That episode and the big "shocking twist" ... VERY disappointing.
I missed it. Hopefully they will replay it or I cam watch it online.
That episode and the big "shocking twist" ... VERY disappointing.
Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuck need Jesus. This is some seriously ####ed up, demented ####.
Why do y'all watch it? I stopped after the first season. Just watch the current events in America, and you will be more scared. Seriously, I don't get the draw to this show.![]()
It's called entertainment. Some of us, those of us who have lives, like to be entertained. And, guess what, American Horror Story is VERY entertaining.
Thanks for the reply, Dip (former friend). To each his own. What ever entertains you is not my biz. JMO, yo.
As far as your comment about those of us that have lives, was stupid. I have a life, too, and spend my time on other things other than watching stupid tv shows. JMO, yo.
I spend a lot of time doing a lot of things. This is like the second time you've come on here with a chip attitude about people watching TV shows when there's so much going on in the world.
Well, I can't help you on your priorities. I can say I refuse to watch idiot tv. That's all. Happy viewing.
Edit: I do want to add that I grew up in a household that didn't allow tv; except for Sunday night Disney. Sorry, to jump the shark in this thread, but I have my beliefs, and I'm stickin' to 'em. That is why I was playing Classical music on the piano at the age of 6. That's entertainment. The World is in a world of hurt. JMO.
Why don't you just shut the phuck up!?! This thread is not all about you and your phucking "opinions". I usually really try and practice the old adage, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. That has obviously fallen on your daft ears.
I almost always refrain from commenting on yours, but you just really strike me wrong this morning. Probably because I am coming down with something and don't feel well.
Have a phucking splendid day. Bitch.
I'll watch it this evening when I get home.No kidding. Tonight =![]()
That was cathartic.![]()
Why don't you just shut the phuck up!?! This thread is not all about you and your phucking "opinions". I usually really try and practice the old adage, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. That has obviously fallen on your daft ears.
I almost always refrain from commenting on yours, but you just really strike me wrong this morning. Probably because I am coming down with something and don't feel well.
Have a phucking splendid day. Bitch.
I'll watch it this evening when I get home.
That was cathartic.![]()
I have precious little spare time and how I spend it is up to me. Nunya and all that jazz, littlepsycholady.
I have precious little spare time and how I spend it is up to me. Nunya and all that jazz, littlepsycholady.
Just finished watching. WOW!!!
I watched it twice as I missed some of it the first time. Wow is putting it mildly.![]()