Anyone interested in CRE talk?


New Member
The committee that is supposed to be available to advise the Commissioners on the infrastructure needs of communities like ours is called COIAC [Common Ownership Infrastructure Advisory Committee].... So it fits....

You may not approve of the name of the committee but it's there for them to use and a few of us have already done part of the research.... we just need to update our information some...


Brick wall


New Member
Any time I say something someone doesn't approve of.... there are plenty of people who will be there and ready to post something mean....:coffee:

Anyway.... Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the video from the Special Taxing District hearing the other night?

Guess I could go over to the Courthouse and ask. I work right next door to it. I'm just wondering if there's something I can download on a laptop to show it through the system. A link would be helpful,

I'd like to try to add it to the agenda Saturday.



New Member
Let's face it, people have been paying into a Special Taxing District for the last 15 years, and probably will pay into it for the next five years, and will still live on an unpaved road.

"this is not the end-all be-all of Special Taxing Districts. When will all the roads get paved... Never???"

The County Commissioners at their Tuesday, June 12 meeting were told by Terry Carlson (departmental public works) that after the end of this proposed five-year Special Taxing District that all of POACRE roads would most likely be paved. I believe that to be absolutely inaccurate.

With the cost of paving, and the amount roads that need to be paved, there's no way that the $4.7 million that are allocated in the next Special Taxing District to roads improvements, are going to pave the rest of the homeowners association roads. At a cost of nearly $1 million per mile to pave a road, you can do the math and figure out how many miles of currently unpaved roads will be paved with the next Special Taxing District funds.

Another issue that the County Commissioners had, was that the petition submitted by the Board of Directors did not include a scope of work that identified what roads would be paved in this new Special Taxing District. The County attorney also backed up that claim saying:

Though it is not clear which, if any, unpaved roads are proposed to be paved or what priory new paving has, if any, over maintenance of paved roads.

Unfortunately I believe the utility of a Special Taxing District is quickly coming to an end. It was a Band-Aid on a larger problem 15 years ago, and that Band-Aid can no longer address the problem.

I've seen some ideas on here and and heard of some others that should be explored. There should be other options for a more complete solution to our roads. Multiple options should be explored, presented the membership, and allow the membership to vote to steer the community and what they support, feel comfortable with and believe is the best direction for community.


New Member

I'm looking for the public comment section. This is the Commissioner's discussion before the meeting occurred.

I'm really afraid the Special Taxing District #4 is going to pass in its entirety because the Commissioners feel that the all the remaining roads will be paved at the end of this 5 years.

Also... No one has mentioned the $97,000 beetle mitigation reserve that is built into this STD. In order for the people who live on the cliffs to sustain their property... they will need to build something like a wall and the cost of the beetle mitigation for that wall which would span CRE common property would be about $97,000. That does not include the cost of the wall.

[wall may be the wrong word but I'm trying to make the point that no one is talking about it]



New Member
I'm looking for the public comment section. This is the Commissioner's discussion before the meeting occurred.

I'm really afraid the Special Taxing District #4 is going to pass in its entirety because the Commissioners feel that the all the remaining roads will be paved at the end of this 5 years.

Also... No one has mentioned the $97,000 beetle mitigation reserve that is built into this STD. In order for the people who live on the cliffs to sustain their property... they will need to build something like a wall and the cost of the beetle mitigation for that wall which would span CRE common property would be about $97,000. That does not include the cost of the wall.

[wall may be the wrong word but I'm trying to make the point that no one is talking about it]


I sent an email to the board about this question....

Travis responded....

"The Golden west way funds in the STD petition are NOT for tiger beetle mitigation. I do not recall the STD petition mentioning tiger beetles Those funds are there in case we receive federal aid and are required to contribute monies. If that does not happen then that money will be used for roads improvement. "



New Member
I'm looking for the public comment section. This is the Commissioner's discussion before the meeting occurred.

I'm really afraid the Special Taxing District #4 is going to pass in its entirety because the Commissioners feel that the all the remaining roads will be paved at the end of this 5 years.

Also... No one has mentioned the $97,000 beetle mitigation reserve that is built into this STD. In order for the people who live on the cliffs to sustain their property... they will need to build something like a wall and the cost of the beetle mitigation for that wall which would span CRE common property would be about $97,000. That does not include the cost of the wall.

[wall may be the wrong word but I'm trying to make the point that no one is talking about it]


The tiger beetles are not mentioned in the std Petition. The money in the std for gww is to match funds for federal aid should it become available. There is no planned funding for cliff repair and/or stabilization.


New Member
The tiger beetles are not mentioned in the std Petition. The money in the std for gww is to match funds for federal aid should it become available. There is no planned funding for cliff repair and/or stabilization.

The way I understood what VH was telling the committee was .... first they have to get the mitigation funding.... then engineers would have to come in and approve a plan... then the plan could be put into affect in order to save the property.

VH is still working on getting all the approvals. I asked how much our mitigation costs would be [because CRE owns some of the land they want to protect with the walls] and the amount I got was estimated at $97000.00.

I was told not to worry about that tho because one government agency probably would charge another government agency... or we could trade land for it.... etc.... just wait and see....

Then the same amount shows up under the heading of GWW reserve....

That's why I'm bringing this up Travis.... it's a valid question... right?


New Member

First, WIIFM and apathy are not mutually exclusive. We have both and the both damage the community.

Second, the communication issues stem from incompetence by the managers and the simple frustration the homeowner has that nothing can be done except ignore the problem.

I have spent 10 years trying to point out what is written in plain english in the legal documents and agreements of sale and gotten nowhere because each and every POACRE BOD has fought the truth. Unless we get a BOD that is willing to make some admissions, we will have what we have and that is all that we will have.

I think what we need, as a homeowners association, is for the Board of Directors to initiate an independent legal review our current governing documents. The Association needs to move forward. I believe the first step is to determine where we stand legally with our current government documents, plot of course to update or change the fundamental governance system and move forward to put in place a more modern system with something similar to a common property trust. The Board of Directors should cease to continue building and expanding the Corporation. In my opinion, the private community concept of the Chesapeake Ranch Estate has continued to be diluted throughout the years to the point where we should just be a subdivision of the County with the common property being controlled by a common property trust.


New Member
Did anyone get a video of the meeting itself? I've been checking on the Courthouse site, but it's not on there yet.

Any sound tracks?



New Member
Well.... I would like to talk about CRE.... and it's that time of year again....

If I were to be President on the Board in CRE there are a few things I would change....

1. I would like to see the Board take an active position to get the documents straightened out... There is talk of Municipality again.... that's a question that should be taken to the membership .... the governing documents need to be cleaned up either way the vote goes....

2. I would like to see the question of "Security" brought to the whole membership for vote.... Back in history, before the gates came down, security was a good idea.... now it's an inefficient expense that should be reorganized.... [or not] The question needs to go to the membership....

3. I would like to see if there is a way to get a Bonded roads project that would allow us to finally just pave the rest of the roads..... White Sands did it using the Special Roads District.... Drum Point and CRE are using the Special Taxing District.... It's time to look at more expedient ways to proceed before the cost of paving becomes even more astronomical....

4. The beaches are looking much better.... The clubhouse looks really nice now.... the upkeep and maintenance work is not done tho....I would like to see the boat launch put back in at the beach.... I'm also interested in putting a skate board park in where the Stables are now... The campgrounds needs some attention to make it more attractive to those who would pay to use it [putting money into the fund for other projects].... AND I would like to do something about that horrible looking upper compound across from the Stables.... It's an eye sore....

While I am happy to report.... the last couple of boards have definitely been following the "more maintenance cost & less operations cost" fiscal approach I have been asking for all these years... there is still a lot to be done that the current President hasn't been able to get to....

If you ask me .... which you didn't.... I think the current President did a good job but I'm wondering if he's burning out.... The job of President of the Board is a difficult one.... it takes a lot of time and energy.... it also takes a lot of time away from the family....

I've been holding a director spot on and off for 13 years now.... Maybe it's time I stepped up to do my few years as President of the Board so that I can finally get these few agenda items taken care of.

I admit it.... I have agenda items.... they are listed above.... and most are boldened....

Just saying.... maybe I should nominate myself for a slot as President of the Board.... since the Nominating Committee didn't even bother to call me and ask if I would consider running for the Director spot again.... :coffee:

I know now.... after going to the Special Taxing District that the skateboard park is a no go.... right? About 100 people in the room, at least 25% spoke their mind, a few [less than you can count on your hand] were in favor of the skateboard park.



New Member
If you want leadership vote Travis Scott for president!

What bothers me is some need to come up with their own ideas and stop high jacking.....
Also, re-elect Michael Matters for director..

I'm not a witch I'm bi-polar---- :D


New Member
Std increase

I know now.... after going to the Special Taxing District that the skateboard park is a no go.... right? About 100 people in the room, at least 25% spoke their mind, a few [less than you can count on your hand] were in favor of the skateboard park.


It took about a week for the video of the Special Taxing District hearing for Drum Point to appear on the Board of County Commissioners portion of the Calvert County website. So I would check back every few days, I'm sure the video will be posted soon.

I actually found it completely irresponsible for the Board of Directors to request additional taxation in this economic climate for the purpose of "an immediate need for recreation". The reaction at the public hearing for that additional taxation was probably completely warranted