15 Year Old Shot at Solomons Landing


New Member
facebook search all these kids... names were on Fox 5. not defending the guy, but these kids do what they do, with parental knowledge of what they are doing and how they are doing it. absolutely incredible that parents are "good" with how their children are turning out. i for one, would be mortified if i found out my child was involved with kids like these. my daughters would be grounded for a long time if they came home and said she'd "hung out" with these kids. Parents have COMPLETE CONTROL AND RESPONSIBILITY/ACCOUNTABILITY of what their kids are doing at 15 yrs old.... and even a few more years beyond that. disgusting whats on facebook!!!


New Member
im actually disgusted by some of the comments here and on the radio this morning.

A shotgun is not the answer to dealing with disrespectful children. A firm ass whippin is justified, but a shotgun?

I can't believe anyone who has children would think this mans actions are ok. If it were my kid that was shot, this guy (and my kid) would be happy (or wish they were) were safe in a jail cell.
I find it interesting to read the comments section of the baynet article... seems several who do live there have stated:

they've called cops numerous times, these boys have be caught on camera starting a fire, they've broken into condos, commited vandalism, they've verbally threatened elderly residents who have asked them to stop skating...etc.

Sounds like escalation from nusiance to terrorism to me... the police force or lack there of should be held accountable for this old man getting to this breaking point.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
facebook search all these kids... names were on Fox 5. not defending the guy, but these kids do what they do, with parental knowledge of what they are doing and how they are doing it. absolutely incredible that parents are "good" with how their children are turning out. i for one, would be mortified if i found out my child was involved with kids like these. my daughters would be grounded for a long time if they came home and said she'd "hung out" with these kids. Parents have COMPLETE CONTROL AND RESPONSIBILITY/ACCOUNTABILITY of what their kids are doing at 15 yrs old.... and even a few more years beyond that. disgusting whats on facebook!!!

I've seen kids write a lot worse than that on FB. It's not just those kids from the incident.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If it were my kid that was shot, this guy (and my kid) would be happy (or wish they were) were safe in a jail cell.

So your kid goes out and vandalizes property and terrorizes old people? Good to know. :yay:


New Member
facebook search all these kids... names were on Fox 5. not defending the guy, but these kids do what they do, with parental knowledge of what they are doing and how they are doing it. absolutely incredible that parents are "good" with how their children are turning out. i for one, would be mortified if i found out my child was involved with kids like these. my daughters would be grounded for a long time if they came home and said she'd "hung out" with these kids. Parents have COMPLETE CONTROL AND RESPONSIBILITY/ACCOUNTABILITY of what their kids are doing at 15 yrs old.... and even a few more years beyond that. disgusting whats on facebook!!!

you have a link?


Ubi bene ibi patria
The prosecutor should ask for a change of venue. SOMD is inhabited by too many old dinosaurs with failing childhood memories and unreasonable fears of the average teenager.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The prosecutor should ask for a change of venue. SOMD is inhabited by too many old dinosaurs with failing childhood memories and unreasonable fears of the average teenager.

So you did stuff like that when you were a kid? Because I did not.


New Member
I find it interesting to read the comments section of the baynet article... seems several who do live there have stated:

they've called cops numerous times, these boys have be caught on camera starting a fire, they've broken into condos, commited vandalism, they've verbally threatened elderly residents who have asked them to stop skating...etc.

Sounds like escalation from nusiance to terrorism to me... the police force or lack there of should be held accountable for this old man getting to this breaking point.

I agree with this, if this has been an ongoing problem the police should have made an effort to do something.

unfortunately, if you decide to take the law into your own hands you get to deal with the consequences. He should have stopped at the pepperspray. Shooting at a retreating, apparently unarmed teenager, the guy is lucky the charges aren't worse


The prosecutor should ask for a change of venue. SOMD is inhabited by too many old dinosaurs with failing childhood memories and unreasonable fears of the average teenager.
Yep. It's also full of disrespectful, smartazz youngsters with no brains that get shot because they're stupid. :lol:

But I am amazed that you actually came out with your own opinion on this nonothing.


Obama destroyed America
my children are young, and stay out of trouble so far. knock on wood.

think about what you just wrote though. you are a sick person. karma is a bittcchh.
No you're sick, not to mention illiterate. I hope your "angels" get a better education than you.

So you did stuff like that when you were a kid? Because I did not.
He still is a kid. He was probably one of them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
no idea how you get that. my kids too young, and are being raised with more discipline.

You said if it were your kid who'd done that, indicating that it *could* be your kid who would do something like that. That is where I got the idea.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
He should have stopped at the pepperspray. Shooting at a retreating, apparently unarmed teenager, the guy is lucky the charges aren't worse

Did you not read the comments from residents that this has been an ongoing problem with these kids? So he retreats then, and is back at it the next day. And do you think there would have been no retaliation?

Honestly, some of you are really making me puke with your defense of punk criminals who victimize the elderly.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
So you did stuff like that when you were a kid? Because I did not.

I did bad things that were wrong, when I was a kid. I hardly ever got caught, except the one time the FBI came to the door. :lol: I got phone privileges taken away and grounded. I still went out and did things just to see what I could get away with.
My kids did the same. Sometimes they got caught, other times not.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I did bad things that were wrong, when I was a kid. I hardly ever got caught, except the one time the FBI came to the door. :lol: I got phone privileges taken away and grounded. I still went out and did things just to see what I could get away with.
My kids did the same. Sometimes they got caught, other times not.

So you vandalized and broke into the homes of elderly people, cussed them and threatened them?


New Member
Did you not read the comments from residents that this has been an ongoing problem with these kids? So he retreats then, and is back at it the next day. And do you think there would have been no retaliation?

Honestly, some of you are really making me puke with your defense of punk criminals who victimize the elderly.

I havent defended anything that the kids did, and in fact i have stated several times that i think they should be held accountable for their crimes.

AND just like i said last time, he should have shot them when they returned, when he would have actually had justification.

I cant believe how many of you are defending a guy who shot an unarmed teenager when he was fleeing.

BOTH things are wrong.


New Member
you have a link?

fox5 washington dc... watch the video that was taped on Tues night. names are all spelled out. And i agree as to what you are saying as well -- a GUN is NOT the answer to this... but wow.. i think i'm just in disbelief as to what parents ALLOW their kids to do... and SAY on FB. it's called - DEACTIVATE their accounts. it's kids like this that are keeping me from letting my girls have FB accounts.... its bad enough they HAVE to be exposed to it at school... not bringing it onto my house too. parents that turn their cheek now are the ones that will be spending their retirements on attorney fees, rehabs and the like later on in life. Crazy! i cant believe the parents "that allowed their 13 yr old" to be interviewed by Fox5 news... actually ALLOWED them to be videotaped boarding all over the Giant benches and stuff. that's crazy. Giant has ALL the proof THEY need to file trespassing charges. GOOD JOB fox 5 for helping these businesses gain the evidence they need.... and from what i have heard from the Giant manager himself, charges and citations are pending for each kid that was identified in that interview. YAY mom and dad for their permission. GOOD child rearing right there. As for Mr. Armiger-- he bonded out of jail today. co-worker told me the residents that live around him were getting the money together to post his bond.