Actor Alec Baldwin Kills One Person, Wounds Another When Prop-Gun 'Misfires'


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I'm going to call it right here ...... this girl is going to JAIL .. Baldwin will escape all culpability

She just might. And the director and assistant director also fines and possible jail time too. Baldwn, as much as I dislike him and hate to say it...nothing I've seen reported so far indicates that he would be charge with much, if anything at all.


PREMO Member
Baldwn, as much as I dislike him and hate to say it...nothing I've seen reported so far indicates that he would be charge with much, if anything at all.

NO ... Baldwin SHOULD have checked the weapon, he is negligent in that aspect or proper firearms handling ... he discharged the Fatal Shot he bares some responsibility - what he will have is top flight Lawyers and deep pockets

also Baldwin was on of the Producers he should have know about the previous discharges .... but this girl will be the fall guy

black dog

Free America
Jeff Coopers 4 rules...

Cooper advocated four basic rules of gun safety:

Alex broke all of them......

  1. All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are.
  2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. (For those who insist that this particular gun is unloaded, see Rule 1.)
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger till your sights are on the target. This is the Golden Rule. Its violation is directly responsible for about 60 percent of inadvertent discharges.
  4. Identify your target, and what is behind it. Never shoot at anything that you have nolt positi


Alex broke all of them....

At the NRA, firearm education and safety is paramount—that’s why we offer a variety of programs and services to promote the safe handling, use and storage of firearms. Whether you’re a parent in search of information about firearm safety in the home, a first-time gun owner, or an old pro looking to brush up on your firearm handling skills, the NRA is here to keep you and your family safe. Explore NRA’s fundamental rules of gun safety, as well as information how to safely store a gun and good cleaning practices.
The fundamental NRA rules for safe gun handling are:

Blue Icon of a Firearm Pointed in a Safe Direction

ALWAYS Keep The Gun Pointed In A Safe Direction
This is the primary rule of gun safety. Common sense dictates the safest direction, depending on different circumstances.
Blue Icon of Finger Off The Trigger

ALWAYS Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger Until Ready To Shoot
When holding a gun, rest your finger alongside the frame and outside the trigger guard. Until you are actually ready to fire, do not touch the trigger.
Blue Icon of an Unloaded Shotgun

ALWAYS Keep The Gun Unloaded Until Ready To Use
If you do not know how to open the action or inspect the chamber(s), leave the gun alone and get help from someone who does.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
also Baldwin was on of the Producers he should have know about the previous discharges .... but this girl will be the fall guy

I would not suggest for a second that Baldwin will escape civil liability. That will fall on pretty much everyone in a position of "management" authority.

In the real world, firearms safety protocol would require Baldwin to safe-check the weapon himself, even after being told it was safe checked before it was handed to him. But firearms safe handling practice/protocol is not a law. People violate safe handling protocols all time, with often tragic results.

Edit: LOL...BD and I pushed "send" at the same time.

black dog

Free America
I believe at minium he should be charged with involuntary manslaughter. And thats a lame charge in NM.. Kinna like drinking and driving,
He has culpability....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So! Given that everything that comes out of these people is a lie, was the armorer really negligent or is she just taking the fall for someone else?

Would it surprise anyone if what really happened is that the shooting victim was Alec's goomar who was pregnant with his love child, and he shot her to keep her from causing a problem with his wife, and the armorer was either set up or paid to take the blame?


Well-Known Member
You said "WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING", I answered in effect that it doesn't really "KEEP HAPPENING". Your question was obviously trying to frame this as a systemic issue that happens too frequently, when in reality this particular case (as with the priors) was an apparent very rare case gross negligence and not following the processes.

Quit trying to re-frame the issue and statement that I was respond to, just own your original dumb comment.
Reason I said keeps happening is because this is a very small community of people, it isn't as if Hollywood movie armorers are as plentiful as accountants. I'd be surprised if there are over 50 actively working.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
My son is 22, he starting learning The Firearm Rules 16-17 years ago.
That is about the age my dad started me at, safety rules before I ever touched the Savage single shot .22..

This incident screams Everything IS Wrong at me.

Hunter, competitive shooter, Boy Scout merit badge instructor, Hunter's Safety instructor, NRA certified range safety officer, USAFR vet whose specialty was work party and perimeter security...even have some formal training as a gun mechanic (can do basic maintenance and swap out parts that do not need fitting).


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
Read that there were 2 - 3 other cases of "misfires" and that 6 union camera crew walked off set a few days ago. Also, that they were replaced by nonunion crew.


Well-Known Member
NO ... Baldwin SHOULD have checked the weapon, he is negligent in that aspect or proper firearms handling ... he discharged the Fatal Shot he bares some responsibility - what he will have is top flight Lawyers and deep pockets

also Baldwin was on of the Producers he should have know about the previous discharges .... but this girl will be the fall guy
I agree others were negligent, but Baldwin bares more than just "some" responsibility. Halyna died and Joel was injured because He's the one that had the gun and pulled the trigger.
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