Old Dog said:
Traffic reports... They're not always up to date on the SOMD stations. But then they aren't on the DC stations either. I've sat in a backup for 30 minutes without the backup being mentioned on WTOP.
I've been in backups that last most of the evening or half the morning, and *never* hear anything on the radio. (To be fair, though, I've sat in jams going from B-W parkway all the way to 270, and also never heard a word - BUT - *still* hear traffic reports saying "there's nothing wrong over in *Virginia*".
I'm convinced that Washington area traffic reports exist for one reason - Northern Virginia. When I lived in the Maryland burbs, it was very rare I got anything about Maryland, unless it was 270 and Cabin John area - again, benefitting commuters to Northern Virginia.
Traffic reports are USELESS unless they are timely. My commuter bus gets heads-up alerts so they can adjust their route. It doesn't do me any good to know there's a backup somewhere AFTER I'VE BEEN IN IT for a half hour.
On the other hand, if there's a backup going over the bridge to Solomon's either way, it doesn't matter when I hear about it, because there are no alternate routes.