ed-wereah-eadv-declassifi.ed-kash-patel-savs/, which states that Kash Patel, who is described as a former top FPOTUS administration official, characterized as 'misleading' reports in other news organizations that NARA had followed classified materials among records that FPOTUS provided to NARA from Mar-a-Lago. Patel alleged that such reports were misleading because FPOTUS had declassified the materials at issue," an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit supporting the search.


PREMO Member

Retired FBI boss disassembles Trump search warrant: Feds ‘going to regret this’

"I think they're going to regret this," retired Assistant Director Kevin Brock told the "Just the News, Not Noise" television show after reviewing a heavily redacted affidavit the FBI used to persuade a judge to allow the Aug. 8 search at Mar-a-Lago.

Brock, ordinarily an ardent defender of his former agency, has raised concerns for several days that the bureau did not exhaust other means to resolve the dispute over presidential and alleged classified records Trump kept. He said he did not believe the FBI adequately considered the possibility that Trump had wide latitude to declassify records and declare them personal.

He said Friday his concerns were only heightened by the court-ordered release of the search warrant affidavit, which he noted was still heavily redacted.



Well-Known Member

Retired FBI boss disassembles Trump search warrant: Feds ‘going to regret this’

"I think they're going to regret this," retired Assistant Director Kevin Brock told the "Just the News, Not Noise" television show after reviewing a heavily redacted affidavit the FBI used to persuade a judge to allow the Aug. 8 search at Mar-a-Lago.

Brock, ordinarily an ardent defender of his former agency, has raised concerns for several days that the bureau did not exhaust other means to resolve the dispute over presidential and alleged classified records Trump kept. He said he did not believe the FBI adequately considered the possibility that Trump had wide latitude to declassify records and declare them personal.

He said Friday his concerns were only heightened by the court-ordered release of the search warrant affidavit, which he noted was still heavily redacted.


If you listen to people on the left the worse parts are in the redacted areas, and they know what's there eventhough they can't read it.


PREMO Member
🔥 Here’s how it started. Between May and December 2021, deep-state bureaucrats at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA or the National Archives) pestered Trump’s people about a small number of presidential documents that NARA thought should’ve been turned over to the Archives instead of stored at Mar-a-Lago.

Those conversations ended in early January when Trump returned fifteen boxes of documents to NARA. Fifteen banker’s boxes of documents is NOT a lot. For reference, even my smallest trial cases consume more than fifteen banker’s boxes of documents. In one case, now settled, my client recently got around to picking up five year’s worth of payroll records; those ALONE filled about twelve banker’s boxes, never mind all the OTHER documents related to the case.

So fifteen boxes of documents from a four-year Presidential term is really nothing.

According to the Affidavit, the fifteen boxes Trump sent to NARA included “newspapers, magazines, printed news articles, photos, miscellaneous print-outs, notes, presidential correspondence, personal and post-presidential records,” and mixed in with everything else, a handful of documents having secret classification markings.

The classified materials could’ve fit into a couple large manila file folders.

You can imagine the gleeful laughter around the NARA office when they fly-specked the fifteen boxes and yanked out the ones with classified markings. So what’s a diligent anti-Trump deep-state bureaucrat to do? Report a crime, of course! In February, NARA essentially filed a police report with Biden’s DOJ, which immediately called a grand jury and began an investigation.

It’s DEFINITELY not politics. Shame on you.


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PREMO Member

Redacted Mar-A-Lago Affidavit Confirms Biden’s DOJ Fished For A Crime To Pin On Trump

As I explained previously, to fully comprehend the Biden administration’s weaponizing of the DOJ and FBI, it is necessary to understand the Presidential Records Act, the concept of “presidential records,” and the NARA’s role, and the search warrant affidavit’s references to those concepts confirm that point. In short:

“The Presidential Records Act provides that documents created or received by the president or his immediate staff, such as memos, letters, notes, emails, and other written communications, related to a president’s official duties, constitute ‘presidential records’ and must be preserved. The act further declares that the United States shall retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records.’ And at the conclusion of a president’s term in office, the ‘Archivist of the United States’ ‘assumes responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records.’”

The Presidential Records Act, however, expressly excludes specific documents from the definition of “presidential records,” including any documentary materials that are “official records of an agency,” “personal records,” or “extra copies of documents produced only for convenience of reference, when such copies are clearly so identified.” The federal statute further defines “personal records” as “diaries, journals, or personal notes ‘not prepared or utilized for, or circulated or communicated in the course of, transacting Government business’” or “materials relating to private political associations” or “relating exclusively to the President’s own election to the office of the Presidency.”

The public (understandably) may wish to sidestep the minutia of the mandates of the Presidential Records Act, but three top-line takeaways prove imperative to understanding the scandal of the Mar-a-Lago search. First, the Presidential Records Act is not a criminal statute, and violations of that federal law do not constitute a crime. Second, the Presidential Records Act does not reach broad swathes of documents retained by a former president, including “official records of an agency,” “personal records,” and convenience copies of presidential records. And third, the courts have refused to question a former president’s conclusion that a record constitutes a “personal record” and not a “presidential record.”

Two additional legal points require expansion for the populace to fully grasp the outrageous overreach of the DOJ, which was further exposed in the partially unsealed affidavit. The first legal principle of note concerns a president’s power to declassify documents. As Trump’s attorney stressed in a May 2022 letter to the DOJ, which the government released along with the redacted version of the search warrant affidavit, “a president has absolute authority to declassify documents.”