They have sacrificed their intellects for comfort. There's nothing wrong with that, It's a very human thing to do. It's like drinking beers.
However this sort of view doesn't stand up to any sort of empirical criticism. Logic and rationality are what the world needs right now, not more religious zealots.
Logic and rationality, in this context, brought us the USSR, Communist China and N. Korea; where practicing such beliefs are banned. What's rational about that? Logic and rationality, in this context, removes personal responsibility and replaces it with government manated thinking.
In both of their true contexts – logic and religious belief – neither are rational. There is no rationality in a God. It goes aganst every physical aspect of our lives. Humans reject the thought of a spirit and a God that created it because it can’t be detected with the senses. Logic fails because it attempts to disclaim that which cannot, in the fathom of believers, be disclaimed and it tries to disclaim that which is not logical from a physical standpoint.
So, what are you left with…………………. Faith. You cannot take away my faith with logic. It’s something you have to come to understand on your own and it is not influenced by any other person. Your logic completely dismisses (let alone underestimates) the power of my God. And that’s where you will always miss the mark.