Anti-Choice Amendment Restricts Abortion Funding

Go G-Men

New Member
Who is doing that? All that's being blocked is federal funding, i.e. our tax dollars.

This is senator Vitters stance towards pro-life. From his webpage...

As a strong believer in the dignity and sanctity of all human life, I stand with many other Louisianans in defense of those who cannot defend themselves. Together, we work daily to turn the tide toward respecting, protecting, and dignifying innocent human life.

To this end, I have supported all pro-life measures before Congress, including:

* Supporting an immediate ban on partial birth abortions.
* Expanding tax credits and other support for adoption.
* Authoring legislation that would absolutely prohibit taxpayer funding to private providers of abortion services.
* Supporting a full ban on human cloning.
* Authoring legislation to codify safety measures designed to protect the health of women who use RU-486, responding to the misguided and politicized approval of the drug.
* Participating in National Adoption Awareness Month.
* Supporting legislation requiring that pregnant mothers be provided information on their unborn child's ability to experience pain 20 weeks after fertilization.
* Supporting legislation prohibiting the transportation of a minor across state lines for the purpose of obtaining an abortion.

Didn't see anything about taxes???


professional daydreamer
Wow. I'm a firm believer in choice. If you feel you can't handle the responsibility of having a kid and you somehow manage to get should have that option to have an abortion...ON YOUR OWN dime.

I do not want to pay for all of the stupid young ladies (or anyone for that matter) getting pregnant and not understanding how...after having unprotected sex with different men each week.

What about all the stupid men who hop from bed to bed, unprotected, getting the stupid women pregnant? Don't be so one way. It takes two to tango.


Well-Known Member
What about all the stupid men who hop from bed to bed, unprotected, getting the stupid women pregnant? Don't be so one way. It takes two to tango.

are you serious? I actually KNEW someone would go there in some way :lol:

Why did it have to be you mAlice?

Is the man FORCING the woman to not use protection? I mean..anything. BC, the pill, a diaphram, ect ect.

the only instance it wouldn't apply is rape...and I'm actually all for paying taxes so that a victim who is PROVEN to have been raped is not forced to pay for an abortion for a baby she doesn't want.


professional daydreamer
are you serious? I actually KNEW someone would go there in some way :lol:

Why did it have to be you mAlice?

Is the man FORCING the woman to not use protection? I mean..anything. BC, the pill, a diaphram, ect ect.

the only instance it wouldn't apply is rape...and I'm actually all for paying taxes so that a victim who is PROVEN to have been raped is not forced to pay for an abortion for a baby she doesn't want.

And a guy can't insist on wearing a condom? :rolleyes: You're one of those guys that thinks it's the womans responsibility, which means you're gonna' knock one up. Stand by. Hope you have a decent savings account.

Go G-Men

New Member
the only instance it wouldn't apply is rape...and I'm actually all for paying taxes so that a victim who is PROVEN to have been raped is not forced to pay for an abortion for a baby she doesn't want.

If President Bush and Rush Limbaugh had there way abortions by rape victims would be illegal as well...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What about all the stupid men who hop from bed to bed, unprotected, getting the stupid women pregnant? Don't be so one way. It takes two to tango.

But at the end of the day, the woman is the one who gets pregnant, so it is her responsibility to take precautions. Similar to looking both ways before you cross the street: it's the driver's responsibility to not run you over, but they're not going to be the ones that are injured if they hit you.

You can't count on someone else to make decisions on your behalf when so much is at stake.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have heard...

But at the end of the day, the woman is the one who gets pregnant, so it is her responsibility to take precautions. Similar to looking both ways before you cross the street: it's the driver's responsibility to not run you over, but they're not going to be the ones that are injured if they hit you.
You can't count on someone else to make decisions on your behalf when so much is at stake.

...a bunch of good analogies lately. That is one of the best.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
* Supporting an immediate ban on partial birth abortions.
* Expanding tax credits and other support for adoption.
* Authoring legislation that would absolutely prohibit taxpayer funding to private providers of abortion services.
* Supporting a full ban on human cloning.
* Authoring legislation to codify safety measures designed to protect the health of women who use RU-486, responding to the misguided and politicized approval of the drug.
* Participating in National Adoption Awareness Month.
* Supporting legislation requiring that pregnant mothers be provided information on their unborn child's ability to experience pain 20 weeks after fertilization.
* Supporting legislation prohibiting the transportation of a minor across state lines for the purpose of obtaining an abortion.

In fact, I agree with practically every single one of these points. Show me where he's trying to outlaw abortion and overturn Roe v. Wade.

Go G-Men

New Member
So what? Just because I don't agree with him on his abortion views, that means I have to disagree with him about everything?

No. My point was that he sponsored this bill solely to force his beliefs and religion on the rest of us. That is just my opinion not a fact.

Beyond that I would probably agree with most of his other policy issues.


professional daydreamer
But at the end of the day, the woman is the one who gets pregnant, so it is her responsibility to take precautions. Similar to looking both ways before you cross the street: it's the driver's responsibility to not run you over, but they're not going to be the ones that are injured if they hit you.

You can't count on someone else to make decisions on your behalf when so much is at stake.

That's one way of looking at it, but you notice he didn't have "condom" on the list. I wonder if he'd decline sex if he had to wear one.

I agree with you, and I don't. Yes, a woman should be prepared, but #### happens in the heat of the moment. If the guy is willing to stick his pecker there, he should be willing to raise a child.


New Member
While your issue with this is that your tax money is being spent on these abortion I assure that this is a religious issue for the majority of conservatives.
It has nothing to do with religion for me. I am religious, but I see religion as having NO PLACE in politics. In fact, I've said it before.

I think abortion is murder. Because somebody decided to spread their legs and too young or got raped doesn't mean that child doesn't deserve to live. That child (let me guess, you say fetus :rolleyes:) didn't do anything to deserve a premature death.

And, I think religion has had too much a role in what this President has done in the first place.

Go G-Men

New Member
That's one way of looking at it, but you notice he didn't have "condom" on the list. I wonder if he'd decline sex if he had to wear one.

I agree with you, and I don't. Yes, a woman should be prepared, but #### happens in the heat of the moment. If the guy is willing to stick his pecker there, he should be willing to raise a child.

What happens if the condom breaks or your the un-lucky .4 percent when the pill and condom don't work... You are just sh!t out...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

If President Bush and Rush Limbaugh had there way abortions by rape victims would be illegal as well... industrial plant 'raped' the land and created a dicey future for the snail darters and squirrels and whatever the heck owls are supposed to be sacrosanct, would we abort them?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I agree with you, and I don't. Yes, a woman should be prepared, but #### happens in the heat of the moment. If the guy is willing to stick his pecker there, he should be willing to raise a child.

I agree with you. But if he's not willing, she's still going to be pregnant. I always told my girls don't EVER rely on the guy to provide birth control.


professional daydreamer
It has nothing to do with religion for me. I am religious, but I see religion as having NO PLACE in politics. In fact, I've said it before.

I think abortion is murder. Because somebody decided to spread their legs and too young or got raped doesn't mean that child doesn't deserve to live. That child (let me guess, you say fetus :rolleyes:) didn't do anything to deserve a premature death.

And, I think religion has had too much a role in what this President has done in the first place.

Andy, who will raise that child, or the multitudes of unwanted babies, if there is no abortion? You? Not me. I've raised mine. So where do all these unwanted, unaborted babies go?

Go G-Men

New Member
It has nothing to do with religion for me. I am religious, but I see religion as having NO PLACE in politics. In fact, I've said it before.

I think abortion is murder. Because somebody decided to spread their legs and too young or got raped doesn't mean that child doesn't deserve to live. That child (let me guess, you say fetus :rolleyes:) didn't do anything to deserve a premature death.

And, I think religion has had too much a role in what this President has done in the first place.

When you can prove to me scientifically that it is a viable fetus than I may reconsider but you can't because the proofs not out there.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

No. My point was that he sponsored this bill solely to force his beliefs and religion on the rest of us. That is just my opinion not a fact.

Beyond that I would probably agree with most of his other policy issues.

So, if he won't pay for car insurance, he's forcing people to have accidents?