Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


PREMO Member

Over 250 Hollywood Elitists Sign a Petition to Support Democrats' Agenda of Mutilating Children

The radical group demanded companies such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to "take actions against the rise of anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ hate and discrimination," claiming that there has been a "massive systemic failure to prohibit hate, harassment, and malicious anti-LGBTQ disinformation" occurring on platforms.

The letter claims that gender transition surgery is "medically necessary" for children and accused "online extremists" of actively promoting hate and violence against LGBTQ people.

Gender transition surgeries, including hormone and puberty blockers for children, have been outlawed in several states across America.


PREMO Member

New study on ‘rise’ in transgenderism shows it’s a fad, especially among young girls

It’s these adults, now fancying themselves experts in gender medicine and mental health, who are wreaking havoc on an entire generation, encouraging them to follow their feelings, and follow the crowd, even when they’re at risk of permanent and irreparable harm by doing so.

According to a new study about youth gender dysphoria, there are more teens than ever claiming that their biological sex does not meet their “gender identity” and that they are coming to this conclusion earlier and earlier.

The study author, Dr. Ching-Fang Sun, is a resident at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine in Roanoke, and her results, published Monday in the journal General Psychiatry, are shocking:

  • Studying the health records of 42 million people between the ages of 4 to 65, a total of 66,078 had received a diagnosis of gender dysphoria.
  • 80% of those were from the US.
  • People assigned female at birth seek professional help at about age 11 on average (!), while those assigned male at birth seek help at about age 13, the study reported.
  • In 2017, the average age for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria was 31.49. By 2021, that age had dropped to 26.27.
  • Researchers reported a “significantly increased” number of people diagnosed between 2017 and 2021.
Well why do you suppose that is? Could it be that this is a fad, driven by social media, that tells young people — particularly girls — that transgenderism is cool, far more common that it really is, and changing your gender is a snap?


PREMO Member

Have You Reached ‘Peak Trans’ Yet?

In the sex-based-rights movement, the phrase “peak trans” is used to describe an event that prompts a person to reject transgender ideology. For some, their “peak trans” moment was seeing Lia (formerly Will) Thomas competing in the NCAA women’s swimming championship.

If the vision of a 6′3″ male in a bathing suit towering over females wasn’t enough, the testimony from his female competitors surely was. Riley Gaines, who tied for fifth with Thomas in the NCAA 200-meter, shared the story of how her trophy was given to Thomas, while an official explained that hers would be coming later in the mail. Other female athletes spoke out, initially under anonymity, about how uncomfortable they felt being forced to share a changing room with a male and how their coaches and schools commanded them to stay silent.

This is not only absurd, but obviously and egregiously unfair. Recent polling from Gallup indicates that “a larger majority of Americans now (69%) than in 2021 (62%) say transgender athletes should only be allowed to compete on sports teams that conform with their birth gender.”


PREMO Member
🔥 You might already have seen this next unbelievable story making the rounds. It all began with a few independent folks reporting online that New York City Pride parade marchers were ominously chanting “we’re coming for your kids.”

The fact-checkers promptly started carpet-bombing those reports, calling it fake news, how dare they, trans people aren’t groomers, everybody knows that. But the number of videos kept growing, and ultimately denying it ever happened became untenable.

Then this ridiculous NBC headline appeared:

Oh. Well, never mind then.

Compare the following paragraph from the NBC article with all the denials you’ve heard from the left about how trans people aren’t groomers and there is NO EVIDENCE of that at all, it has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with kids, it’s juts about free adults in a democratic society making their own way and living how they want, in private, not bothering anybody, but preferring not to have a bunch of crazy, judgmental religious fundamentalists oppressing and harassing them.

Here’s what NBC reluctantly admitted:

The “coming for your children” chant has been used for years at Pride events, according to longtime march attendees and gay rights activists, who said it’s one of many provocative expressions used to regain control of slurs against LGBTQ people…. Last year, Gothamist reported, people at the Drag March chanted, “Ten percent is not enough: Groom! Groom! Groom!”​

FOR YEARS. In other words, it should have been trivially easy for the fact-checkers and reporters to have found the “evidence” that children were involved, to some extent, in the “movement.” But somehow they couldn’t. Call it confirmation bias if you want to.

The current narrative, that these chants are only jokes meant to lampoon conservative critics, rings hollow. Try to think of one single time that the corporate media ever gave that kind of charitable interpretation to something a Trump supporter, or even the President himself, ever said.

That’s what I thought.



PREMO Member

With all due respect to GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis, she can go ahead and f**k right off with this bull. Let's just talk about the "online hate and misinformation" portion of her complaint, shall we? GLAAD's letter calls on social media platforms to combat online hate and misinformation by ... perpetuating online hate against anyone who doesn't fall into lockstep with the radical LGBTQ activists and cracking down on any available information that pokes holes in radical LGBTQ ideology:

We call for you to meet with community leaders and creators to hear about these real world harms that result from anti-trans content on your platforms — and to create and share plans for how you will address:
  • Content that spreads malicious lies and disinformation about medically necessary healthcare for transgender youth. As described above, such harmful content from high-follower hate-based accounts has resulted in extraordinary real-world harms.13 Specific mitigations on such disinformation must be developed (for instance akin to election and COVID-19 mitigations and rules).
  • Accounts and postings that perpetuate anti-LGBTQ extremist hate14 and disinformation,15 in violation of platform policies, and which target trans and LGBTQ people, including baseless and malicious disinformation of LGBTQ people being threats to children (e.g. the anti-LGBTQ “groomer” conspiracy theory16). Such harmful and dangerous lies must be more effectively moderated and mitigated.

In short, they're telling social media platforms to lie. "Akin to election and COVID-19 mitigation and rules" means just like countless Twitter accounts were suppressed and suspended for suggesting that masks don't work and that there was something to the lab-leak hypothesis (both of which turned out to be true). And demanding that the platforms clamp down on "baseless and malicious disinformation of LGBTQ people being threats to children (e.g. the anti-LGBTQ “groomer” conspiracy theory16)" means keeping accounts like @LibsofTikTok from exposing threats to children by shining a spotlight on radical LGBTQ content that the activists themselves are putting out there.



Well-Known Member
I haven't been to a movie in years and am not up to par on Hollywood's elite
But i only recognized a few names. Alyssa Melano, Patrick Stewart, Amy Schumer and Dylan Mcelvaney
I never knew Amy Schumer the foul mouthed comedienne and Dylan Mcelvaney were the Hollywood elite.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I haven't been to a movie in years and am not up to par on Hollywood's elite
But i only recognized a few names. Alyssa Melano, Patrick Stewart, Amy Schumer and Dylan Mcelvaney
I never knew Amy Schumer the foul mouthed comedienne and Dylan Mcelvaney were the Hollywood elite.
Hey if Bob the drag queen can be celeb there’s no reason Dylan can’t be too.