2024 Election - Democrats


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Democrat Strategists Say the 'Presidential Contest Ended’ After Assassination Attempt

"We're so beyond f---ed," lamented a longtime Democratic insider, emphasizing that the image of Trump thrusting his fist in the air, blood dramatically smeared across his face, will be an unforgettable image between now and Election Day.

"The presidential contest ended last night," said another veteran Democratic consultant, who spoke with the network anonymously to offer an honest assessment of the party's position in the wake of Saturday night's tragic events, which also resulted in the death of one rally attendee and seriously wounded two others.

"Now it's time to focus on keeping the Senate and trying to pick up the House," he added. "The only silver lining for Democrats is that we're no longer talking about Joe Biden's age today."


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Biden Campaign PANICS INTO EXPOSING Who The Real President Is As Democrat Donors REVOLT!​



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Democrats COMPLETELY Give Up On Winning the Election! Liberals DESTROY & Abandon Biden​



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As the Republican National Convention kicks off its third night, it’s carrying another indirect theme: party unity. Now, usually, it’s not a big deal, as both Democrats and Republicans have it together heading into their respective conventions, but liberals are imploding tonight.

The chaos narrative has often been assigned to Trump and the Republicans, at times, erroneously so, but not tonight—not this year. Total mayhem has engulfed the Democratic Party as the push to get Biden to step aside has hit renewed intensity. And CNN’s Van Jones delivered a brutal observation on the state of his party tonight: “A bullet couldn't stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden…The Democrats are coming apart. The Republicans are coming together." He added that Joe is getting kicked his butt kicked by his own party.

CNN’s Van Jones can be on the money, like when he said the Obama coalition is collapsing, but also widely off the mark when he called JD Vance a sort of virus. He is willing to brutalize his own side of the aisle when they’re wrong. Notably, in 2016, he warned Democrats that Trump could become president, highlighting that Trump could scale the party’s “blue wall,” which is precisely what happened. It has been a hellacious period for the Democratic Party.


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Why the Dems Are Totally Imploding on the Third Night of the Republican Convention

The other side of this story is Nancy Pelosi’s fingerprints all over this push to dump Biden, which went on hiatus after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. It returned this week with a vengeance. First, with Pelosi’s behind-the-scenes operation with Schiff, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has a brutal sit-down with the president about his chances of winning in 2024. The Ruthless Podcast was first to mention this:



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Biden’s flailing campaign tried to shore up the collapsing political dam this week by tacking hard left, proving President Lettuce is losing the base. At this point, Democrats need to be selling to the middle, like President Trump. Yesterday, Bloomberg ran a telling story headlined, “Biden, Grasping to Stabilize Beleaguered Campaign, Lurches Left.” The sub-headline explained, “President embraces rent control, debt erasure, and court reform.”

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Biden’s brand-new policy proposals included laughable prescriptions like limiting increases on rental rates to no more than 5% per year, and —I am not making this up— somehow forgiving Americans’ medical debts. (Unlike student loans, medical debt is already dischargeable in bankruptcy.) These terrible ideas are almost too dumb to discuss, except perhaps for Biden’s proposals to punish the Supreme Court.

The Associated Press announced Biden’s Court-wrangling scheme in an article headlined, “Biden seriously considering proposals on Supreme Court term limits, ethics code, AP sources say.” The Vegetable-in-Chief said he was “seriously considering” the following ideas:

  1. A judicial ethics code enforceable by the Executive Branch.
  2. Term limits for Justices.
  3. A Constitutional Amendment to eliminate Presidential immunity.
  4. Requiring fifty percent of Supreme Court employees to be persons identifying as bisexual tree frogs.
Just kidding about that last one. I think. But as for the rest, to be clear: Biden can’t deliver any of these far-fetched promises. Not even if he were somehow re-elected, which seems about as likely as North Korea building a Moon Base. He will never even try; it’s just words, a too-obvious effort to tantalize Democrat marxists. Even the marxists aren’t falling for it.

In short, the Supreme Court could easily overrule any law Biden managed to push through Congress. And calling for a Constitutional Convention would backfire on the Democrats in a thousand different ways. Please call for a Constitutional Convention. These kinds of ideas sit at the top of a two percent grade that even Secret Service Director Cheatle would fear to navigate.

Do not worry about Biden’s threats against the Supreme Court. It’s all smoke and funhouse mirrors, and smacks of a kind of frantic desperation even worse than Admiral Paparo’s panicked ‘hellscape drones’ threat.



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Adam Schiff DEMANDS Biden DROP OUT After Biden LOSES His Mind On Democrats REVOLTING Against Him!​



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Change in the ticket or not, I'm prepared for the Dems to win in Nov. Look at VA. Latest polls (and I don't trust polling) show Biden still with a slight lead. In fact, a change in ticket will likely draw stay home Dems and squishy Inds to vote. Same with other swing states.


PREMO Member

Though proper investigations never took place, many questions remain about the fairness of the 2020 elections. Through most of Election Night 2020, Trump appeared on the verge of victory until late-night ballot drops suddenly ate into his lead in various states. Whether it was due to the Democrats' mail-in voting strategy or outright fraud, we may never know.

However, after the election, anyone who claimed that the election was stolen or suggested there may have been fraud found themselves silenced by Big Tech. The mainstream media, however, treated the Russian collusion hoax as legitimate and allowed it to undermine Donald Trump's first term.

Democrats haven't accepted the results of a presidential election they've lost in 25 years. Many still claim that George W. Bush stole the 2000 election from Al Gore. In 2004, John Kerry’s supporters alleged without evidence that voting irregularities caused him to lose Ohio, and some Democrats challenged the counting of the Electoral College votes. Kerry maintains that Bush stole the election from him, just like Hillary Clinton has been saying for years that Trump stole the 2016 election from her.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Yesterday, Insider Paper claimed that the Clintons have joined Team Biden against the Allied Anti-Cabbage forces:


This news provoked a series of wild online conjectures that Hillary Clinton will become the Democrats’ next nominee, which could only happen over President Obama’s dead body. But Hillary already lost to Trump once, so why bother?

A coalition of forces is emerging: Team Clinton versus Team Obama. Who should we root for?
