Anyone like the band Kixx???

greyhound said:
How close was Wilmers Park to you? You could have walked there?

Well, it wasn't close enough to walk. :lol: I guess about 10 minutes?

The guy I was dating then lived in Waldorf. We usually left from his house anyway.

Man, those were the days. I wish I still had my hot little outfits that I used to wear there. Not that I could fit into them now anyway. :lmao:
greyhound said:

OMG! :killingme

My first time there was on my 21st birthday. My boyfriend took me there to see Winger. :hot:

Anyway, I decided that I liked the White Russian that I was drinking so much, that I drank it pretty fast. I think by the second one my boyfriend had to almost carry me out of there. I was so sick! I remember the music, but I never remember actually seeing Kip and the band on stage. :ohwell: :lol:


New Member
Speedy70 said:
OMG! :killingme

My first time there was on my 21st birthday. My boyfriend took me there to see Winger. :hot:

Anyway, I decided that I liked the White Russian that I was drinking so much, that I drank it pretty fast. I think by the second one my boyfriend had to almost carry me out of there. I was so sick! I remember the music, but I never remember actually seeing Kip and the band on stage. :ohwell: :lol:
We started going to the 9:30 club after Hammerjacks was torn down.
greyhound said:
Yes.... :lmao: It did!

One time when I was supposed to see Kix was when they were opening for Whitesnake (I think that's who it was). The concert was in Virginia at the Patriot Center. I got all the way to Forestville, getting ready to get on the beltway, when I realized I had forgotten the tickets! I turned back around, flew home, got the tickets, and drove to the concert. By the time we got there, Kix had finished and Whitesnake was coming on stage.

My cousin was so mad that she had missed Kix. She's probably still mad about it. :lmao:


New Member
Speedy70 said:
One time when I was supposed to see Kix was when they were opening for Whitesnake (I think that's who it was). The concert was in Virginia at the Patriot Center. I got all the way to Forestville, getting ready to get on the beltway, when I realized I had forgotten the tickets! I turned back around, flew home, got the tickets, and drove to the concert. By the time we got there, Kix had finished and Whitesnake was coming on stage.

My cousin was so mad that she had missed Kix. She's probably still mad about it. :lmao:
And your positive that you did not pass out at the Duran Duran concert? :lmao:

Just Kidding
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New Member
I miss the Bayou!! :bawl: Good Times!! Hangin' out with Anthrax under the bus:lmao:

JAxx is where I used to meet my friends who open for Overkill:yahoo:

What happened to Ronnie's band Jeremy and the Suicides??Steve is a punk !

ANyone remember The Outcrowd??

Long live the 80's :larry:


New Member
fttrsbeerwench said:
I miss the Bayou!! :bawl: Good Times!! Hangin' out with Anthrax under the bus:lmao:

JAxx is where I used to meet my friends who open for Overkill:yahoo:

What happened to Ronnie's band Jeremy and the Suicides??Steve is a punk !

ANyone remember The Outcrowd??

Long live the 80's :larry:

Your talking about different types of bands...We were reminiscing about Hair Bands and where they played.......

But it's ok...carry on.


New Member
L.A. Guns?? They were pretty cool.....:shrug:

I always liked the hard stuff...Except for Motley Crue. Tommy Lee was hot before he got Pamela cooties....


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
Never was into hair bands, Probably the only song I like in the genre would be Kick Start my Heart.

Heart was not a hair band....well they had hair, but were out before the hair bands.


New Member
Choklatjunkeee said:
My friend's band will be opening for Kixx in September, and I was wondering if anyone was a Kixx fan?
"Kool kids! Out on the corner. Kool kids! Out on a limb."

But Cold Shower was my favorite!!!! :dude:


Miller Tang Soo Do Rocks
Funny Money rules.I've seen Steve and the boys 4 or 5 times.He puts on a hell of show every time .I saw your friends band to.


New Member
cdsulhoff said:
OMG!!! I remember when I saw them at Great Mills high school. That high school is the one that had that outdoor auditorium. My brother was friends with one of the guy in the band and man was I ever young...That was almost 15 years ago... Oh man I am getting old...

" Don't tell me no, tell me yeah, yeah, yeah"
My favorite was don't close your eyes and blow my fuse....

:yeahthat: that's the first time i saw them was there at the Ampitheater.. then i saw them when they were "funny money" down at Monks!!


Speedy70 said:
My first time there was on my 21st birthday. My boyfriend took me there to see Winger. :hot:

Small world. I spent my 21st birthday at Hammerjacks as well.

The band there was White Trash and the Badass Brass. They rocked :dude: :larry:

Speedy70 said:
Anyway, I decided that I liked the White Russian that I was drinking so much, that I drank it pretty fast.

I was sticking to Budweiser (12 oz :neener: ) that night. I didn't get sick, but I paid for every beer the next morning.


New Member
I like Kix band! Where are the playing at? That would be so cool to rock out with them again, going back to the 80's. Get me the info on this OK


wandering aimlessly
Hmm...I saw Kixx at Benedict Pier and Hammerjacks. Good shows. They've got to be pretty geriatric by now. :lol: