Alec Baldwin=jerk


I bowl overhand
Cowgirl said:
Bob, you are full of crap. You pretty much blasted me a while back on a thread about cussing in front of kids. You ranted about how we shouldn't use any sort of bad language around them, and said if you want kids to respect you, you had to respect them. Well, Alec may not have used cuss words, but he called his daughter degrading names. I'm sorry, but that is low.

It was especially bad when Alec and Kim have been battling for custody, and they KNOW everything they do is under the if he's willing to go this far on a voicemail KNOWING it will get out, what do you think he's really capable of, and what do you think he REALLY wanted to say.

I don't give 2 shiats whether or not he and Kim have been fighting...she may be the most manipulative biatch alive, but to take it out on the daughter is WRONG. No parent should EVER use their child to manipulate another. If Kim is doing that, she's wrong, but he is also wrong for taking is frustrations out on their 11 year old daughter.

He is wrong, and you are wrong.

Chances are you've never been in his postition, and never will.. hopefully you'll never have a child that can bring you to the point of breaking. Or be in a marriage where the outcome maybe you never seeing your child again, all the time watching your child choosing the wrong path..

Yep, I'm an idiot. You think what you want about him, I hear a parent that gives a crap, that is at the end of his rope and has no clue what to do next, or how to handle it.. Shame he can't go to school and get a Masters in Child Rearing. But I hear a father that knows he is losing the fight, and there is nothing he can do about it

I'm not saying this is the case, but we don't have enough information to say it isn't the case. I'll give this dad the benefit of the doubt, even though we KNOW the court isn't going to.. I'll put money on it that the tape just lost him his daughter, no matter the reason. The court will decide against him no matter how ####ty a person she's growing up to be, or how lousy a mother 'Kim' is.. no matter how much he cares, and how much he wants her to grow up to be a good person.


I am so very blessed
It was completely inappropriate for Alec to talk to that child with that tone of voice and using that harsh language. He acted like a bully. That behavior is certainly not appropriate to the one person on this planet who he is supposed to love more than anything or anyone else.

Whereas I might have liked him before, I have no respect for him now.

Talking to this child - his own daughter - like he did was soooo over the line. He owes her a hell of an apology, and one day, perhaps, she'll feel like forgiving him.


New Member
My guess..and guess only

Since our daughter is going on 13....

You know, with parents who have displayed behavior like Alec AND Kim have done in the past...

What intelligent 11, 12, OR 13 year old would WANT?? To take a phone call from a parent who talks to them like THAT?
Angry, just keeping in touch, or wanting to confirm any visitation... I know my daughter wouldnt take a call from her father if all he did was leave her messages like that.

Yeah, there's probably lots more that we all arent privvy to knowing about, preceeding the phone message. Theres always 3 sides to a story.. what HE says.. what SHE says..and then you have the truth. WHo knows WHAT that is in this case, you know?

All i know is... that my daughter, even at age 11, or when she was close to 12...knew pretty much of WHO she wanted to talk to and who she didnt if she was upset. What gives with the electronic leash for a girl this age anyway? Last i checked, if someone doesnt answer either their cell phone, home phone, etc... they obviously will either answer, call back, or talk it out when the outraged emotions subside.

I feel badly for the kid. Heck, she cant help who her parents are.
I say good for her, not answering the phone calls. Peace of mind is what this child needs. Not griping phone messages from a dad who is notoriously angry at everything, no matter what sets him off...Alec Baldwin has always been an angry person when things arent in his control.


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:
Chances are you've never been in his postition, and never will.. hopefully you'll never have a child that can bring you to the point of breaking. Or be in a marriage where the outcome maybe you never seeing your child again, all the time watching your child choosing the wrong path..

Yep, I'm an idiot. You think what you want about him, I hear a parent that gives a crap, that is at the end of his rope and has no clue what to do next, or how to handle it.. Shame he can't go to school and get a Masters in Child Rearing. But I hear a father that knows he is losing the fight, and there is nothing he can do about it

I'm not saying this is the case, but we don't have enough information to say it isn't the case. I'll give this dad the benefit of the doubt, even though we KNOW the court isn't going to.. I'll put money on it that the tape just lost him his daughter, no matter the reason. The court will decide against him no matter how ####ty a person she's growing up to be, or how lousy a mother 'Kim' is.. no matter how much he cares, and how much he wants her to grow up to be a good person.

All the more reason for him to act like a civilized human being. If he's frustrated, he should do something *constructive* about it. Treating his daughter like crap will get him no closer to having custody, it will do the opposite.

Yep, I'm an idiot.

And I never said you were an idiot, I just said you were full of crap.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
I'm not saying this is the case, but we don't have enough information to say it isn't the case.
Then why do you keep reading more into the call, projecting scenarios and defending him?

He didn't sound like a caring father at the end of his rope to me AT ALL. He sounded like an abusive psychopath control freak who can't stand the thought that his daughter doesn't want to talk to him (and really, who could blame her after that?).

There are allegations of spousal abuse, known attacks on photographers, his own belligerent rantings on various talk shows, now this tape. This is not Tom Hanks.

1+1=2, Bob.


* * * * * * * * *
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rigirl said:
One can only hope that the mom intercepted the message and protected her daughter from hearing those hateful words from the dad. If she felt so strongly about her ex-husband's behavior, she should have went directly to the courts and left the media out of it.

Agreed, but it's too late. The child can read. Whomever leaked the recording is as misguided as Alec because both parents are being trashed in the court of public opinion (via tabloids, internet, etc.) and that's got to have an effect on her as much as her father's harsh words. We don't know what led up to it or if it was taken out of context. No one wins by making this public. It was done to manipulate.


I bowl overhand
Cowgirl said:
All the more reason for him to act like a civilized human being. If he's frustrated, he should do something *constructive* about it. Treating his daughter like crap will get him no closer to having custody, it will do the opposite.

Like I said, you've never been in his situation, you've never been to the breaking point, or beyond, and hopefully you never will.. This is a man that sounds like he is way beyond the breaking point, and totally helpless.


Main Streeter
vraiblonde said:
Sounds like a voice message. I'll bet Kim took it to the media because she wanted the whole world to know what an ass this guy is.

CNN article claims that it was made public in violation of a court order.


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
There are allegations of spousal abuse, known attacks on photographers, his own belligerent rantings on various talk shows, now this tape. This is not Tom Hanks.

1+1=2, Bob.
Allegations that never led to an arrest.. attacks photographers to protect this same child's privacy.. I don't see any record of him wantonly attacking photogragphers, but he did stand up to them to protect his daughter.

I don't like the guy, I don't like his politics, but he's a dad like me.. and being a dad I hear what I hear, you don't. You hear something totally different.

You threaten me with the loss of my child, and I'll lose it too..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sharon said:
No one wins by making this public. It was done to manipulate.
Maybe the reason Kim doesn't want him around the kid is because he's abusive? And maybe she's getting tired of being portrayed as the "bad guy" or even "part" of the problem? Maybe she wanted the world to see exactly what she's been putting up with since she made the colossal mistake of hooking up with him in the first place?

Who knows? Public people live their lives in the public eye. It's just the way it is and despite all their demands for privacy, it's the very last thing they want or they wouldn't have chased fame so hard.


New Member

I can understand Bobs point... in a way.

But you are forgetting something...this child IS coherent.
And a parent cant FORCE a child to take a phone call.
He cant force her to take a phone call from her mom , and her mom cant make her take a phone call from her dad.

Its kind of apparent to figure that things have been like this for a while with these people. Always angry.

I still say that the child is in the right for not taking a call with all this anger if she doesnt want to. I wonder what is going on in Irlelands mind knowing that all this is going on about the message that he left , that was publicized.

She's bound to be angry, confused, hurt, needing a serene place to deal with all of whats going on around her.

SHes old enough to avoid a hurtful phone call.. but not yet old enough to deal with the adult issues and her parents anger from years gone by, and current that are going on.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
but he's a dad like me..
Not all Dads are the same. Some Dads abuse their children. Some slap their wives around. Some sit around smoking crack all day.

So you cannot say he's a Dad "like you" because you really don't know what kind of Dad he is.


All Up In Your Grill
itsbob said:
Like I said, you've never been in his situation, you've never been to the breaking point, or beyond, and hopefully you never will.. This is a man that sounds like he is way beyond the breaking point, and totally helpless.

I don't care for Alec or Kim, they are both loons as far as I'm concerned. This tape should never have been brought out in the public. And no, he shouldn't have talked to his child that way, but I'll admit I've kirked out on my kids - there isn't a parent who hasn't.

I'm being completely sympathetic to your stand on this subject, Bob, but the fact remains that he CHOSE to leave a recorded message on a phone. So that his child can choose to save it and replay it over and over again, to reaffirm her shame/disgust/hatred of her father; so that Kim can replay it over and over again to prove her point that he is a loose cannon, and so the courts can hear it over and over again to prove that he is not deserving of his child. At the end of his rope or not, that's the last thing anyone should do, to leave a cruel and THREATENING voicemail message. It's against the law to tap your phone, but he left those comments, knowing it was being recorded. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
InsanelyBusy said:
She's bound to be angry, confused, hurt, needing a serene place to deal with all of whats going on around her.
Or maybe she's used to it and says, "Oh look - it's Daddy again :rolleyes:"


New Member
True Vri.

I can definiteley envision that.

I still feel badly for the kid.
I think shes been thru enough...whether she is a brat or not..LOL


* * * * * * * * *
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vraiblonde said:
Maybe she wanted the world to see exactly what she's been putting up with since she made the colossal mistake of hooking up with him in the first place?

Ah, the bitter woman theory. :yay:

Maybe the reason Kim doesn't want him around the kid is because he's abusive?
The courts are in control of that issue not the public.


New Member
Ive seen parents who forget that the kid is an individual, and only that parents think about how parents feel. And the ball keeps rolling....

They deal with the parental issues, and forget that the kid has feelings.
its sad.

They forget who is truly caught up in the situation, and who needs a positive example to look forward to, the most.


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:
Like I said, you've never been in his situation, you've never been to the breaking point, or beyond, and hopefully you never will.. This is a man that sounds like he is way beyond the breaking point, and totally helpless.

That is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard you say.

No, I haven't been in that situation..but there are some situations that you don't have to be in to know that it's wrong. He doesn't sound like he's beyond the breaking point, he sounds like a raving lunatic. If he was so upset about possibly losing his daughter, he went about it the complete wrong way. He spoke to her like she is trash. She is 11 years old.

Have you actually listened to it?! I can't see how anyone could listen to that tape and not think he was wrong. :rolleyes: