Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


PREMO Member
There was another electric moment when Senator Kennedy asked the democrats’ witness, Kelly Robinson, to explain why we have women’s sports at all, if men and women are NOT biologically different? Why not just have unisex sports?

It’s a question we’ve all hoped to hear an answer for. And the anticipation was momentarily excruciating.

But it was ultimately disappointing. The trans advocate’s answer was, as you would predict, completely unsatisfying word salad. First, Ms. Robinson refused to simply agree or deny that any biological differences exist between men and women. Instead she just kept spouting marxist, pseudo-intellectual claptrap about social constructs of gender being distinct from biological sex.

Curiously, Ms. Robinson’s answer reminded us of Ms. Rowlings’ Twitter comment. Sex — biological sex — is easily provable. If in doubt, just check the undercarriage equipment. But GENDER, as Rowling points out, is a completely “unprovable essence.” It’s a meaningless phantom, a ghost of an idea. ‘Gender’ is a perfectly subjective concept that means whatever anyone thinks it means.

“What is a woman?” Nobody knows for sure! They circuitously answer, “a woman is a person who identifies as a woman.” And as Matt Walsh has asked until his vocal cords gave out, “yes, but what is THAT?”



PREMO Member

Christian College Turns Students Into Drag Queens, Tells Them It's 'Violence' to Ask if Someone Is a Guy

Not the least of the offerings is Spring 2023’s The Queer Art of Drag, taught by “Dr. Nino Testa, he/him (aka Maria von Clapp, she/her).”

The three-credit deep-dive’s syllabus notes that “harassment” promotes the idea that there are only two sexes. Furthermore, asking someone their sex is literally violence. It’s also racist:

Gender revolutionary Leslie Feinberg begins the book Transgender Warriors by invoking the violent question asked of so many queer, trans, and non-binary people: “Are you a guy or a girl?” The gender binary is enforced through compulsory norms, harassment, and violence in service of a white-cis-hetero- patriarchy.

To battle that egregious assault, students will accomplish the following:

  • Apply threshold concepts in the field of women’s, gender, and sexuality studies (i.e. social construction of gender, sex, and sexuality; intersectionality; privilege and oppression; feminist praxis) to analyze diverse texts, contexts, and/or sites
  • Analyze performance as critical intervention
  • Engage queer theories in relation to performance practice

And, perhaps most magnificently:

  • Develop a drag persona and create a virtual drag performance that demonstrates their understanding of drag as critical performance practice

Drag is indeed an art form; it’s a longstanding sort of entertainment. So are puppet shows. Evidently, puppets have an inferior publicist:

Public University Spends Student Activity Fees on an $11,000 Drag Show

New York Spent More Than $200,000 on Drag Queens — at Public Schools

Disney Casts a Drag Queen for Its New Superhero Series

And Christian institutions have evolved:

Iconic Christian University Asks Students to Pick From Nine Gender Identities

Christian Church Will Host Drag Show for Youth Ages 12-18

Christian Divinity School Recites Prayer to the ‘Great Queer One,’ Who’s a ‘Drag Queen and Trans Man’

Christian University Has Professors State Their Pronouns, Calls Transgenderism ‘Fundamental’ to Its Mission

Male TCU students finding their inner magical madame will make their video debut:

Each student will produce a one-to-two-minute solo drag performance to be recorded,
edited, and shared with an open audience at TCU’s Annual Night of Drag on April 21. This is the culmination of our class discussions, brainstorming, and workshops. You may produce any kind of drag performance, and it need not include a lip sync if you have some other idea.

Other ideas include creations for kids:

  • A traditional lip sync
  • A vocal performance
  • A dance performance
  • A drag story or children’s program
  • A sketch or comedy routine

Finally, students will complete a paper “written in the voice of [their] drag persona.” Two examples of personas are provided, one being “Miss Chief Eagle Testickle.”


PREMO Member

NHL Teams Will No Longer Wear LGBTQ Pride-Themed Jerseys

National Hockey League (NHL) teams will no longer wear rainbow-colored LGBTQ-themed jerseys during pregame warmups for Pride nights.

NHL Pride Nights became a hot topic of conversation earlier this year when Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov refused to participate in his team’s Pride Night due to his orthodox Christian faith, sparking outrage from leftists who proceeded to accuse him of bigotry and homophobia. However, the Philadelphia Flyers kept him in the lineup, and the team even went on to win the game against the Anaheim Ducks.

“I respect everybody, and I respect everybody’s choices,” he said after the game. “My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion. That’s all I’m going to say.”

Later, the San Jose Sharks goaltender James Reimer chose not to wear a pride-themed warm-up jersey in a recent game, citing his Christian faith.


PREMO Member

Court Blocks Federal Civil Rights Agency From Suing Christian-Owned Business Over LGBT Firings

“Being forced to employ someone to represent the company who behaves in a manner directly violative of the company’s convictions is a substantial burden,” the three-judge panel of Republican appointees found.

A federal appeals court has barred the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) from suing a Christian business owner who vowed to fire “individuals who engage in behavior he considers sexually immoral or gender non-conforming.” The business owner, Steven Hotze, operates “his [subsidiary] corporations as ‘Christian’ businesses,” despite none of the corporations having an expressly religious mandate.

Hotze’s for-profit business, Braidwood Management, sought an exemption from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bars discrimination in employment “on the basis of sex.” As interpreted by the Supreme Court in 2020, employment discrimination “on the basis of sex” includes “fir[ing] an individual merely for being gay or transgender.”

The business owner persuaded the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) compelled the EEOC to grant him an exemption from Title VII. RFRA provides that

(a) IN GENERAL.—Government shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, except as provided in subsection (b).
(b) EXCEPTION.—Government may substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion only if it demonstrates that application of the burden to the person—
(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and
(2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.

The court, quoting the lower court’s framing of the issue, found enforcing Title VII against Braidwood would substantially burden Braidwood’s religious practice:

“[E]mployers are required to choose between two untenable alternatives: either (1) violate Title VII and obey their convictions or (2) obey Title VII and violate their convictions.” We see no reason why that formulation is incorrect. Being forced to employ someone to represent the company who behaves in a manner directly violative of the company’s convictions is a substantial burden and inhibits the practice of Braidwood’s beliefs. (footnotes omitted)


PREMO Member
🔥 Speaking of woke, as June comes to an end, I did the sordid work of surveying the various “Pride Parades,” and it wasn’t pretty. I do feel badly for regular, old-school gay folks who cannot possibly be happy about all these over-the-top celebratory spectacles of debauchery, perversion, and pedophilia.

And they were 100% completely un-American.

Following is a curated selection, just to give you an idea, since you probably wisely gave any of these gatherings a wide berth.

This weekend’s Seattle Pride Parade featured lots of unattractive male nudity.

CONTENT WARNING: Link includes brief views of unattractive male genitals from a medium distance:

In another Seattle clip, apparently demon-possessed parade-goers literally barked at a street preacher who just came to pray:

The Minneapolis Pride Parade featured the shameful ordeal of a fat, twerking, gross old man in white underpants — who especially danced for kids. He showed up in several places online, and some commenters noted this isn’t his first Pride Parade. I bet he’s on a list somewhere.

Anyway, the parents who brought their kids had notice of what they were in for:

It was as bad as it looks:

Tons of big corporations sponsored floats in the parades. Minneapolis’ parade even featured the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK:

Similarly, democrat politicians attended in large numbers. This is your modern democrat party.

San Fransisco’s Pride Parade brought lots of people to the imploding downtown area, so I guess that’s something good you can say about it. In one ironic scene, a 1,000+ employee Apple parade detail was immediately followed by the Sex Workers’ Rights float, which claimed “Sex Workers started Pride.”

There might be something to that.

New York City’s “family friendly” Pride Parade featured the same type of simulated breasts and genitals that a Florida court recently had trouble understanding. I actually don’t blame the judge for being unable to imagine these prosthetic parts and why they’re obscene:

In one of many similar reports from the NYC parade, a group of mostly-peaceful LGBTQIA+ folks physically attacked a former trans rights activist who was just holding a sign that said, ‘Defend Female Sex-Based Rights.’

CBS News New York interviewed some Pride activists about how excited they were about the parade. The interview included this colorful character, who the anchors treated as a normal person without asking any of the obvious questions:

The bow on his head appears to be made out of crushed Doritos bags. I don’t even know what to say about this character, except that I actually felt sorry for the anchors who had to pretend like this was somehow normal.

And in case you were wondering, don’t worry, it wasn’t just here in America. It seems to be a Western phenomenon. In Lyons, France, parade-goers tore down an offensive French flag someone had hung along the parade route:

Toronto’s Pride Parade included lots of non-kid-friendly furry critters, but plenty of kids:

There were more simulated parts in Toronto. I guess it’s okay if they’re made of silicone:

And in Costa Rica:

And lots of other places. But not everywhere though! Especially not outside the Western world. In Turkey, for example, parades were promptly shut down by police within minutes, and went nowhere.

I searched for “Pride Parade Russia” and “Pride Parade China” but found nothing. Zero.


In reviewing these scenes — and many others — I encountered a range of thoughts and emotions. First, I think it is far too simple to say “let adults do what they want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.” If that is true, then explain all the historical laws against public intoxication, public obscenity, and public nuisance. What didn’t our predecessors know?

Second, what exactly are these parades celebrating? I mean, EXACTLY? Spell it out for me. Because watching them, it is difficult to avoid a clear sense that the celebration is really about the corruption and collapse of the traditional male identity into full-on depraved licentiousness.

Finally, at some point, I started becoming less offended by the perverted displays IN the parades and more offended by the people who were attending, especially those dragging children along. It is difficult to fathom how any parent with intact, functional protective instincts thinks their children would not be harmed by seeing … whatever this is.

I’m praying this is the year that the Pride Parades went too far. Otherwise, it’s hard to imagine what next year is going to look like. Stock up on eye bleach.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
My lefty cousin and her husband took their daughter, now they/them (15ish y/o), to the San Francisco Pride parade. She posted about 50 pics, mostly quite colorful and flamboyant. Even got a pic of Nancy Pelosi and Adam Shiff.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
My lefty cousin and her husband took their daughter, now they/them (15ish y/o), to the San Francisco Pride parade. She posted about 50 pics, mostly quite colorful and flamboyant. Even got a pic of Nancy Pelosi and Adam Shiff.
Schiff definitely seems like one that would be trotting down the street with a dildo glued to his forehead.


Well-Known Member

NHL Teams Will No Longer Wear LGBTQ Pride-Themed Jerseys

National Hockey League (NHL) teams will no longer wear rainbow-colored LGBTQ-themed jerseys during pregame warmups for Pride nights.

NHL Pride Nights became a hot topic of conversation earlier this year when Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov refused to participate in his team’s Pride Night due to his orthodox Christian faith, sparking outrage from leftists who proceeded to accuse him of bigotry and homophobia. However, the Philadelphia Flyers kept him in the lineup, and the team even went on to win the game against the Anaheim Ducks.

“I respect everybody, and I respect everybody’s choices,” he said after the game. “My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion. That’s all I’m going to say.”

Later, the San Jose Sharks goaltender James Reimer chose not to wear a pride-themed warm-up jersey in a recent game, citing his Christian faith.

Not sure the reason of its too much to change jerseys from pre game will fly with the mob but F em .


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
LGBTQ activists defend 'We're coming for your children' chant

NBC News published a story on how LGBTQ activists claim the chant was 'taken out of context'

LGBTQ activists defended drag queen marchers who chanted "We're coming for your children" — a chant they claim has been used for years, according to a report.

NBC News published a story Tuesday on how LGBTQ activists claim the chant, which was recorded at the New York City drag queen parade in June, was "taken out of context."

NBC News cited reports showing drag queen marchers have in decades past used a similar chant: "We’re here, we’re queer, we’re not going shopping," which was used as a demand for more government resources to counter the AIDS epidemic.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
LGBTQ activists defend 'We're coming for your children' chant

NBC News published a story on how LGBTQ activists claim the chant was 'taken out of context'

LGBTQ activists defended drag queen marchers who chanted "We're coming for your children" — a chant they claim has been used for years, according to a report.

NBC News published a story Tuesday on how LGBTQ activists claim the chant, which was recorded at the New York City drag queen parade in June, was "taken out of context."

NBC News cited reports showing drag queen marchers have in decades past used a similar chant: "We’re here, we’re queer, we’re not going shopping," which was used as a demand for more government resources to counter the AIDS epidemic.

They said it out loud, how can that be taken out of context.