Anti-Choice Amendment Restricts Abortion Funding


professional daydreamer
I agree with you. But if he's not willing, she's still going to be pregnant. I always told my girls don't EVER rely on the guy to provide birth control.

And men should be telling their sons, "don't ever rely on the woman to provide birth control". If they were, maybe fewer little boners would be makin' it to home plate.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What happens if the condom breaks or your the un-lucky .4 percent when the pill and condom don't work... You are just sh!t out...

When that happened to me, my boyfriend and I got married, I gave birth to my child and raised it. :shrug:


New Member
Andy, who will raise that child, or the multitudes of unwanted babies, if there is no abortion? You? Not me. I've raised mine. So where do all these unwanted, unaborted babies go?
I know quite a few people myself who would love to have a child, but physically cannot have their own, in Charles County alone. And, Charles County is a small place mate.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And men should be telling their sons, "don't ever rely on the woman to provide birth control".

Oh, we definitely did that, too. My suggestion to Doug was to look at the girl he wanted to bang, and imagine fighting with her over visitation and money for the next 18 years. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Not a very good analogy... Car insurance vs abortion... Nah.. I'll pass on responding... pick something someone says they shouldn't have to pay for, health insurance, food stamps, housing bail out, you pick, and tell me how that is 'forcing' anything on anyone?

Go G-Men

New Member
When that happened to me, my boyfriend and I got married, I gave birth to my child and raised it. :shrug:

That is very admirable, on both your part and your boyfriends part. In today's society that is only gonna happen in a very few instances especially if the girl is young..

Go G-Men

New Member pick something someone says they shouldn't have to pay for, health insurance, food stamps, housing bail out, you pick, and tell me how that is 'forcing' anything on anyone?

You argument in this case is old... Your saying that Sen. Vitters proposed this bill solely to save the tax payers money... I contend that was not his purpose at all..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My point was that he sponsored this bill solely to force his beliefs and religion on the rest of us. That is just my opinion not a fact.

Well, you know what they say about opinions.

I don't see where he's been particularly over the top on the abortion issue. And I don't see how not using taxpayer funds for abortions is forcing beliefs and religion on anyone. If anything, the ones who WANT taxpayer funded abortion are forcing THEIR beliefs and religion (or lack) on the rest of us.


professional daydreamer
I know quite a few people myself who would love to have a child, but physically cannot have their own, in Charles County alone. And, Charles County is a small place mate.

Quite a few. How many is "quite a few"? How many kids do you think are on welfare, and unwanted, the one's that weren't aborted because there wasn't enough money, or the woman waited too long, right now? How many more do you think they're would be if abortion were illegal? At least twice as many. Do you really believe that there would be enough childless families to cover that?

Go G-Men

New Member
You just nailed it, dead on target. Those three words say it all.

It is unfortunate but true... I propose we start small like teaching these youngsters manners and respect for each other and their elders and maybe we can evolve back to being responsible for our actions.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And there...

Andy, who will raise that child, or the multitudes of unwanted babies, if there is no abortion? You? Not me. I've raised mine. So where do all these unwanted, unaborted babies go? is; the wealthiest nation in the world, the one that has no real border and will let pretty much anyone in, from anywhere for any reason, has no room, among all the things we pizz money away on, for raising and educating unwanted kids, no more orphanages, so, we kill them.

THAT is the issue.


professional daydreamer
Well, you know what they say about opinions.

I don't see where he's been particularly over the top on the abortion issue. And I don't see how not using taxpayer funds for abortions is forcing beliefs and religion on anyone. If anything, the ones who WANT taxpayer funded abortion are forcing THEIR beliefs and religion (or lack) on the rest of us.

I think it's a good idea. Obviously, we're not gonna' drug test welfare recipients, and they're gonna' keep spittin' 'em out, so...


professional daydreamer is; the wealthiest nation in the world, the one that has no real border and will let pretty much anyone in, from anywhere for any reason, has no room, among all the things we pizz money away on, for raising and educating unwanted kids, no more orphanages, so, we kill them.

THAT is the issue.

I disagree. I think public assistance is the issue.


New Member
Quite a few. How many is "quite a few"? How many kids do you think are on welfare, and unwanted, the one's that weren't aborted because there wasn't enough money, or the woman waited too long, right now? How many more do you think they're would be if abortion were illegal? At least twice as many. Do you really believe that there would be enough childless families to cover that?
Maybe, then, women would use their head and maybe, then, guys would think with the head that's attached to their shoulders. Right now, people think they can have sex and if something happens, oh well, I'll have an abortion.

Go G-Men

New Member
If anything, the ones who WANT taxpayer funded abortion are forcing THEIR beliefs and religion (or lack) on the rest of us.

Your use of (or lack) is part to my point... The Arch Conservatives would have us believe that anyone who would have or even consider abortion is a heathen....

I wonder what happened to just praying for those who sinned... Maybe that didn't work so they decided to be the judge themselves..