15 Year Old Shot at Solomons Landing


Well-Known Member
How many teenagers in a group terrorizing multiple neighborhoods would constitute a gang? More than 2? 3? How about 5? Or 8?

Just curious as to your definition of a gang.

Bob, I agree with a lot of what you had to say here, but I think when most people use the word, "gang" they are talking about stuff like Crips, bloods, MS-13, etc. Groups with thousands of members. People like that would have punks like this for breakfast.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Local law enforcement and media have been increasingly referring to the activites of 'groups of teens' in various areas of St. Mary's Charles and Calvert counties as 'gang activity' or "gang like activities" while noting that those activities and realted incidents of harassment, vandalism, theft, trespassing etc have been steadily on the rise.

So I, for one, will refer to a group of unruly and ill-behaved teenagers with bad intentions and no respect for persons or property as 'gangs' ...and I don't care if they are not carrying their "Crips" membership card and are just a group of 4 that 'hang out' together looking for thrills and trouble to get in to.

Just sayin...


Resident PIA
let me fix that for you

So let us see... numerous calls, letters of concern and community meetings all about these thugs and how the citizens were begging for help from the law... and nothing was done until this old man was pushed over the edge.... UFB... You should be ashamed of yourself, Evans.

Which I think is why a number of us are symathetic. We may not condone his use of the shotgun but certainly understand what drove him to do it.

A couple of facts I have not seen posted here (but did hear on the news reports)

- residents did confront the parents of the little MFers, so the parents knew what their spawn were doing.
- they interviewed a young man who said while there was a skate park, it was incovient and that's why the kids didn't use it, it just wasn't as much fun as running thru the neighborhood.

Local law enforcement and media have been increasingly referring to the activites of 'groups of teens' in various areas of St. Mary's Charles and Calvert counties as 'gang activity' or "gang like activities" while noting that those activities and realted incidents of harassment, vandalism, theft, trespassing etc have been steadily on the rise.

So I, for one, will refer to a group of unruly and ill-behaved teenagers with bad intentions and no respect for persons or property as 'gangs' ...and I don't care if they are not carrying their "Crips" membership card and are just a group of 4 that 'hang out' together looking for thrills and trouble to get in to.

Just sayin...

Ortganized gangs do exist in SMC and Calvert - people just have their head up their butt and don't want to accept it. Besides, just because they don't have a formal structure, those name gangs got started the same way. This wasn't a crime of accident, this is something that was a pattern of behavior that was repeated.


Obama destroyed America
Since "thatstupidguy" has trouble comprehending.... again.

gang1    /gæŋ/ Show Spelled
[gang] Show IPA

1. a group or band: A gang of boys gathered around the winning pitcher.
2. a group of youngsters or adolescents who associate closely, often exclusively, for social reasons, especially such a group engaging in delinquent behavior.
3. a group of people with compatible tastes or mutual interests who gather together for social reasons: I'm throwing a party for the gang I bowl with.


professional daydreamer
I realize that. My point was directed, however, at the semantic issue that was being raised; "what is a gang". I threw in my definition.

I posted the definition, too. People either chose not to read it, or missed it. :shrug:


Did anyone else notice that "The Baynet" and "Southern Maryland Today" both deleted their articles on this event?


Federalist Live Forever
According to today's Calvert Recorder: 3 weeks ago, Mr Armiger sent a letter to Sheriff Evans and the Calvert Recorder about the problem of youth trespassing. He had called 911 on 5/3 and did not get a quick response from the Sheriffs dept. He wrote to Evans "Young thugs are running through our community and you (Evans) are our only deterrent at this point" He also stated that Evans spoke at a community meeting and "assured that our calls woulld be addressed promptly"
Evans had not responded to the letter nor did the Calvert Recorder publish it.
The Sheriff's dept response was about priority calls and a tresspassing call is not priority. Also that calling 911 for trespassing is wrong because it is not an emergency.
One deputy said he heard about people talking in the media and posting notes on forums saying they understood why Armiger shot at them and the forum writers berated the youth. The sheriffs office does not approve of anyone taking the law into their own hands.
It also stated they were aware of problems at the complex and had received calls form SL in the past and were back there Weds at 3PM for another trespassing complaint but the trespassing teenagers ended up living in the neighborhood.

nor did the Calvert Recorder publish it. I wonder why?


In My Opinion
One deputy said he heard about people talking in the media and posting notes on forums saying they understood why Armiger shot at them and the forum writers berated the youth. The sheriffs office does not approve of anyone taking the law into their own hands.

Lets hope that the deputy is referring to this forum and he can take a little bit of advice back to the head donut eater.

If the police would do their job properly, then the citizens would not end up having to do it for them.

I wonder if this would have happened if the police had taken care of it in the first place?

I certainly applaud the old guy for shooting the little puke. Hopefully, he will have learned that his actions do not come without reactions. Although I do think it would have been a better learned lesson coming from his parents,, but, oh well, when the parents are negligent, someone else is always willing to step in ,
Lets hope that the deputy is referring to this forum and he can take a little bit of advice back to the head donut eater.

If the police would do their job properly, then the citizens would not end up having to do it for them.

I wonder if this would have happened if the police had taken care of it in the first place?

I certainly applaud the old guy for shooting the little puke. Hopefully, he will have learned that his actions do not come without reactions. Although I do think it would have been a better learned lesson coming from his parents,, but, oh well, when the parents are negligent, someone else is always willing to step in ,

Well, he did what he felt he had to do. He's gonna pay the price, but I'll bet he gets a lot of support and probably has no regrets. I would not have shot the punk, but I'm pretty sure I could have convinced him I would if it came to that. That would be jail time too of course, but not as bad.


New Member
Since "thatstupidguy" has trouble comprehending.... again.

gang1    /gæŋ/ Show Spelled
[gang] Show IPA

1. a group or band: A gang of boys gathered around the winning pitcher.
2. a group of youngsters or adolescents who associate closely, often exclusively, for social reasons, especially such a group engaging in delinquent behavior. 3. a group of people with compatible tastes or mutual interests who gather together for social reasons: I'm throwing a party for the gang I bowl with.

for all you literalists; Mr Arminger had been a long time member of a gang of thousand, probably even helped with recruiting and training, thats right, he belonged to the VFD, along with a group of people with compatable tastes and mutual interests. :howdy:
And i am willing to bet that he continues to associate with at least some of that old gang.

So really, if you have to look at it literally, this was a simple case of gang on gang violence. Bwjajajajajajajaja


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
for all you literalists; Mr Arminger had been a long time member of a gang of thousand, probably even helped with recruiting and training, thats right, he belonged to the VFD, along with a group of people with compatable tastes and mutual interests. :howdy:
And i am willing to bet that he continues to associate with at least some of that old gang.

So really, if you have to look at it literally, this was a simple case of gang on gang violence. Bwjajajajajajajaja

wow. OK..thanks for that.
for all you literalists; Mr Arminger had been a long time member of a gang of thousand, probably even helped with recruiting and training, thats right, he belonged to the VFD, along with a group of people with compatable tastes and mutual interests. :howdy:
And i am willing to bet that he continues to associate with at least some of that old gang.

So really, if you have to look at it literally, this was a simple case of gang on gang violence. Bwjajajajajajajaja

So, what gang do you associate with?