Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


Just sneakin' around....
Saw a real quick blurb on tv regarding women's sports injuries. Apparently they suffer ACL and other major injuries at a much higher rate than men.


PREMO Member

Democrats Have a Muslim Problem in Michigan

The LGBTQ+ community took offense to the resolution and showed up at the meeting to protest it on June 13th. Muslim Hassan Aoun was also at the meeting and said, “Don’t sit here and throw Pride Month, or being gay, down kids’ throat, my throat or anybody’s throat. You can be gay by yourself.”

After the vote was made concerning the flag resolution, a group of LGBTQ+ activists also protested in front of Hamtramck City Hall on June 24th. The protest included an appearance and speech by Attorney General Dana Nessel who compared their flag ban to being evil, homophobic and transphobic.

Hamtramck Mayor Amer Ghalib has said publicly that he considers the protesters to be a “militia” and the protesters were comprised of folks sent into his community, including elected officials, to put pressure on them and threaten them.

The Guardian, a centre-left British newspaper and media website, wrote about the issue and said that there is a sense of betrayal that Democrats feel about the Muslim community over the flag ban. While many Democrats celebrated the first Muslim-majority council when it happened, the relationship between Democrats and the Muslim community seems to be headed in an adversarial direction. Instead of continuing to view Muslims in government as a symbolic change of diversity, Democrats no longer seem comfortable with the positions that that local Muslim communities are taking, especially in their opposition to LGBTQ+ matters.

The Al Jazeera website says about Muslims across the country pushing back on social issues, “We are witnessing a unique and welcome phenomenon: Muslims in the West are at the forefront of a social movement that transcends any one faith or ethnicity. For those following the news, protests led by parents have erupted across the United States and Canada against school boards that wish to teach schoolchildren content about the acceptability of LGBTQ lifestyles.”

Al Jazeera continues to say, “While parents of all ethnicities and religions are involved, Muslim parents have been playing a central role in all of these cases, both as organizers and protesters, and their highly visible presence is creating waves on social media.”


PREMO Member

Federal Judge Blocks Arizona’s Transgender Sports Ban After Challenge From Prepubescent Transgenders

Two prepubescent transgenders are represented in the suit, including a 15-year-old who wants to play on the school girls’ volleyball team and another who is 11-years-old and wants to compete in the girls’ competitions for soccer, basketball, and cross-country.

According to the lawsuit, playing on the school boys’ teams are not an acceptable option for either of the transgender-identifying youth.

“It would be painful and humiliating for (the plaintiff) to be forced to play on boys’ teams,” the lawsuit states, adding that it would contradict medical treatment that the minors have been receiving.

Parents of the transgenders say they are pleased with the court’s decision.

“We are relieved that the judge saw past the misconceptions and harmful rhetoric used to demonize transgender girls. Our daughter is looking forward to making new friends and playing the sports that she loves,” Jane Doe’s parents said in a statement from the National Center for Lesbian Rights, which is helping to represent the family.

Arizona officials who sponsored the law said the law is fair and passes federal regulations by protecting boys and girls.



Well-Known Member

Federal Judge Blocks Arizona’s Transgender Sports Ban After Challenge From Prepubescent Transgenders

Two prepubescent transgenders are represented in the suit, including a 15-year-old who wants to play on the school girls’ volleyball team and another who is 11-years-old and wants to compete in the girls’ competitions for soccer, basketball, and cross-country.

According to the lawsuit, playing on the school boys’ teams are not an acceptable option for either of the transgender-identifying youth.

“It would be painful and humiliating for (the plaintiff) to be forced to play on boys’ teams,” the lawsuit states, adding that it would contradict medical treatment that the minors have been receiving.

Parents of the transgenders say they are pleased with the court’s decision.

“We are relieved that the judge saw past the misconceptions and harmful rhetoric used to demonize transgender girls. Our daughter is looking forward to making new friends and playing the sports that she loves,” Jane Doe’s parents said in a statement from the National Center for Lesbian Rights, which is helping to represent the family.

Arizona officials who sponsored the law said the law is fair and passes federal regulations by protecting boys and girls.


Hate to say it, but we should probably just get rid of boys/girls sports at this point. But hear me out, we don't need to change the number of teams and everyone can still play.

The standard used to be (and maybe still is) a Varsity and Junior Varsity team for both boys and girls, right? So now we just have 4 levels of teams based purely on skill. An A-B-C-D setup. It's likely that most of the A and B team will be boys, with the C and D teams having a larger number of girl players. Yes, the C and D teams could be completely boy as well, but something tells me peer pressure will keep boys from filling the roster of the C and D teams. Now everyone is playing at their level of skill, not based on biology.

Doesn't solve the locker-room issue, but that seems like a different issue than biological males dominating female sports. Kids can shower and change at home, my school did this (mostly because of hazing/hijinks in the locker rooms)


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Hate to say it, but we should probably just get rid of boys/girls sports at this point. But hear me out, we don't need to change the number of teams and everyone can still play.

The standard used to be (and maybe still is) a Varsity and Junior Varsity team for both boys and girls, right? So now we just have 4 levels of teams based purely on skill. An A-B-C-D setup. It's likely that most of the A and B team will be boys, with the C and D teams having a larger number of girl players. Yes, the C and D teams could be completely boy as well, but something tells me peer pressure will keep boys from filling the roster of the C and D teams. Now everyone is playing at their level of skill, not based on biology.

Doesn't solve the locker-room issue, but that seems like a different issue than biological males dominating female sports. Kids can shower and change at home, my school did this (mostly because of hazing/hijinks in the locker rooms)

I say, no. Stand your ground and fight against the BS. In this arena, there can be absolutely no concessions or compromises. Do not let yourself talk yourself into acquiescing to this degeneracy.


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

I say, no. Stand your ground and fight against the BS. In this arena, there can be absolutely no concessions or compromises. Do not let yourself talk yourself into acquiescing to this degeneracy.
I don't find it to be a concession, it's malicious compliance. Get rid of the "gendering" of sports and within a few years people will remember why they were separated to begin with and it will push them to make a real standard that really separates them regardless of whatever mental image the kids may have of themselves.


Just sneakin' around....
I don't find it to be a concession, it's malicious compliance. Get rid of the "gendering" of sports and within a few years people will remember why they were separated to begin with and it will push them to make a real standard that really separates them regardless of whatever mental image the kids may have of themselves.
Give them everything they want, and they will soon realize it's not what they wanted.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I don't find it to be a concession, it's malicious compliance. Get rid of the "gendering" of sports and within a few years people will remember why they were separated to begin with and it will push them to make a real standard that really separates them regardless of whatever mental image the kids may have of themselves.

Fight against the forced degeneracy and stupidity now. Because it is a good and righteous fight. If your idea comes to fruition, then, just like freedoms once lost, they are never returned without a war.

BTW. "Malicious compliance (also known as malicious obedience) is the behavior of strictly following the orders of a superior despite knowing that compliance with the orders will have an unintended or negative result." Malicious compliance: Equals weakness. Don't be weak.

Another BTW. People won't remember shait. The majority are sheep. Once a change such as your idea materializes, it will never change back due to too many justifications to keep it, and as well as those for continuing it beating people over the head with 'guilt' or 'ridicule' so as not to challenge the status quo. So, let's not go down this path. Stay the course and and fight.


PREMO Member
🔥 There is also a strange connection between Israel’s woes and the LGBTQIA++ movement. In case you were wondering whether the Rainbow Army was a real movement or just a useful tool for marxists, a new clue appeared in the data over the weekend. Protestors at a “Queer pride” event in Berlin chanted pro-Palestine slogans. However you feel about the Israel-Palestine issue, the muslims in Palestine would stone gays to death, so it seems weird for the Alphabet Crew to be supporting the LGBT-hating muslims. Or … do you think the protestors even know?


Somebody needs to explain how “pride” is a real movement and not just a bunch of useful idiots. Make it make sense.



Well-Known Member
The Amish have a good way yo protect themselves from trash like this Shunning.

Shun the parents shun the kids. Don't even speak to them unless absolutely necessary.
The parents are as sick as the kids.


PREMO Member

University Of Texas At Austin Hosts ‘LGBTQIA’ Allyship Training, Warns Of ‘Heterosexual Privilege’

The site provides several workshop materials, including one form on “Heterosexual and Monosexual Privilege.” The document lists a total of 44 supposed privileges, including, “I can choose to be in a polyamorous relationship without being accused of reinforcing stereotypes against my sexual-identity group.” Another portion of the list reads “I can easily find representations of people of my sexual-identity group.”

The Gender and Sexuality Center also hosts one workshop titled, “Histories of & Accountability to Trans Feminisms,” which features a list of terms associated with “Transfeminism.” It defines the word “transfeminism” itself as “a movement by and for trans women who view their liberation to be intrinsically linked to the liberation of all women and beyond.”

It also defines “transmisogyny” as “The intersection of transphobia and misogyny that systematically targets trans women” and “misogynoir” as “The intersection of racism, anti-Blackness, and misogyny that Black women experience.”

The term “sexism” is defined as “the systematic, institutional, pervasive, and routine mistreatment of women and femme people of all genders.”

The center also hosts numerous other workshops, including, “From Allyship to Advocacy: Supporting Transgender Communities,” “Intersectionality & Allyship,” and “Working Towards Gender Justice.”


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Would that privilege also include, she can't visit target for under $400?

Amazon, UPS and FEDEX drivers are on a first name basis?

You get to sit through mind-numbingly boring Indi-movies, in foregn languages, with people you never heard of?

You get to have all your travel, financial or personal decisions made for you, most times without even knowing until the last possible moment?

Asking for a friend.


PREMO Member

Detransitioner issues 'desperate plea' to lawmakers at emotional gender hearing: 'My childhood was ruined'

"What message do I want to bring to American teenagers and their families? I didn't need to be lied to. I needed compassion. I needed to be loved. I need to be getting therapy to help me work through my issues. Not affirmed to my delusion that by transforming into a boy, it would solve all my problems," Cole said in her opening statement before a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing slated to discuss the "dangers and due process violations of 'gender-affirming care'."

"We need to stop telling 12-year-olds that they were born wrong, that they are right to reject their own bodies and feel uncomfortable with their own skin. We need to stop telling children that puberty is an option. That they can choose what kind of puberty they will go through just they can choose what clothes to wear or music to listen to," she continued. "Puberty is a rite of passage to adulthood, not a disease to be mitigated. Today, I should be at home with my family, celebrating my 19th birthday, and instead I'm making a desperate plea to my representatives learn the lessons from other medical scandals like the opioid crisis to recognize that doctors are human too. And sometimes they are wrong."

"My childhood was ruined, along with thousands of detransitioners that I know through our networks. This needs to stop. You alone can stop it. Enough children have already been victimized by this barbaric pseudoscience. Please let me be your final warning," she said.

Cole, who had a double mastectomy at age 15, described to lawmakers how discomfort with the changes of puberty, being intimidated by new male attention and looking up to her brothers ultimately resulted in her coming out as transgender in a letter placed on the dining room table at just age 12. Her parents responded by seeking help from medical professionals.

"This proved to be a mistake. It immediately sent our entire family down a path of ideologically motivated and coercion," Cole said. "The gender specialist I was taken to, taken to see told my parents that I needed to be put on puberty blocking drugs right away. They asked my parents a simple question ‘Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living transgender son?’ The choice was enough for my parents to let their guard down. And in retrospect, I can't blame them. This is the moment that we all became victims of so-called gender-affirming care."