4 Boy Scout Leaders Die In Electrical Accident

superman rocks

Abs of Dough
Mikeinsmd said:
:killingme... Ummmmmmm, I sold the bike SM. How about if you just teach me to fly instead?
OK, what size tights do you wear? You can borrow my spare great big masculine gun. Eventually you'll need your own cape, but for now you can hunker down under mine.

Hold on tight! :weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:
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New Member
itsbob said:
Well, looking at the picture I'd say it's pretty damn obvious how they died... tried to erect a 25 foot tent, below 22 foot electical wires... and a DAMN shame a Gay Electrician could have saved all four of them!!
Watch it Bubba!!! :lol:


New Member
superman rocks said:
OK, what size tights do you wear? You can borrow my spare thong. Eventually you'll need your own cape, but for now you can hunker down under mine. Hold on tight! :weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:
You wear thongs SMR??? I'll just fly in my shorts & a T-shirt. I got a used cape from the super hero's theif shop. :patriot::patriot:

Hot N Bothered

New Member
rack'm said:
Read the article Stevo.........there's been WAY too many accidents related to this event over the years. :ohwell:
:confused: What is "way too many accidents?" The article mentions one death in 1997 from a joy riding kid. Someone had a heart attack a couple of days ago, that hardly qualifies as an accident. Lots of those scout leaders are 40/50ish or even older, in this heat it'd be a miracle if there weren't more heart attacks.

For an event that's been going on since the 30's and at AP Hill since the 70's or 80's, how does 2 accidents resulting in 5 deaths amount to "way too many?" Maybe their have been more over the years, I'm sure there have been, but you did say "read the article" :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by K_Jo
Too good? How is that possible?

I was wondering the same thing.

rack'm said:
I'm guessing that he's surprised at how LOW the number of accidents is.......
rack'm wins the prize.
I am astonished that these two incidents are the only fatalities for the number of young boys involved. I would have expected at least a few drownings and a handful of serious stuff resulting from stunts 70,000 boys will dream up. The 5 o'clock news also mentioned this one other fatality like it was some kind of terrible pattern. All things considered, it's a good pattern.


Well-Known Member
Yes you are correct. Any attempt at a serious discussion degenerates into who wants to do whom on a bike on a trike in a boat or wherever. I am done with this bunch of azzholes. Yeah that is YOU RACK'EM ! Any timre any place.


willie said:
Originally Posted by K_Jo
Too good? How is that possible?

I was wondering the same thing.

rack'm wins the prize.
I am astonished that these two incidents are the only fatalities for the number of young boys involved. I would have expected at least a few drownings and a handful of serious stuff resulting from stunts 70,000 boys will dream up. The 5 o'clock news also mentioned this one other fatality like it was some kind of terrible pattern. All things considered, it's a good pattern.

I grew up in scouts and made it to Eagle. I even attended a couple of national events like Jamboree. I was a camp staff member for four summers down in La. Most of the carless accidents that occur at these big events are by the shaperones and not the leaders who interact with boys on a weekly basis. Sure the kids get scraped and bruised and there are a few broken bones, but that happens to kids everywhere. :patriot:


Bonehead said:
Yes you are correct. Any attempt at a serious discussion degenerates into who wants to do whom on a bike on a trike in a boat or wherever. I am done with this bunch of azzholes. Yeah that is YOU RACK'EM ! Any timre any place.

I'm reading , and it was a normal convo until you joined in :yay: Are you leaving with Janey? Better hurry......