Are you people for real???
So you're saying you see a kid get hurt, right in front of you, and the appropriate reaction is to drive off and leave them there????
And I've got news for you - there are MANY adults who are responsible for your child throughout the day. Teachers, day care providers, Scout leaders, coaches, dance instructors and, yes, BUS DRIVERS.
What do you think would happen to some teacher if a kid got hurt in their classroom or out on the playground, and they just ignored it and left the kid sit?
How about if your little ballerina pulls a hamstring and collapses on the studio floor, and the instructor just dances around them like nothing's happening?
What if a kid sprains an ankle during a Scout hike? Should the Scoutmaster just leave them lay there?
I find your attitude shocking and am glad that I have better adults around me and my kids.