Agreed, total losers. I personally witnessed one chickie that wanted to relocate, leave the hubby and kids behind, for an online person.

Originally posted by Dribbles
I have met lots of nice people from online chat sites. It's not that bad but I do agree. There are some freaks out looking for innocent, gullable souls.
They're everywhere, aren't they?Originally posted by withered
a few of them happened to of been in the same place, same time as me
Originally posted by justhangn
Ok Withered, I find myself asking a question I probably don't want to know the answer to.......BUT........
Why are you looking for an online relationship?
Originally posted by Sharon
I'm not answering his question but I can tell you this...I've heard of guys on AIM/YIM that are looking for online relationships with women and shockingly they tell you they are married. The use every lame duck excuse in the book.
Originally posted by justhangn
I'm just saying that MOST of the people out there were lonely souls looking to fill the void that they perceived at home.
No - YOU won! Remember? We put it to a vote with the rest of the family?Originally posted by Larry Gude
...you WON!!!
Originally posted by Kyle
a mute nymphomaniac who cooks, cleans, can clean fish and field-dress game, drives a corvette and owns a liquor store.
Originally posted by vraiblonde
See, Withered? Online relationships work fine. It's just when we're in the same room together that problems emerge.
Originally posted by withered
Well, that is not always true. I think its just because I have a habbit of walking around nude (which I may point out that the neighbors HATE it when I go to check my mail) and I gave up finding that "special" someone that dosen't mind my "freeness" of my "boys".
I think its just because I have a habbit of walking around nude (which I may point out that the neighbors HATE it when I go to check my mail) and I gave up finding that "special" someone that dosen't mind my "freeness" of my "boys".
Originally posted by withered
Well, that is not always true. I think its just because I have a habbit of walking around nude (which I may point out that the neighbors HATE it when I go to check my mail) and I gave up finding that "special" someone that dosen't mind my "freeness" of my "boys".
Originally posted by SmallTown
I always try to get a mental image of the people on here.. And that, my friend, is one image I could have done without!!