Anyone like the band Kixx???


New Member you remember th e Benedict Pier...Kix, DC Star, the Road Ducks, Adam Smasher Band....ah memories.....


New Member
Pandora said:
Do we HAVE to admit this. :tap:

Time sure does fly.

Does it really matter? As much as I feel it may age me, trust me, going to see Kixx was truly a blast. Big Hair with tons of Paul Mitchell in it!!! :larry:


New Member
Choklatjunkeee said:
Does it really matter? As much as I feel it may age me, trust me, going to see Kixx was truly a blast. Big Hair with tons of Paul Mitchell in it!!! :larry:

I'm sure it was a blast and to answer your original question, I was a huge fan.

I wooooooree mmmyyyy taaupe ooohhttt. :yay:


New Member
Choklatjunkeee said:
Does it really matter? As much as I feel it may age me, trust me, going to see Kixx was truly a blast. Big Hair with tons of Paul Mitchell in it!!! :larry:

Aqua Net in the big pink can


New Member
Pandora said:
I'm sure it was a blast and to answer your original question, I was a huge fan.

I wooooooree mmmyyyy taaupe ooohhttt. :yay:
Oh yeah, watch any open flames!!! seriously, if anyone is intereted in the September show, let me know and I will post.

The last time I saw them in years was about a year ago, and my neck hurt for a week!


New Member
I love Kix, well any hair band that is!

I remember seeing them at Wilmers park. Geeze, I remember people sneaking in in the trunk of cars and I do remember sneaking in under the fence a time or two.

Why did we do that? It wasn't like it cost that much to get in! Its wear I drank my first white russian! Underage ofcourse!


New Member
How's This For The Good Ol Days....

I've got front row tickets for Poison's 20th anniversary tour with Cinderella opening this coming Wednesday night! Now that's what I call a good time!


New Member
sinwagon said:
I love Kix, well any hair band that is!

I remember seeing them at Wilmers park. Geeze, I remember people sneaking in in the trunk of cars and I do remember sneaking in under the fence a time or two.

Why did we do that? It wasn't like it cost that much to get in! Its wear I drank my first white russian! Underage ofcourse!

Sinwagon...Did you live in Calvert County when you went to Wilmers Park?


New Member
OMG!!! I remember when I saw them at Great Mills high school. That high school is the one that had that outdoor auditorium. My brother was friends with one of the guy in the band and man was I ever young...That was almost 15 years ago... Oh man I am getting old...

" Don't tell me no, tell me yeah, yeah, yeah"
My favorite was don't close your eyes and blow my fuse....


New Member
Speedy70 said:
Kix was awesome. I saw them in concert back in the day. I saw someone mentioned Wilmer's. I was there on a weekly basis. :shrug:

BTW - Not sure if anyone mentioned it yet, but Kix and Funny Money both have MySpace pages:

Kix -

Funny Money -

How close was Wilmers Park to you? You could have walked there?