2024 Election - Democrats


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Democrat Pundits Are EVIL, Default Liberals Are Not, Democrats Are LYING To Destroy The USA​



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The people who are questioning the Narrative should also be asking "precisely what does democracy look like to you, and why do you think one man, with the entire left, and most of the right, arrayed against him can destroy it in less than 4 years?"

After all, if democracy is so fragile, so teetering on the brink, that maybe it should allowed to fall.

I have a feeling that the people who call everyone who disagrees with them fascists and nazis and all manner of hateful names don't view democracy the same way the rest of us do.

After all, we are a constitutional representative republic, not a democracy.

Them saying one man can bring it all down because he's so dangerous is like saying that a group of tourists wandering around the Capital grounds with <checks notes> cell phones and cameras was enough to bring down the entirety of the single most powerful nation on earth, and throughout history, despite the lefts continuing efforts to do exactly that.


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Biden is ‘vegetable adjacent’: Gutfeld​

"Every time he’s around black people it looks like he wants to call the police." - Charles Payne



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Anti-Biden Democrat ADMITS Democrats RIG Their Own Elections As He Stages REVOLT Against Biden!​

  • Wow
Reactions: BOP


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Hollywood Celebrity ABANDONS Biden As Liberal Media Anchor GETS CAUGHT On Tape ADMITTING The TRUTH!​



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Yesterday, the media tried to leverage Joe’s intimate NATO opening address into a comeback story. But not so fast! After a brief low tide of media attacks early this week, during which Joe Biden’s prospects began walking stiffly out of the surf back onto dry land, the water began washing back in. This morning’s first example is a BBC story headlined, “Biden's bruising day sinks hopes Democrats will move on.

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The trouble began when, just as the media was returning to its normal gaslighting about Joe’s potato-like intellect, the New York Times ran an op-ed by George Clooney that jammed the knife back in, right between Joe’s third and fourth political ribs.

Three weeks ago, Clooney hosted a gala, big-money, widely-reported Hollywood fundraiser for Joe. It was the one for which Joe skipped Zelensky’s non-peace peace conference. The one where leaked video showed Barack Obama leading Joe off the stage like a lost puppy. The one after which vexed Karine Von Claude asked Peter Doocy whether it was a crime to “not dance.”

Anyway, for his own reasons, after raising tons of money for Joe, and after being a top Hollywood Democrat for most of his overlong acting career, George Clooney apparently decided that yesterday was the right time to call for Joe to step down. To emphasize his point, Clooney confirmed that the Joe who came to his fundraiser was in fact the same decrepit Joe that America saw during the dreadful debate:

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The BBC, citing Clooney’s op-ed, opined this could be it for Joe, despite how well Joe led NATO from behind:

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Yesterday, Democrat party leaders deployed a new dodge and alert journalists immediately picked up on it. For example, when asked, Nancy Pelosi pretended Joe is still thinking about it, as though he hadn’t just delivered a neatly-typed, two-page letter saying he wasn’t going anywhere:

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Even though Joe has clearly already decided, Pelosi still warned reporters yesterday that Joe doesn’t have much time left to decide. ABC-7 New York:

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Nancy and Joe are like an old married couple, arguing through the headlines:

HIM: I’m going to buy that Ford after all.

HER: Well, take your time deciding. Don’t rush into something again.

HIM: Woman, I already decided. I’m buying it.

HER: Just decide wisely.

Perhaps the worst news of all for Biden’s presidential prospects came from this alliterative but sobering NBC headline:

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NBC assigned one of their better writers to the story, who neatly incorporated lots of great disaster-related words describing the Biden campaign’s new cash crunch:

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Disasters, seismic earthquakes, fallout, and tolls taken. The money has absolutely shut off, they complained. But that is precisely what happens when the media questions whether a candidate will continue in a race. Why should people dump more money into a campaign, until they know for certain who the candidate will be? Worse, a recent donor call with Joe intended to reassure monied Dems seemed fake. Joe just couldn’t sell it:

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If money is the mother’s milk of politics, then Biden’s baby is starving. Merely having the question hanging over his campaign is hurting collections. And the question doesn’t seem like it’s going away, not if nagging Nancy has anything to do with it.



PREMO Member

Act of Desperation? Biden’s Team Checks Delegates for Loyalty

One of the delegates said the line of questioning turned with an inquiry along the lines of, “Do you understand what being a pledged delegate means?” before the aide asked: “Do you have any potential disagreements with the president?”

Another delegate said the bottom-line question was even more direct. “‘Is there any reason you couldn’t or wouldn’t support the president at the convention?’” the delegate recalled the aide asking.

The third delegate said the version he received was more open-ended: “’Do you have any concerns?’”

The delegates were thunderstruck at the calls. One of them initially wondered if it was some sort of prank until double-checking the caller ID and seeing Delaware’s area code, 302. After hanging up, each of them reached out to other convention delegates they knew and found these individuals also received the calls.

The three delegates I spoke to, all long-standing veterans of Democratic campaigns, said they had the same initial reaction after hanging up with the Biden aide: Was this an attempt by the president’s campaign to potentially block or replace disloyal pledged delegates?


PREMO Member

Barack Approved – George Clooney Tells Joe Biden, It’s Time to Go​

July 10, 2024 | Sundance | 426 Comments

There’s a lot of political newbies around, so some background is needed first. Most people don’t know but, George Clooney was being groomed by the same people who groomed Barack Obama, for the purposes of replacing him at a later date. Yes, Clooney was being groomed to be a POTUS.

The problem they had was that George is not an intelligent man; actually, he’s as dumb as a box of rocks, and no amount of teaching, coaching and guidance was going to change that.

By the time they gave up the effort, they had already recruited Amal Alamuddin to be the brain trust of the duo – which really didn’t matter because George was a switch hitter.

Amal Clooney’s curriculum vitae is very well-known as an international human rights lawyer with big time geopolitical connections. Amal’s WEF, geopolitical and United Nations bonafide’s are very strong.

George Clooney is also extremely close friends with Barack Obama. The Clooneys and the Obamas vacation together, hang together, network together, share the same ideological outlooks and are essentially the black and white version of each other; sans intellect. I digress.

The bottom line is that George Clooney doesn’t write an op ed in the New York Times telling Joe Biden to quit the race, unless it’s actually Barack Obama sending the message and Amal Clooney writing the text. The Biden’s are very well aware of this.


PREMO Member
Not surprisingly, the Biden campaign's handlers have sprung into action in the aftermath of the Clooney op-ed, which has had reverberations throughout Hollywood, with veteran actor Michael Douglas seemingly endorsing Clooney's call on Biden.

Their response? To suggest that Biden has more stamina than Clooney because the POTUS allegedly stayed at the fundraiser for a lot longer than Clooney did.

The bemused "okay" reaction in the below clip from Jake Tapper to the report pretty much said it all:



PREMO Member

Daily Show Correspondent Stunned When Half of Black Voters in Focus Group Say They’re Voting for Trump (VIDEO)

The liberal Daily Show recently featured a focus group of six black voters and the correspondent leading the group was stunned to find out that half of them are planning to vote for Trump in November.

Trump did extremely well with minority voters in 2020 and is expected to do much better in 2024. This is giving Democrats panic attacks and it should.

The American electorate is shifting.

The Daily Caller reports:

‘I Didn’t See That Coming’: ‘Daily Show’ Correspondent Shocked ‘Black Folks Do F*ck With Trump’
“The Daily Show” correspondent Josh Johnson in a Tuesday segment expressed surprise that a panel of black tri-state area voters was evenly divided between supporting former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.
Trump is drawing support from 26% of likely black voters and 67% say the nation is moving in the wrong direction under Biden, according to a June New York Times/Siena College poll. Johnson said he “didn’t see that coming” when three of the six voters said they intend to vote for Trump.


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DEMS in Panic They Can't Rig the Election Like 2020! Biden Gets RIPPED APART By CNN Polling Analysts​



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Because they never believed their apocalyptic talk about Trump being an existential threat to democracy.

Quite probably true, but I believe their "VOTERS" are fully retarded enough to believe it.


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Democrats Move To OVERTHROW Biden With Kamala Harris As Trump SKYROCKETS IN ANOTHER BLUE STATE!​



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Democrats Move To OVERTHROW Biden With Kamala Harris As Trump SKYROCKETS IN ANOTHER BLUE STATE!​

If the Dems can convince Biden to drop out, Harris is the worst replacement. Once she starts talking they will see they are doomed.