Accident in Leonardtown


New Member
My Point...

Sorry to offend all those who posted earlier. Taking another look at my post, it does read a bit harsh...

What I was trying to point out was there had been a tremendous amount of posts with varying/conflicting information that can have a negative impact on someone filing or not filing a claim.


Re: My Point...

Originally posted by Cletus_Vandam
Sorry to offend all those who posted earlier. Taking another look at my post, it does read a bit harsh...

What I was trying to point out was there had been a tremendous amount of posts with varying/conflicting information that can have a negative impact on someone filing or not filing a claim.

there's varying and conflicting information on most all of the threads where people ask a question:confused: :lol:


TWLs wife

New Member
The people were stoped front of us. We stoped right disence behide them. They people hide us it us & pushed our car into the people in front of us. We were stoped.


Originally posted by TIGGER6035
The people were stoped front of us. We stoped right disence behide them. They people hide us it us & pushed our car into the people in front of us. We were stoped.

if you were stoped; did they give you a breathalizer?:confused: that might hurt your lawsuit chances.


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by nomoney
if you were stoped; did they give you a breathalizer?:confused: that might hurt your lawsuit chances.
I remember that time we were stoped our freshman year in college and you woke up with your underwear on your head :roflmao:


Originally posted by Nickel
I remember that time we were stoped our freshman year in college and you woke up with your underwear on your head :roflmao:

ya; but you're the one that made it all the way to IHOP the next morning until you realized that you had I LOVE MONKEYS written in permanent marker on your forhead. :lol:


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by nomoney
ya; but you're the one that made it all the way to IHOP the next morning until you realized that you had I LOVE MONKEYS written in permanent marker on your forhead. :lol:
That happened this weekend too :blushing:

TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by workin hard
Who else was in the accident?

There was a car in front us & behide us. We were the middle one. It was TWL, Justice & I. I don't know who were the others were.

TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by kwillia
Are you feeling better today, Tig? Have you been relaxing?

It must be the muscle relaxers working on my fingers when I was trying to type... here's what I meant to say
Some people in their car were stopped in front of us. We stopped within the right amount of distance behind them. Then people in another car came up and hit us from behind and it pushed our car into the people's car in front of us. We were stoped at the time of impact.
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TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by oldredneck
I guess if there's a bright spot on your end...if you were the middle vehicle, came to a complete stop, and the guy in the back pushed you into the first vehicle - it's all thier fault. Their insurance company will probably be picking up the tab for all three.

We were stoped. The car in back us pushed us into the people in front of us.


New Member
Originally posted by Nickel
That is horrible :frown: You'd have to tie my azz down to keep from killing the intoxicated SOB that hurt my baby in an accident. My heart goes out to her mother, she must feel helpless.

I agree, I'd be in jail cuz I'd be hurting me someone. Sad part is he probably won't get crap for what he did. My prayers are with the girls family. Hope everything turns out ok.


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by lfquade
Sad part is he probably won't get crap for what he did.
:yeahthat: My cousin was killed by a drunk driver almost 10 years ago on her way to work in the morning. He crossed the center line and hit her head on, she died instantly. Because of jurisdiction issues (certain cops were closer and responded to the scene first), the guy walked (mishandling of evidence). I just hope he's living it up while her 3 kids are living without their mother :rolleyes:


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by oldredneck
Two scenarios

Actually, you forgot scenario #3 - There is a left turning vehicle waiting to turn into the Antique Center, which doesn't get hit. Behind that, Car #1 and Car #2 do serious nosedives to stop without hitting eachother or the left-turning vehicle, a split second before Car #3 comes into the picture, nose-down and plows Car #2 which in turn hits Car #1. Car #1 and #2 would have stopped in time, if Car #3 hadn't ruined it for them. Airbags for Car #3 beat up the front occupants, but better than making love to the dash, steering wheel and windshield. No air bag deployment for the front 2.

Babies in all 3 cars. Thank goodness that it wasn't worse. I'd be curious to know if the driver of Car #3 in the rear received a citation for causing the accident.

There will never be a center turning lane there. Property is too expensive on both sides of the road, and our State is broke. About a month ago, maintenance workers left 1 lane closed overnight for about 1/4 mile past the hospital while they were cleaning the manhole drains. The next morning, 2 miles of backup going South on Route 5 from Burchmart, back to Wendy's. So, there is too much traffic to close one lane on each side to make room for a turning lane.

The police need to enforce the 40mph speed limit through there, because re-engineering, acquiring property and widening the road isn't an option for our nearly bankrupt State of Maryland. :rolleyes:


This is the same stretch of road I was complaining about a few weeks back only further in towards LT. Turning into the road to Elementary school form Rt 5 (where the flashing lights are) is dangerous because the a$$holes come into Leonardtown to the 245 light about 60. I think a cop should sit there every morning at the gas station on the corner. They should snag a few thousand $$ in tickets a day.