Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


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🔥 This next video clip is a heart wrenching personal statement from Milo, one of six “real-life” youth featured in a 2016 MTV documentary about trans youth called Transformation.

2016! We should have caught this trans nonsense back when it was first starting up. I blame MTV. Nobody watches that channel, not since the 80’s when it actually offered something worth watching.

Anyway, now, seven years later, one of the six celebrated kids from the 2016 MTV special has regrets:

Milo, now 23, regrets all the permanent surgeries, the irreversible hormone treatments, the side effects and the complications. Plus, Milo suspects the truth is she’s really autistic and was just frightened by male attention, and not actually “a man.”

Her video was brutally honest:

“So now I’m stuck. I’m stuck looking like a man and sounding like a man. I think I completely regret everything I’ve done. I’m heartbroken. Um. I don’t want to be made into a horror story. I don’t want my story to be politicized… For me, it wasn’t the solution, because I still have all these problems that I thought would disappear. I don’t know how I’m going to move forward. I don’t know how I’m going to accept myself, what was done to me. I know I can’t blame myself, because I was a teenager.”

Lest you too quickly condemn Milo’s mother, who giddily appears all over the 2016 MTV documentary, Milo said the only reason she’s still here on Earth is the support she’s getting from her parents. One can only imagine Milo’s parents’ irresolvable regret and bottomless self-recrimination.

Milo was incredibly brave to come out like this. Local communities need to come around these kids and try to help them find meaning and purpose in life, because the trans activists discard them faster than a junkie throws away a broken needle.

As a reminder, gender dysphoria is the ONLY psychological condition treated with irreversible surgical and hormonal interventions, and what does that tell you?



Well-Known Member
Looks like a man sounds ,like a man, a home made penis that doesn't do the job, and still weak as a woman..

Whatever her parents feel it isn't bad enough in my mind.

I suppose this clown stuff will go on until enough of the lunatics regret their actions that it becomes well known what a really stupid thing it is to mutilate your genitals God gave you.


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Dad fumes about 9-year-old son being asked by doctor if he’s genderfluid in viral video: 'This is bulls--t'

The dad, who goes by "@jotojavin" on Tiktok, calls himself a "common sense enthusiast." The video went viral on TikTok and was also viewed by over 6 million as of Sunday on Twitter after it was reported by Sarah Fields, an investigative reporter.

The dad had just got off the phone with his wife when he recorded the video, and angrily recounted how his 9-year-old son was exposed to gender ideology during a routine checkup at the doctor's office. His son needed to be cleared to play football at his school.

"I just pulled over to do this video because I'm literally on fire right now. I just got off the phone with my wife, who took my 9 and 7-year-old boys to the doctor today to get physicals for tackle football and school next year and all that other s--t," he said.


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Teen girl accused of 'hate speech' after protesting transgenders in YMCA locker room: Report

After the head coach allegedly laughed off the girl's concerns during another conversation and the YMCA abruptly canceled a planned parent meeting over the issue, the teen and another teammate hung protest signs in the female-only areas. Wheeler's signs read "Women’s Rights," "Biological Women Only," and "Safe Sport."

"SafeSport" is a U.S. nonprofit authorized by Congress that is dedicated to end physical, emotional and sexual abuse in sports.

When Wheeler told her coach that she had made the signs, he reportedly accused her of "hate speech." She was "not allowed to participate with the swim team and was asked to leave the pool area," her father claimed.

Former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines shared the story on her Twitter account, noting that the girl's older sister had a similar experience with transgender swimmer Lia Thomas.


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NYC’s historic $62,500-a-year Browning School for boys to admit trans students

“As a school that proudly celebrates and affirms boys at every stage of their lives, we acknowledge that the many ways in which gender can be lived and expressed are vastly different now than at our founding in 1888,” the prestigious private Manhattan academy recently wrote in a letter to parents.

The elite K-12 school — which costs $62,500 a year and was founded to educate brothers Percy and John D. Rockefeller — added on its website, “The Browning School will consider for admission any child who (i) identifies as a boy or (ii) was assigned male at birth, who wishes to join a boys’ school and is well-served by our mission.

“We will not consider for admission a student who identifies as a girl at the time of application,” the school said.

Browning added that if an admitted student no longer identifies as a boy, the school will work to accommodate the young person.


Well-Known Member

NYC’s historic $62,500-a-year Browning School for boys to admit trans students

“As a school that proudly celebrates and affirms boys at every stage of their lives, we acknowledge that the many ways in which gender can be lived and expressed are vastly different now than at our founding in 1888,” the prestigious private Manhattan academy recently wrote in a letter to parents.

The elite K-12 school — which costs $62,500 a year and was founded to educate brothers Percy and John D. Rockefeller — added on its website, “The Browning School will consider for admission any child who (i) identifies as a boy or (ii) was assigned male at birth, who wishes to join a boys’ school and is well-served by our mission.

“We will not consider for admission a student who identifies as a girl at the time of application,” the school said.

Browning added that if an admitted student no longer identifies as a boy, the school will work to accommodate the young person.

Just pay up .


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A Woke Children’s Literature Cabal Is Conditioning Your Kid To Be An Obedient Leftist

This shift in kidlit has been happening for a long time. About 25 years ago, novels that portrayed kids as environmental activists began to win awards. About 15 years ago, the award-winning books showed shocking, disturbing scenarios. Ten years ago, books that depicted sexualization and abuse at younger ages began to win awards. Then, five years ago, it shifted a bit more to where books focused on systemic racism and sexual identity won awards. Today, if books don’t include any of the above depictions, they are rarely published by medium and large publishing houses.

And it’s the medium and large publishing houses that supply schools, libraries, and bookstores.

Eight years ago, I organized a statewide writer’s conference for children’s book authors. We brought in several high-powered industry members from major publishing houses. One editor’s words threw open the window to this shifting world.


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“You’re a man or a woman,” Girl added. “But the idea of a man and a woman is actually so expansive, and there is so much opportunity and nuance in between. And I think it’s up to the individual to decide … I think this idea that we have to have this definition of what is a woman I think it’s counterproductive … and meant to be transphobic.”

When Pool pressed Girl to define “female,” the drag queen official said “female would be the end of this binary that society has created.”

DeMure replied that every “drag queen can tell you what a woman is if they are being honest.”

“A woman does not have a penis, because drag queens tuck their penises,” DeMure said. “I’ve never seen one drag queen in all of my years of pageants have a bulge.”

“A woman is a human that is born with a vagina and has the capability of reproducing and giving birth, whether they can do it or not,” DeMure continued. “They have the anatomy for it. To me, that’s what a woman is. And we all know it.”



PREMO Member
Michigan: Muslim City Council Fires HR Commissioners for Flying LGBTQ Pride Flag on Public Property

The law did not specifically single out LGBTQ community members, with Hasan and the city council even saying that such people are wholly welcome in the city of Hamtramck, which had primarily been run by Polish Catholics until recent years.

Less than a month after initiating the ban, Russ Gordon and Cathy Stackpoole were removed from the Hamtramck Human Relations Commission after they flew the LGBTQ pride flag over a public sidewalk for several hours, per The Detroit News:

Two members of a Hamtramck human rights commission were removed Tuesday from the panel after they raised an LGBTQ+ flag during a rally Sunday in violation of a city flag resolution.
The city confirmed police were investigating the protest Sunday, where Russ Gordon, chair of the Human Relations Commission, and Catrina Stackpoole, a member, raised the pride flag on a city flagpole along Jos. Campau near Neibel Street.
The flag was taken down about two hours later by an unidentified person, Stackpoole said.

The city council voted to remove Gordon and Stackpoole by a unanimous vote on Tuesday. City Manager Max Garbarino confirmed that the removal stemmed from their actions.


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Louisiana Legislature Overrides Governor's Veto of Bill Protecting Kids From Transgender Surgeries

“Thanks to the bi-partisan support of the Louisiana State Senate, we are one step closer to protecting children in Louisiana from experimental chemical and surgical sex change procedures. HB648 has passed both chambers of the state legislature with veto-proof majorities, and the people of Louisiana have made it clear that our children are worth fighting for,” State Rep. Gabe Firment (R-22nd district), who sponsored the bill, said in a statement.

Others who advocate for protecting kids from irreversible surgeries and a lifetime of hormone use cheered on the legislature’s actions as well.

“Vulnerable children will be safer now in Louisiana,” Mark Trammell, executive director of the Center for American Liberty, said to Fox News. “Governor Edwards’s failed veto shows that he cares more about appeasing special interest groups than protecting children from medical procedures and drugs that physically mutilate and sterilize.”

“The Louisiana legislature did the right thing here and the Center for American Liberty applauds its efforts,” Trammell added.


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YouTube Censored Detransitioner’s Story While ‘Glamorizing’ Pro-Trans Content

YouTube has censored the story of a young woman who underwent an irreversible surgery as part of an attempted gender transition. Meanwhile, pro-transgender videos of biological women who underwent double mastectomies remain on the platform uncensored.

Prisha Mosley spoke to the Independent Women’s Forum’s Kelsey Bolar, also a contributor to The Daily Signal, in December 2022 about the traumatic events that led her to take testosterone injections and undergo a double mastectomy, then to ultimately detransition back to living as a woman.

Since then, Mosley has filed a lawsuit accusing the doctors and medical professionals who transitioned her of medical malpractice and of using “unfair and deceptive trade practices,” causing her years of both psychological and physical pain.

Her story has garnered almost 100,000 views on YouTube. But at some point since the video’s December 2022 publication, YouTube censored the video, making it viewable only on its platform. That affects whether readers can see the video if it has been included in a news story or on a news platform.

“This video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube,” reads a notice on the video. No images can be seen, and the background of the notice is black. Clicking on the link allows viewers to access YouTube.


PREMO Member
🔥 Local 9News Colorado ran an unintentionally encouraging story yesterday headlined, “Children's Hospital Colorado stops providing gender-affirming surgery.” The article’s first sentence complained, “There's now one fewer place for young transgender people to get certain types of care in Colorado -- and the change is a win for people who want to threaten them.”

The hospital suggested people look elsewhere for their childhood body mutilation. “We are focusing on delivering emotional and medical care to our pediatric patients and their families," hospital spokesperson Rachael Fowler said. "There are many hospitals in the region where adult patients can receive gender-affirming surgical care."

Neither 9News’ reporter nor trans activists were pleased. It’s not clear from the outraged article whether Children’s Hospital had ever actually performed any gender surgeries on minors, but it’s super clear that trans activists were madder than a mother with a burned casserole. "The precedent that they're setting is dangerous," warned Ruby Lopez, an advocate with OutBoulder. "My fear is that other hospitals are also going to follow suit."

One can only hope. And surprisingly, in Colorado. It’s progress.



PREMO Member
👿 Two days ago in Orlando, Florida, the Board of Education met to approve a long list of 30+ new rules and policies. The new rules included lots of great stuff, including a requirement that schools refer to biological boys as “he/him,” and biological girls must be called “she/her.” Schools are also now required to keep penis-havers out of the girls’ bathrooms.

All of that probably seems like basic common sense to you, but not everyone was amused. Some folks think using proper pronouns literally genocides gay people.

In the clip below, during the public comment period, you will hear a rainbow-hat wearing lady, who claims to be a Florida teacher, proudly and publicly declare loyalty to the Prince of Lies, Satan. I am not making that up. Specifically, she says:

“Hi. I’m Bree (?). I am society’s worst nightmare. I use they/them pronouns, I’m a Satanist, and I’m an educator… Kids in my neighborhood come to me, knock on my door, and ask me to go outside and play with them. They know I’m gay. They used it as a slur-word. And I asked them what was wrong with it. They took a moment of thought, and they said, “nothing.” And they just said, “stop being annoying.” And it was as easy as that. You can change all your rules, and try to prevent us from being at school, but people like me will always be there to educate them.”

image 4.png

That sounded like a threat. And, don’t miss the charming fact that Bree, if that’s her real name, is wearing a tail. But before we get to the rest, just wait a minute. Exactly what kids are asking Bree to come outside and play with them? In this heat? With her cane? As slowly as she walks? What were they playing, slow-motion ninja?

I call B.S. on that one. I doubt whether kids are asking Bree out to play.

Anyway, there’s so much I could say about this story, but before I get to the whole Satanist thing, how has our public discourse fallen to this low level? Why are state officials required to treat this tail-wearing person seriously, as if she were not, in fact, mentally ill? How does she possibly have a job as a teacher, assuming that’s true?

Now, by this point some of you probably think I see Satanists everywhere I look these days, like Church Lady on Saturday Night Live, and it does feel that way at times. I mean, I just finished reporting yesterday about Egypt throwing U.S. rapper Travis Scott out for being a Satanist, a distinction which hasn’t seemed to trouble anyone over here.
Believe in him or not, for thousands of years the concept of Satan has been directly connected with the source of all evil, murder, death, and destruction on the earth. He’s hated an despised by nearly every religious tradition. So how is it that the concept of “Satan” now seems to — somehow — be connected to queerness and wokeness? How did that happen? And how did we get to a point where a public school teacher can proudly brag — in public, on camera — that she is not only a Satanist but “society’s worst nightmare,” and nobody even booed her off the podium, never mind got the burning stake ready?



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Transgender Triple Murderer Harassing Women in California Prison, Inmates Say

Dana Rivers shares a cell with several female inmates at Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla, where he was incarcerated last month. Women in Rivers’s housing unit say he ogles them, speaks demeaningly to them, and demands they push him around in his wheelchair.


In a phone interview from Central California Women's Facility, Tomiekia Johnson said that one of her fellow inmates was recently unnerved to catch Rivers leering at her.

"She felt him looking at her, she said, ‘I felt someone watching me, and there he was, staring at my butt,’" Johnson said.

Johnson lost her job at the prison after she filed a complaint in early 2021 against the California law that allows men to be incarcerated with women based on gender identity, even if they present as men and have male genitalia. Then, last month, Rivers was moved into her housing unit.

"I think it’s a slap in the face, because as much as they know I’ve been vocal about being housed with predators, and how much they target me, and how much it’s a known fact that they harass me and provoke me, for them to put him in the building with me is beyond negligent," Johnson said. "I feel betrayed by the prison for doing this."

Amie Ichikawa, the founder of Women II Women, monitors the condition of incarcerated women in California, who in legal documents and conversations describe how they are constantly on edge since the state began transferring men into their prisons. Ichikawa showed the Free Beacon messages she received from female inmates at Central California Women’s Facility complaining about Rivers’s behavior. Some of the women asked that their names not be printed for fear of retaliation.


PREMO Member
Eric says in his bio that he is a Christian so we are going to assume he leans Right on some issues and we might even agree with him on many things. THIS is not One of them.

Yes, she is a tennis player and the reduction probably helped her game but the bigger factor here is BIG BOOBS can hurt badly on a small frame. Just getting up too fast to go to the fridge can give you back pain so the idea she did this just to play tennis is silly and equating it to removing breasts to try and change your sex is ridiculous.
